H13 legiertes Stahlpulver für 3D-Druck


Unsere Stickstoff zerstäubt H13 Stahlpulver hat eine gute Härtbarkeit, thermische Festigkeit, Verschleißfestigkeit und hohe Schlagzähigkeit, thermische Ermüdung, weit verbreitet in der Herstellung von Warmarbeit Formen verwendet. Verschleiß ist eine der wichtigsten Ausfallarten von H13 Stahl Heißarbeitsformen. Die Verbesserung der Oberfläche Verschleißfestigkeit von H13 Stahl ist ein effektiver Weg, um...

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Our nitrogen atomized H13 alloy steel powder has good hardenability, thermal strength, wear resistance and high impact toughness, thermal fatigue, widely used in the manufacture of hot work molds. Wear is one of the main failure modes of H13 steel hot-working die. Improving the surface wear resistance of H13 steel is an effective way to improve the life of die. In this paper, the process parameters and microstructure properties of cemented carbide coating prepared on H13 steel by vacuum powder sintering were studied.

H13 steel matrix was prepared by laser additive manufacturing technology, and Ni/WC composite coating was coated by laser cladding. The hardness of the coating was 16% higher than that of the matrix, and the wear resistance of the coating was twice as high as that of the matrix.?The wear mechanism of additive manufactured H13 steel is adhesion wear and slight oxidation wear, and the wear mechanism of coating is abrasive wear.


Komponente Cr Ja Mo Mn C V
Standard % 4.75-5.5 0.80-1.2 1.10-1.50 0.20-0.50 0.32-0.45 0.8-1.2
Test% 5.28 0.96 1.29 0.39 0.368 1.07
Komponente Ö S P Fe
Standard % ? ? ? Saldo
Test% 0.035 0.004 0.01 Saldo



  1. Appearance¨éGrey spherical or nearly spherical powder
  2. Tapping Density¨é4.46g/m3
  3. Apparent density: 4.01g/m3
  4. Flowability¨é27.22s/50g
  5. Größe: 15-53um
  6. PSD¨éD10=16.58Ã×m¨ÛD50=29.73Ã×m¨ÛD90=53.26Ã×m
Größe (um)
Entnahme Dichte (g/cm3)
Fließfähigkeit (s/50g)
PSD (um)
D10 D50 D90
15-45um 4.4-4.8 ¨P30 20-24 30-35 50-55
15-53um 4.4-4.9 ¨P30 21-26 33-39 52-58
45-120um 4.4-4.8 ¨P30 53-57 89-93 144-152



3D printed H13 alloy steel powder is widely used in Jewelry, Construction, Automotive, Aerospace, Dental and Medical Industries.

Prozess der Pulverisierung:

Alloy ingredient batching, intermediate frequency induction furnace melting, metal solution pouring out of the bag, atomization, steel powder collection, detection, screening, mixing, weighing, packing out of the warehouse.H13 legiertes Stahlpulver für 3D-Druck

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