Prášek K403 na bázi nikluPřehled prášku K403 na bázi niklu Prášek K403 je prášek ze slitiny niklu, chromu, železa a molybdenu. Vykazuje vynikající odolnost proti oxidaci, korozi a tepelně únavovému praskání. K403 má dobrou fázovou stabilitu při vysokých teplotách. Mezi hlavní vlastnosti prášku K403 patří: Vynikající pevnost při vysokých teplotách a odolnost proti tečení Odolává oxidaci a žárové korozi až do 1150 ¡"C Zachovává si vlastnosti při...
Nejlepší prášek in718 pro 3D tiskPřehled prášku IN718 IN718 je precipitačně tvrditelná superslitina na bázi niklu, která se díky své dobré pevnosti, odolnosti proti korozi, svařitelnosti a zpracovatelnosti široce používá pro aditivní výrobu. Tento článek obsahuje podrobného průvodce práškem IN718. Mezi klíčové aspekty, kterými se zabývá, patří složení, vlastnosti, parametry AM tisku, aplikace, specifikace, dodavatelé, manipulace, kontrolní metody, porovnání s alternativami, klady...
Best IN738 powder for 3D printing in 2023Overview of IN738 Powder for 3D Printing IN738 is a nickel-based superalloy powder that is widely used for additive manufacturing of high-performance metal parts. It combines excellent mechanical properties at high temperatures with processability, making it an ideal choice for 3D printingaerospace and industrial components. This article provides a comprehensive guide to IN738 alloy powder…
Best IN939 Powder for 3D Printing in 2023Overview of IN939 Powder for 3D Printing IN939 is a high-performance nickel-based superalloy powder designed for additive manufacturing of critical components needing exceptional mechanical properties at high temperatures. This article provides a comprehensive guide to IN939 powder for 3D printing applications across aerospace, automotive, energy and industrial sectors. Key aspects covered include IN939 composition, properties,…
Best Hastelloy X Powder÷High temperature alloy Powder for 3D PrintingOverview of Hastelloy X Powder Hastelloy X is a nickel-based superalloy powder known for its excellent high temperature strength, oxidation resistance, and fabricability. It has applications in the aerospace, industrial, and energy industries where parts are exposed to extreme environments. This article provides a comprehensive guide to Hastelloy X powder. It covers the composition, properties,…
Best inconel 718 powder for 3D printingOverview of Inconel 718 Powder Inconel 718 is a precipitation hardenable nickel-based superalloy powder widely used for additive manufacturing across aerospace, oil & gas, power generation and automotive industries. This article provides a detailed guide to Inconel 718 powder. Key aspects covered include composition, properties, AM print parameters, applications, specifications, suppliers, handling, inspection methods, comparisons…
Inconel 625 Powder÷Nickel based superalloy in625 powderInconel 625 powder is a nickel-based superalloy that possesses high strength properties and resistance to elevated temperatures. Inconel 625 (Alloy 625, UNS N06625) is widely used for its high strength, excellent fabricability (including joining), and outstanding corrosion resistance. Its service temperatures range from cryogenic to 1800¡«F (982¡«C). High tensile, creep, and rupture strength, outstanding fatigue…
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