Acero martensítico envejecido 300 Polvo

Acero martensítico envejecido 300 Polvo: Overview El acero martensítico envejecido 300 en polvo es muy apreciado por su excepcional resistencia y tenacidad, lo que lo convierte en un material fundamental en diversas industrias. Su combinación única de propiedades, que incluyen una alta resistencia a la tracción y una buena ductilidad, lo hacen ideal para aplicaciones que requieren componentes de alto rendimiento. Composición El acero martensítico envejecido 300 en polvo se...

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Maraging Steel 300 Powder: Overview

Acero martensítico envejecido 300 Polvo is highly valued for its exceptional strength and toughness, making it a critical material in various industries. Its unique combination of properties, including high tensile strength and good ductility, makes it ideal for applications requiring high-performance components.


Maraging Steel 300 Powder is meticulously crafted with precise alloying elements:

Elemento Porcentaje de peso
Hierro (Fe) 71.0 min
Níquel (Ni) 18.0-19.0
Cobalto (Co) 8.0-9.5
Molibdeno (Mo) 4.6-5.2


Maraging Steel 300 Powder exhibits outstanding properties:

Propiedad Valor
Densidad 8,1 g/cm³
Resistencia a la tensión 2000-2400 MPa
Resistencia elástica 1800-2200 MPa
Elongación 10-15%
Dureza (HRC) 50-54 HRC
Punto de Fusión ~1420°C
Conductividad térmica 21,6 W/m-K
Resistividad eléctrica 0,75 µΩ-m


Maraging Steel 300 Powder finds extensive applications in aerospace, automotive, and tooling industries for components like aircraft structural parts, automotive safety components, and high-performance tooling.

Proceso de fabricación aditiva

Produced through gas or plasma atomization processes, Maraging Steel 300 Powder is suitable for additive manufacturing techniques such as selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM).

Especificaciones del polvo

Available in various size ranges, morphologies, and quality levels, Maraging Steel 300 Powder meets specific application requirements.

Normas y calificaciones

Maraging Steel 300 Powder complies with industry standards like AMS 4, ensuring quality and suitability for diverse applications.

Control de calidad

Stringent quality control measures, including chemical and particle size analysis, ensure the consistency and reliability of Maraging Steel 300 Powder.

Análisis de costes

The cost of Maraging Steel 300 Powder varies depending on factors such as volume, particle size range, and market conditions.

Almacenamiento y manipulación de polvo

Proper storage in sealed containers and adherence to handling protocols are essential to maintain the integrity of Maraging Steel 300 Powder.

Salud y seguridad

Maraging Steel 300 Powder poses minimal health risks but requires the use of personal protective equipment during handling and processing.

Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ)

  1. What are the main advantages of Maraging Steel 300 Powder? Maraging Steel 300 Powder offers exceptional strength and toughness, making it suitable for high-performance applications in aerospace, automotive, and tooling industries.
  2. Can Maraging Steel 300 Powder be used in additive manufacturing? Yes, Maraging Steel 300 Powder is commonly used in additive manufacturing techniques such as selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM) to produce components with superior strength and performance.
  3. Is Maraging Steel 300 Powder suitable for aerospace applications? Yes, Maraging Steel 300 Powder is widely used in aerospace applications, including aircraft structural parts and high-performance tooling, due to its excellent strength and toughness properties.
  4. What are the typical costs associated with Maraging Steel 300 Powder? Costs for Maraging Steel 300 Powder vary based on factors such as volume, particle size range, powder morphology, purity levels, and market conditions.

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