Polvo metálico para impresión 3D

Descripción general del polvo de impresión 3D metálico

Metal 3D printing is revolutionizing manufacturing, offering unprecedented design flexibility, reduced waste, and the ability to create complex geometries that were previously impossible. Central to this technology is the metal powder used in the printing process. These powders are finely milled metals and alloys that are essential for producing high-quality, reliable 3D printed parts. This guide will delve into various types of metal 3D printing powders, their compositions, properties, applications, and other critical details to help you navigate the world of metal 3D printing.

Types and Compositions of Metal 3D Printing Powders

Polvo metálicoComposiciónPropiedadesCaracterísticas
Acero InoxidableIron, Carbon, Chromium, Nickel, MolybdenumResistencia a la corrosión, solidez, durabilidadIdeal for medical, automotive, and aerospace parts
Titanium Alloy (Ti6Al4V)Titanio, aluminio, vanadioElevada relación resistencia/peso, biocompatibleUsed in aerospace, medical implants, and automotive
Aleación de aluminio (AlSi10Mg)Aluminio, silicio, magnesioLigero, buenas propiedades térmicasPerfect for automotive, aerospace, and tooling
Inconel (IN718)Níquel, cromo, hierro, niobio, molibdenoResistencia a altas temperaturas, resistente a la corrosiónSuitable for aerospace, energy, and high-stress parts
Cromo-cobalto (CoCr)Cobalto, cromo, molibdenoAlta resistencia al desgaste, biocompatibleComún en implantes dentales y ortopédicos
Acero para herramientas (H13)Hierro, carbono, cromo, molibdeno, vanadioGran dureza, resistencia al desgasteUsed for tools, molds, and dies
Acero martensítico envejecido (MS1)Hierro, níquel, cobalto, molibdenoAlta resistencia, buena tenacidadIdeal for high-strength parts and tooling
CobreCobre puroExcelente conductividad térmica y eléctricaUsed in electronics and heat exchangers
BronceCobre, estañoAlta resistencia, buena resistencia al desgasteCommon in art, sculpture, and some engineering parts
Aleación de níquel (Hastelloy X)Níquel, cromo, hierro, molibdenoOxidation and corrosion-resistant, high-temperature stabilitySuitable for chemical processing and aerospace
Polvo metálico para impresión 3D

Aplicaciones de Polvo metálico para impresión 3D

IndustriaAplicaciónPolvo metálico utilizado
AeroespacialEngine components, structural parts, fuel nozzlesTitanio, Inconel, Aluminio
AutomovilísticoLightweight components, engine parts, prototypingAluminio, titanio, acero inoxidable
MédicoImplantes, prótesis, instrumentos quirúrgicosTitanium, Cobalt-Chrome, Stainless Steel
HerramientasMoldes, matrices, herramientas de corteAcero para herramientas, acero martensítico envejecido
EnergíaTurbine blades, heat exchangers, fuel cellsInconel, Copper
ElectrónicaHeat sinks, electrical connectors, antennasCopper, Bronze
Arte y joyeríaSculptures, customized jewelryBronze, Stainless Steel
DefensaBlindaje ligero, componentes estructuralesTitanium, Inconel
Fabricación industrialProduction tooling, custom machinery partsAcero para herramientas, acero martensítico envejecido

Specifications, Sizes, Grades, Standards of Metal 3D Printing Powders

Polvo metálicoTamaño de las partículas (μm)GradoNormas
Acero Inoxidable15-45, 45-106316L, 17-4PHASTM A564, ASTM A240
Titanium Alloy (Ti6Al4V)15-45, 45-905.º gradoASTM B348, ASTM F2924
Aleación de aluminio (AlSi10Mg)15-45, 45-634032, 7075ASTM B209, ASTM B308
Inconel (IN718)15-45, 45-106718ASTM B637, AMS 5662
Cromo-cobalto (CoCr)15-45, 45-106CoCrMoASTM F1537, ISO 5832-4
Acero para herramientas (H13)15-45, 45-90H13ASTM A681
Acero martensítico envejecido (MS1)15-45, 45-106EM1AMS 6514
Cobre15-45, 45-75C101, C110ASTM B170, ASTM B152
Bronce15-45, 45-106C83600ASTM B584
Aleación de níquel (Hastelloy X)15-45, 45-90HXASTM B435, AMS 5536

