AlMgScZr Powder


Overview of AlMgScZr Powder AlMgScZr powder is an aluminum alloy containing magnesium, scandium and zirconium as the main alloying elements. It exhibits excellent strength, weldability and corrosion resistance while maintaining the low density advantage of aluminum. Key properties and advantages of AlMgScZr powder include: AlMgScZr Powder Properties and Characteristics Properties Details Composition Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy Density…

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Overview of AlMgScZr Powder

AlMgScZr powder is an aluminum alloy containing magnesium, scandium and zirconium as the main alloying elements. It exhibits excellent strength, weldability and corrosion resistance while maintaining the low density advantage of aluminum.

Key properties and advantages of AlMgScZr powder include:

AlMgScZr Powder Properties and Characteristics

Properties Details
Composition Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy
Density 2.7 g/cc
Particle shape Spherical
Size range 10-75 microns
Apparent density Up to 60% of true density
Flowability Excellent
Strength Very high for Al alloy powder
Weldability Excellent

AlMgScZr powder enables fabrication of lightweight structural and functional components across aerospace, automotive, and industrial sectors needing high specific strength.

AlMgScZr Powder Composition

Typical composition of AlMgScZr powder:

AlMgScZr Powder Composition

Element Weight %
Aluminum Balance
Magnesium 0.2-1%
Scandium 0.2-0.7%
Zirconium 0.05-0.25%
Silicon 0.1% max
Iron 0.1% max
Copper 0.1% max
  • Aluminum forms the matrix providing low density
  • Magnesium enhances strength through solid solution strengthening
  • Scandium enables precipitation hardening for peak strength
  • Zirconium promotes fine recrystallized grain structure
  • Other elements present only as impurities

The composition is optimized to maximize the precipitation hardening response and deliver exceptional strength.

AlMgScZr Powder

AlMgScZr Powder Physical Properties

AlMgScZr Powder Physical Properties

Property Values
Density 2.7 g/cc
Melting point 640-655¡«C
Electrical resistivity 4.5-5.5 Ã×´Î-cm
Thermal conductivity 150-180 W/mK
Thermal expansion 21-24 x 10^-6 /K
Maximum service temperature 250¡«C
  • Very low density compared to steels and titanium alloys
  • Melting point is moderately high for an aluminum alloy
  • High electrical and thermal conductivity
  • Relatively high CTE necessitates design considerations
  • Can be used for prolonged periods up to 250¡«C

The properties make AlMgScZr well suited for lightweight structural applications across automotive, aerospace and other sectors.

AlMgScZr Powder Mechanical Properties

AlMgScZr Powder Mechanical Properties

Property Values
Yield strength 400-500 MPa
Tensile strength 480-570 MPa
Elongation 7-10%
Hardness 115-150 HB
Shear strength 330 MPa
Fracture toughness 29-35 MPa©|m
  • Very high strength for an aluminum alloy
  • Significantly stronger than other non heat-treatable Al alloys
  • Reasonable ductility in peak aged condition
  • Relatively high fracture toughness
  • Strength can be tailored through aging treatment

The properties make AlMgScZr an exceptional choice for structural parts needing high strength-to-weight ratio.

AlMgScZr Powder Applications

AlMgScZr Powder Applications

Sector Uses
Aerospace Airframes, wings, fuselage skins
Automotive Chassis, suspension parts
Industrial Robot arms, lifting equipment
Additive manufacturing High performance components

Some specific product uses:

  • Aircraft structural frames, bulkheads, wing spars
  • Automotive transmission casings, engine blocks
  • Industrial robot arms, lifting equipment
  • Additive manufacturing of topology optimized components
  • Electronic enclosures needing thermal management

AlMgScZr provides maximum strength with minimum weight penalty across these critical applications.

AlMgScZr Powder Specifications

Key specifications for AlMgScZr powder include:

AlMgScZr Powder Standards

Standard Description
ASTM B951 Standard for precipitation hardened aluminum alloys
DIN 1718 Aluminum and aluminum alloys designations
EN 586-2 Forgings for high strength structural applications
AMS 4413 Aluminum alloy powder compositions for additive manufacturing

These define:

  • Chemical composition limits of AlMgScZr
  • Required mechanical properties in peak aged condition
  • Approved powder production method – inert gas atomization
  • Impurity limits for elements like Fe
  • Quality testing protocols
  • Proper handling and storage

Meeting certification requirements ensures optimal alloy performance.

AlMgScZr Powder Particle Sizes

AlMgScZr Powder Particle Size Distribution

Particle Size Characteristics
10-25 microns Ultrafine powder used in laser AM processes
25-45 microns Common size range for laser bed and binder jetting
45-75 microns Larger sizes used in cold spraying
  • Finer powder provides higher resolution and surface finish
  • Coarser powder suitable for high deposition rate processes
  • Size range tailored based on AM production method used
  • Spherical morphology maintained in all sizes

Controlling particle size distribution and shape is critical for AM processing, packing density, and final part properties.

