Prášek Inconel 600

Prášek Inconel 600: Inconel 600 Powder je vysoce ceněn pro svou výjimečnou odolnost vůči vysokým teplotám a korozi, což z něj činí cenný materiál v různých průmyslových odvětvích. Jeho vynikající pevnost a spolehlivost v extrémních prostředích z něj činí preferovanou volbu pro kritické aplikace. Složení Prášek Inconel 600 se skládá z přesných legujících prvků: Hmotnost prvku %...

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Inconel 600 Powder: Overview

Prášek Inconel 600 is highly regarded for its exceptional resistance to high temperatures and corrosion, making it a valuable material across various industries. Its superior strength and reliability in extreme environments make it a preferred choice for critical applications.


Inconel 600 Powder consists of precise alloying elements:

Element Hmotnostní %
Nikl (Ni) 72.0 min
Chrom (Cr) 14.0-17.0
Železo (Fe) 6.0-10.0
Měď (Cu) ≤0.50
Mangan (Mn) ≤1.00
Křemík (Si) ≤0.50
Uhlík (C) ≤0.15


Inconel 600 Powder boasts remarkable properties:

Nemovitost Hodnota
Hustota 8,47 g/cm³
Pevnost v tahu 550-690 MPa
Mez kluzu 240-310 MPa
Prodloužení 30-35%
Tvrdost (HRB) 65-85 HRB
Teplota tání ~1350-1410°C
Tepelná vodivost 14.9 W/m·K
Elektrický odpor 1.03 µΩ·m


Inconel 600 Powder finds extensive applications in aerospace, chemical processing, nuclear, and marine industries for components like jet engine parts, reactor core components, and offshore drilling equipment.

Proces aditivní výroby

Inconel 600 Powder is produced through gas or plasma atomization processes, suitable for additive manufacturing techniques like selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM).

Specifikace prášku

Available in various size ranges, morphologies, and quality levels, Inconel 600 Powder meets specific application requirements.

Standardy a známky

Inconel 600 Powder conforms to industry standards such as ASTM B and AMS 4, ensuring quality and suitability for diverse applications.

Kontrola kvality

Stringent quality control measures, including chemical and particle size analysis, ensure consistency and reliability of Inconel 600 Powder.

Analýza nákladů

Costs vary based on factors like volume, particle size range, and market conditions.

Skladování prášku a manipulace s ním

Proper storage in sealed containers and adherence to handling protocols are crucial to preserve the integrity of Inconel 600 Powder.

Zdraví a bezpečnost

Minimal health risks are associated with Inconel 600 Powder, requiring the use of personal protective equipment during handling and processing.

Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

  1. What are the main advantages of Inconel 600 Powder? Inconel 600 Powder offers exceptional resistance to high temperatures and corrosion, making it suitable for demanding applications in aerospace, chemical processing, and nuclear industries.
  2. Can Inconel 600 Powder be used in additive manufacturing? Yes, Inconel 600 Powder is commonly used in additive manufacturing techniques such as selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM) to produce components with superior strength and resistance to extreme environments.
  3. Is Inconel 600 Powder suitable for aerospace applications? Yes, Inconel 600 Powder is widely used in aerospace applications, including jet engine components, rocket motors, and aircraft exhaust systems, due to its excellent resistance to high temperatures and corrosion.
  4. What are the typical costs associated with Inconel 600 Powder? Costs for Inconel 600 Powder vary based on factors such as volume, particle size range, powder morphology, purity levels, and market conditions.

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