Suppliers and Pricing Details of Polvos metálicos para impresión 3D

ProveedorPolvo metálicoPrecio (por kg)Disponibilidad
Höganäs ABAcero inoxidable, acero para herramientas$100 – $200Worldwide
Tecnología CarpenterTitanium Alloy, Inconel$300 – $500Norteamérica, Europa
EOS GmbHAluminum Alloy, Maraging Steel$150 – $250Worldwide
SandvikCromo-cobalto, acero inoxidable$200 – $400Worldwide
Aditivos GKNVarious (Custom Orders)$150 – $600Worldwide
Tecnología LPWNickel Alloy, Copper$250 – $450Worldwide
AP&C (Arcam)Titanium Alloy, Inconel$350 – $550Worldwide
Tecnologías de superficie PraxairVarios$150 – $500Norteamérica, Europa
KennametalTool Steel, Cobalt-Chrome$200 – $450Worldwide
RenishawAcero inoxidable, aleación de aluminio$100 – $300Worldwide

Advantages and Disadvantages of Metal 3D Printing Powders

Flexibilidad de diseñoCreate complex geometries, customizationLimited by current printer technology
Eficiencia materialLess waste compared to traditional machiningHigh cost of raw materials
Propiedades MecánicasHigh strength, durability, tailored material propertiesPotential porosity and defects if not properly controlled
Velocidad de producciónFaster prototyping and production timesSlower for large-scale production
CosteReduced tooling and setup costs for small batchesElevada inversión inicial en equipos
SOLICITUDESSuitable for various industries (medical, aerospace, etc.)Not all metals are suitable for 3D printing
PersonalizaciónEasy to customize and iterate designsPost-processing may be required for smooth finishes
SostenibilidadLower material wastage, potential for recycling powdersProceso de alto consumo energético

Comparison of Popular Polvos metálicos para impresión 3D

Polvo metálicoFuerzaDurabilidadCosteLo mejor para
Acero InoxidableAltoExcelenteModeradoMedical, Automotive, Aerospace
Titanium Alloy (Ti6Al4V)Muy altoSobresalienteAltoAerospace, Medical Implants
Aleación de aluminio (AlSi10Mg)ModeradoBienBajoAutomoción, aeroespacial
Inconel (IN718)Muy altoExcellent (High Temp)AltoAeroespacial, Energía
Cromo-cobalto (CoCr)AltoExcelenteAltoMedical Implants, Dental
Acero para herramientas (H13)Muy altoExcelenteModeradoTooling, Molds, Dies
Acero martensítico envejecido (MS1)Extremadamente altoMuy buenoAltoHigh-Strength Parts, Tooling
Cobre Bajo Moderado Bajo Electronics, Thermal Applications
Bronce Moderado Bien Moderado Art, Sculpture
Aleación de níquel (Hastelloy X) Alto Excellent (Corrosion/Heat) Alto Chemical Processing, Aerospace
Polvo metálico para impresión 3D

Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ)

What is metal 3D printing powder?Finely milled metals or alloys used as the raw material for 3D printing metal parts.
How does metal 3D printing work?Using a laser or electron beam to fuse metal powder layer by layer to build up a part from a digital model.
What are the advantages of metal 3D printing?Design flexibility, material efficiency, high mechanical properties, faster prototyping, and reduced waste.
What are the common metals used in 3D printing?Stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, Inconel, cobalt-chrome, tool steel, maraging steel, copper, bronze, nickel.
Can all metals be 3D printed?Not all metals are suitable; some require specific conditions or are not economically feasible to print.
What industries benefit from metal 3D printing?Aerospace, automotive, medical, tooling, energy, electronics, art, defense, and industrial manufacturing.
How do I choose the right metal powder?Consider the application, required properties, cost, and compatibility with your 3D printer.
Is post-processing required for 3D printed metal parts?Often yes, to improve surface finish, mechanical properties, or to remove supports.
What are the challenges of metal 3D printing?High cost, potential defects, limited material choices, and the need for precise control of the printing process.
Where can I buy metal 3D printing powder?From specialized suppliers like Höganäs AB, Carpenter Technology, EOS GmbH, Sandvik, GKN Additive, and others.


Metal 3D printing powders play a crucial role in the additive manufacturing industry, offering the ability to create high-quality, complex parts across various sectors. From aerospace to medical, the choice of metal powder impacts the final product’s performance, cost, and feasibility. Understanding the properties, applications, and specifications of these powders can help you make informed decisions for your manufacturing needs. Whether you’re looking to prototype quickly or produce high-strength, durable components, there’s a metal 3D printing powder suited to your requirements.

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