Das beste IN939-Pulver für den 3D-Druck im Jahr 2023


Überblick über IN939-Pulver für den 3D-Druck IN939 ist ein Hochleistungspulver aus einer Superlegierung auf Nickelbasis, das für die additive Fertigung kritischer Komponenten entwickelt wurde, die außergewöhnliche mechanische Eigenschaften bei hohen Temperaturen erfordern. Dieser Artikel bietet einen umfassenden Leitfaden zu IN939-Pulver für 3D-Druckanwendungen in den Bereichen Luft- und Raumfahrt, Automobil, Energie und Industrie. Zu den wichtigsten Aspekten, die behandelt werden, gehören die Zusammensetzung von IN939,...

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Overview of IN939 Powder for 3D Printing

IN939 is a high-performance nickel-based superalloy powder designed for additive manufacturing of critical components needing exceptional mechanical properties at high temperatures. This article provides a comprehensive guide to IN939 powder for 3D printing applications across aerospace, automotive, energy and industrial sectors.

Key aspects covered include IN939 composition, properties, print parameters, applications, specifications, suppliers, handling, inspection, comparisons to alternatives, advantages and limitations, and frequently asked questions. Quantitative data is presented in easy-to-reference tables.

Composition of IN939 Powder

IN939 has a complex precipitation hardening alloy composition:

Element Gew.-% Zweck
Nickel Balanse Element der Hauptmatrix
Chrom 15 – 18 Oxidationsbeständigkeit
Aluminium 3.8 – 4.8 Ausscheidungshärtung
Titan 0.9 – 1.4 Ausscheidungshärtung
Kobalt 12 – 15 Stärkung der festen Lösung
Tantal 3.8 – 4.8 Hartmetall-Former
Kohlenstoff 0.05 – 0.15 Hartmetall-Former
Bor 0.006 – 0.012 Grain boundary strengthener

Trace quantities of zirconium, magnesium and sulphur are also added for enhanced properties.

Properties of IN939 Powder

IN939 possesses an exceptional combination of properties:

Immobilie Beschreibung
hohe Festigkeit Excellent tensile and creep rupture strength up to 1050¡«C
Thermische Stabilität Strength maintained up to 1000¡«C
Creep resistance High stress-rupture life at high temperatures
Oxidationsbeständigkeit Bildet eine schützende Cr2O3-Oxidschicht
Widerstand gegen thermische Ermüdung Widerstandsfähig gegen Rissbildung bei Temperaturschwankungen
Phase stability Microstructure stable after prolonged exposures
Korrosionsbeständigkeit Resistant to hot corrosion, oxidation, sulfidation

The properties enable use under extreme thermal and mechanical loads.

3D Printing Parameters for IN939 Powder

Typical AM processing parameters for IN939 include:

Parameter Typischer Wert Zweck
Schichtdicke 20-50 Ãx m Resolution vs build speed
Laserleistung 250-500 W Ausreichendes Schmelzen ohne Verdunstung
Scan-Geschwindigkeit 800-1200 mm/s Density vs production rate
Abstand zwischen den Luken 100-200 Ã×m Mechanische Eigenschaften
Unterstützungsstruktur Minimal Einfache Entfernung
Heißisostatisches Pressen 1160¡«C, 100 MPa, 3h Beseitigung von Porosität

Parameters are optimized for attributes like density, microstructure, build rate, and post-processing requirements.

Applications of 3D Printed IN939 Parts

Additively manufactured IN939 components serve critical applications including:

Industrie Komponenten
Luft- und Raumfahrt Turbinenschaufeln, Leitschaufeln, Brennkammern
Energieerzeugung Heißgaspfadteile, Wärmetauscher
Automotive Turboladerräder, Ventile
Chemische Verarbeitung Pumpen, Ventile, Reaktionsgefäße

Benefits over conventionally processed IN939 include complex geometries and reduced lead time.

Specifications of IN939 Powder for 3D Printing

IN939 powder for AM must meet exacting specifications:

Parameter Spezifikation
Teilchengrösse 15-45 Ã×m typisch
Partikelform Sphärische Morphologie
Anscheindichte > 4 g/cc
Schüttdichte > 6 g/cc
Hallenflussmenge > 23 Sekunden für 50 g
Reinheit >99,9%
Sauerstoffgehalt <100 ppm

Tighter tolerances, custom size distributions, and controlled impurity levels available.