AlMgScZr Powder Apparent Density

AlMgScZr Powder Apparent Density

Apparent Density Details
Up to 60% of true density For spherical powder shape
1.5 – 1.7 g/cc Improves with greater packing density
  • Spherical morphology provides high apparent density
  • Higher density improves powder flow and bed packing in AM
  • Reduces entrapped gas porosity in final part
  • Maximizing density minimizes press cycle time

Higher apparent density results in better manufacturing productivity and part performance.

AlMgScZr Powder Production Method

AlMgScZr Powder Production

Method Details
Gas atomization High pressure inert gas breaks up molten metal stream into fine droplets
Vacuum induction melting High purity input materials melted in vacuum
Multiple remelting Improves chemical homogeneity
Sieving Classifies powder into different particle size fractions
  • Gas atomization with inert gas produces clean, spherical powder
  • Vacuum processing minimizes gaseous impurities
  • Multiple remelts improve uniformity of composition
  • Post-processing provides particle size distribution control

Fully automated methods combined with stringent quality control result in consistent AlMgScZr powder suitable for critical applications.

AlMgScZr Powder Pricing

AlMgScZr Powder Pricing

Factor Impact on Price
Purity grade Price increases for higher purity
Particle size Ultrafine powder more expensive
Order quantity Price reduces for bulk orders
Production method Use of multiple remelts increases cost
Packaging Argon filled cylinders cost more

Indicative Pricing

  • AlMgScZr powder: $80-120 per kg
  • Large volume pricing can be up to 40% lower

Pricing depends on purity, particle size, order volume, production method, and packaging.

AlMgScZr Powder Suppliers

AlMgScZr Powder Suppliers

Company Location
Rio Tinto Canada
TLS Technik Germany
Sandvik Osprey UK
Praxair USA
AMC Powders UK
Riga Technical University Latvia

Selection factors for suppliers:

  • Powder grades and particle sizes offered
  • Production capacity and lead times
  • Quality control and consistency
  • Compliance with specifications like ASTM B951
  • Pricing levels based on order volume
  • Technical expertise and customer support

AlMgScZr Powder Handling and Storage

AlMgScZr Powder Handling

Recommendation Reason
Ensure proper ventilation Avoid exposure to fine metallic particles
Use appropriate PPE Prevent accidental inhalation or ingestion
Avoid ignition sources Powder can combust in oxygen atmosphere
Follow safe protocols Reduce health and fire hazards
Store sealed containers Prevent contamination or oxidation

AlMgScZr powder is relatively stable but general precautions are still recommended for safe handling and maintaining purity.

AlMgScZr Powder Inspection and Testing

AlMgScZr Powder Testing

Test Details
Chemical analysis Verifies composition using OES or XRF spectroscopy
Particle size distribution Laser diffraction analysis
Apparent density Hall flowmeter test per ASTM B212 standard
Powder morphology SEM imaging of particle shape
Flow rate analysis Gravity flow rate through specified nozzle
Moisture measurement Loss on drying test

Testing ensures the powder meets the required chemical purity, particle characteristics, apparent density, morphology, and flow specifications as per applicable standards.

AlMgScZr Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of AlMgScZr Powder

  • Very high strength for an aluminum alloy
  • Retains strength up to 250¡«C
  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • High fracture toughness and fatigue strength
  • Good weldability using conventional techniques
  • Low density provides weight savings

Limitations of AlMgScZr Powder

  • Relatively expensive compared to other aluminum grades
  • Requires controlled heat treatment for optimal properties
  • Limited high temperature creep resistance
  • Restricted hot formability in peak aged condition
  • Susceptible to galvanic corrosion if improperly protected

Comparison With 6061 Aluminum Alloy Powder

AlMgScZr vs 6061 Al Alloy Powder

Parameter AlMgScZr 6061 Al
Density 2.7 g/cc 2.7 g/cc
Tensile strength 480-570 MPa 250-310 MPa
Yield strength 400-500 MPa 55-275 MPa
Weldability Excellent Good
Corrosion resistance Excellent Good
Cost High Low
Uses Aerospace, automotive General applications
  • AlMgScZr provides much higher strength and corrosion resistance
  • 6061 Al offers moderate strength at low cost
  • AlMgScZr preferred for critical structural components
  • 6061 Al widely used for general applications

AlMgScZr Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of AlMgScZr powder?

A: Key applications are aerospace components like airframes and wings, automotive parts like chassis and wheels, industrial robot arms and lifting equipment, and additive manufacturing of high performance topology optimized components.

Q: How does scandium strengthen AlMgScZr alloy?

A: Scandium enables precipitation hardening by forming nano-scale Al3Sc precipitates during aging treatment. This impedes dislocation movement substantially increasing the strength.

Q: What precautions should be taken when working with AlMgScZr powder?

A: Recommended precautions include proper ventilation, avoiding ignition sources, using appropriate PPE, following safe handling protocols, inert atmosphere, and storing sealed containers away from moisture or contaminants.

Q: How does AlMgScZr compare with AlZnMgCu alloy powder?

A: AlMgScZr provides higher strength, weldability, and corrosion resistance than 7000 series Al alloys like AlZnMgCu. It is preferred for critical structural parts while AlZnMgCu is more economical.

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