AlSiMg Powder


Our company£ªs gas atomized AlSiMg powder, good sphericity, low oxygen content, good present, aluminum alloys used in metal 3D printing mainly include AlSi12 and AlSi10Mg,they are lightweight additive metal powders with good thermal properties. It can be applied to thin-wall parts such as heat exchangers and other automotive parts, and also can be applied…

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Our company£ªs gas atomized AlSiMg powder, good sphericity, low oxygen content, good present, aluminum alloys used in metal 3D printing mainly include AlSi12 and AlSi10Mg,they are lightweight additive metal powders with good thermal properties. It can be applied to thin-wall parts such as heat exchangers and other automotive parts, and also can be applied to aerospace and aerospace industrial grade prototype and production parts; The silicon/magnesium combination gives aluminum alloy strength and hardness, making it suitable for thin-walled and complex geometries, especially in applications with good thermal properties and low weight.

Due to its superior performance of light weight and high strength, magnesium aluminum alloy has been widely used in the lightweight demand of manufacturing industry. In 3D printing technology, it has also become the preferred candidate material of various manufacturers without exception.

AlSiMg Powder


Komponent Al Ano Mg Fe Pb Ne
Standardní % Bal, 9.0-12.0 0.25-0.45 ¨P0.55 ¨P0.05 ¨P0.05
Test% Bal. 10.26 0.37 0.13 0.02 0.01
Komponent Ty Mn Cu Zn 0
Standardní % ¨P0.01 ¡¥0.01 ? ? ?
Test% 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.059

* Remark:Supporting customized according to customer requirements


Velikost (um)
PSD (um)
D10 D50 D90
15-45um ¡¥90 15-25 30-35 40-50
15-53um ¡¥90 15-21 25-30 45-55
45-120um ¡¥50 53-57 89-93 144-152


Strroduct features

  • Good thermal conductivity and wear resistance;
  • Low thermal expansion coefficient;
  • Light weight;
  • High strength.


Gas atomized spherical powder can be used for 3D Printing, Spraying, Brazing, Electronic, Powder metallurgy industry, Solar industry, The lithium battery and other processing technology.

Proces rozmělňování:

Dávkování složek slitiny, tavení v indukční peci se střední frekvencí, vylévání kovového roztoku z vaku, atomizace, sběr ocelového prášku, detekce, třídění, míchání, vážení, balení ze skladu.


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