Suppliers of IN939 Powder

Reputable suppliers of IN939 powder include:

Anbieter Ort
Sandvik Osprey Großbritannien
Carpenter Additive Vereinigte Staaten
Praxair Vereinigte Staaten
AP&C Kanada
Erasteel Schweden
AMETEK Vereinigte Staaten

Pricing for IN939 powder ranges from $110/kg to over $220/kg based on quality and order volume.

Handling and Storage of IN939 Powder

As a reactive powder, careful handling of IN939 is needed:

  • Store sealed containers in a cool, inert atmosphere
  • Prevent contact with moisture, oxygen, acids
  • Verwenden Sie ordnungsgemäß geerdete Geräte
  • Vermeiden Sie Staubansammlungen, um die Explosionsgefahr zu minimieren.
  • Lokale Entlüftung empfohlen
  • Wear appropriate PPE while handling

Proper techniques and controls prevent IN939 powder oxidation or contamination.

Inspection and Testing of IN939 Powder

IN939 powder is validated using:

Methode Geprüfte Parameter
Siebanalyse Korngrößenverteilung
SEM-Bildgebung Morphologie der Partikel
EDX Chemie und Zusammensetzung
XRD Vorhandene Phasen
Pyknometrie Dichte
Hallenflussmenge Rieselfähigkeit von Puder

Testing per applicable ASTM standards ensures batch consistency.

Comparing IN939 to Alternative Alloy Powders

IN939 compares to other Ni-based superalloys as:

Legierung Hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit Kosten Druckbarkeit Duktilität
IN939 Ausgezeichnet High Ausgezeichnet Niedrig
IN738 Gut Mittel Ausgezeichnet Mittel
IN718 Mäßig Niedrig Gut Ausgezeichnet
Hastelloy X Ausgezeichnet High Mäßig Mittel

For balanced properties and processability, IN939 supersedes alternatives like IN718 or Hastelloy X.

Pros and Cons of IN939 Powder for 3D Printing

Vorteile Nachteile
Exceptional high temperature strength Expensive compared to IN718
Excellent oxidation and creep resistance Significant parameter optimization needed
Komplexe Geometrien realisierbar Limited room temperature ductility
Faster processing than cast/wrought Controlled storage and handling environment
Comparable properties to cast alloy Schwierige Bearbeitung nach dem Druck

IN939 enables high-performance printed parts but with higher costs and controlled processing needs.

Frequently Asked Questions about IN939 Powder for 3D Printing

Q: What particle size range works best for printing IN939?

A: A particle size range of 15-45 microns provides good flowability combined with high resolution and density. Finer particles below 10 microns can improve density and surface finish.

Q: Does IN939 require any post-processing after 3D printing?

A: Post processes like hot isostatic pressing, heat treatment, and machining are usually needed to eliminate porosity, relieve stresses, and achieve final tolerances and surface finish.

Q: What precision can be achieved with IN939 printed parts?

A: After post-processing, dimensional accuracy and surface finish comparable to CNC machined parts can be achieved with IN939 AM components.

Q: Are support structures necessary for printing IN939 powder?

A: Minimal supports are recommended for complex channels and overhangs to prevent deformation and facilitate easy removal. IN939 powder has good flowability.

Q: What alloy powder is the closest alternative to IN939 for AM?

A: IN738 is the closest alternative in terms of balanced properties and maturity for additive manufacturing. Other alloys like IN718 or Hastelloy X have some trade-offs.

Q: Is IN939 compatible with direct metal laser sintering (DMLS)?

A: Yes, IN939 is readily processable by major powder bed fusion techniques including DMLS along with selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM).

Q: What density is achievable with 3D printed IN939 components?

A: With optimized parameters, densities over 99% are achievable, matching properties of traditionally processed IN939 products.

Q: How do the properties of printed IN939 compare to cast alloy?

A: Additively manufactured IN939 exhibits comparable or better mechanical properties and microstructure compared to conventional cast and wrought forms.

Q: What defects can occur when printing with IN939 powder?

A: Potential defects are cracking, distortion, porosity, surface roughness, incomplete fusion etc. Most can be prevented by proper parameter optimization and powder quality.

Q: Is hot isostatic pressing (HIP) mandatory for IN939 AM parts?

A: HIP eliminates internal voids and improves fatigue resistance. For less demanding applications, heat treatment alone may suffice instead of HIP.

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