Poudre métallique atomisée au gaz

Overview of Gas Atomized Metal Powder

Gas atomized metal powders are a crucial component in modern manufacturing, especially in industries like aerospace, automotive, and medical devices. This type of powder is produced by atomizing molten metal into fine particles using a high-pressure gas stream. The result is a powder with excellent sphericity, uniform particle size distribution, and high purity, which makes it ideal for a variety of applications.

The importance of gas atomized metal powders cannot be overstated. These powders are vital in additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, and surface coating processes. Their unique properties enable the production of high-performance components with enhanced mechanical properties, making them indispensable in advanced manufacturing technologies.

Poudre métallique atomisée au gaz

Types de Gas Atomized Metal Powders

Poudre métalliqueCompositionPropriétésCaractéristiques
Acier inoxydable 316LFe, Cr, Ni, MoRésistance élevée à la corrosion, bonne soliditéSpherical shape, uniform particle size
Titane Ti6Al4VTi, Al, VRapport résistance/poids élevé, excellente biocompatibilitéHigh purity, spherical shape
Inconel 718Ni, Cr, Fe, Nb, Mo, Ti, AlRésistance aux températures élevées, résistance à la corrosionHigh flowability, uniform particle distribution
Cobalt-ChromeCo, Cr, MoWear resistance, high hardnessGood sphericity, consistent particle size
Aluminium AlSi10MgAl, Si, MgLéger, bonnes propriétés mécaniquesHigh thermal conductivity, spherical particles
Acier maragingFe, Ni, Co, Mo, TiTrès haute résistance, ténacitéFine microstructure, uniform particles
CuivreCuHaute conductivité électrique et thermiqueSpherical shape, high purity
Acier à outils M2Fe, W, Mo, V, CrRésistance élevée à l'usure, ténacitéConsistent particle size, high density
Nickel Superalloy 625Ni, Cr, Mo, NbExcellente résistance à la fatigue et au fluageHigh flowability, spherical particles
Carbure de tungstèneWCExtreme hardness, high wear resistanceSpherical shape, high melting point

Applications of Gas Atomized Metal Powder

Fabrication additive (impression 3D)Used in producing complex geometries with high precision and minimal waste.
Métallurgie des poudresEnables the creation of high-strength components through sintering and compacting processes.
Projection thermiqueProvides a coating solution for improving surface properties like wear and corrosion resistance.
Pressage isostatique à chaud (HIP)Used to eliminate porosity in cast and sintered parts, improving mechanical properties.
Moulage d'injection métallique (MIM)Allows the production of intricate shapes with fine details in large quantities.
Surface CoatingEnhances surface characteristics such as hardness and corrosion resistance.
Implants biomédicauxUsed to manufacture implants due to biocompatibility and strength properties.
Composants aéronautiquesCreates high-performance parts that withstand extreme conditions.
Pièces automobilesProduces lightweight and high-strength components, improving fuel efficiency and performance.
Electrical and Thermal ConductorsProvides high conductivity materials for electrical and thermal applications.

Spécifications, tailles, qualités, normes

Poudre métalliqueSpécificationTaillesNotesNormes
Acier inoxydable 316LASTM F13815-45µm, 45-100µm316LASTM, ISO
Titane Ti6Al4VASTM B34820-63µm, 45-105µmTi6Al4VASTM, ISO, AMS
Inconel 718AMS 566215-53µm, 45-105µm718AMS, ASTM, ISO
Cobalt-ChromeASTM F7520-53µm, 45-150µmCoCrASTM, ISO
Aluminium AlSi10MgASTM B92820-63µm, 45-105µmAlSi10MgASTM, ISO
Acier maragingAMS 652015-45µm, 45-105µm18Ni300AMS, ASTM
CuivreASTM B17020-63µm, 45-105µmC11000ASTM, ISO
Acier à outils M2ASTM A60015-53µm, 45-150µmM2ASTM, ISO
Nickel Superalloy 625AMS 566615-45µm, 45-150µm625AMS, ASTM, ISO
Carbure de tungstèneASTM B7771-10µm, 10-45µmWCASTM, ISO

Fournisseurs et détails des prix

FournisseurPoudre métalliquePrix (par kg)Notes
AP&CTitane Ti6Al4V$300Poudres de qualité aérospatiale
Carpenter AdditiveAcier inoxydable 316L$80Consistent quality, suitable for various applications
HöganäsAcier maraging$150Specializes in high-strength powder for tooling
SandvikNickel Superalloy 625$200Known for high-performance alloys
GKN AdditiveAluminium AlSi10Mg$70Competitive pricing for automotive applications
HC StarckCarbure de tungstène$400High-quality powders for wear-resistant coatings
Technologie LPWInconel 718$250Focuses on high-temperature applications
Arcam AB (GE Additive)Cobalt-Chrome$220Reliable supplier for medical and dental implants
KennametalAcier à outils M2$90Provides high-strength powders for various industries
TeknaCuivre$60Excellent conductivity powders for electrical uses

Avantages de la Poudre métallique atomisée au gaz

  1. Superior Quality: Gas atomization produces powders with high purity and minimal contamination, leading to better end-product quality.
  2. Excellent Sphericity: The spherical shape of the particles ensures good flowability and packing density, which is critical for additive manufacturing.
  3. Distribution uniforme de la taille des particules: Consistency in particle size enhances the reliability of manufacturing processes and the mechanical properties of the final products.
  4. Haute performance: The powders offer excellent mechanical properties, such as strength, hardness, and resistance to wear and corrosion.
  5. Polyvalence: These powders can be used in a wide range of applications, from 3D printing to thermal spraying, making them highly versatile.

Disadvantages of Gas Atomized Metal Powder

  1. Coût: The production of gas atomized metal powders is more expensive compared to other methods, which can increase the overall cost of manufacturing.
  2. Intensif en énergie: The process requires significant energy input, which can be a drawback in terms of sustainability and environmental impact.
  3. Limited Material Range: Not all metals and alloys can be effectively atomized using gas, limiting the range of materials available.
  4. Equipment Requirements: The production process requires specialized equipment and facilities, which can be a barrier to entry for some manufacturers.
  5. Défis en matière de traitement: Handling and processing fine powders can present challenges, such as the risk of oxidation or contamination.
Poudre de niobium

Pros and Cons Comparison

High purity and qualityCoûts de production plus élevés
Excellent sphericityProcessus à forte intensité énergétique
Taille uniforme des particulesLimited material range
Propriétés mécaniques amélioréesRequires specialized equipment
Applications polyvalentesProcessing and handling challenges


What is gas atomized metal powder?It is a type of metal powder produced by atomizing molten metal using a high-pressure gas stream, resulting in fine, spherical particles.
Why is gas atomized powder preferred for 3D printing?Its excellent sphericity and uniform particle size distribution ensure better flowability and packing density, crucial for additive manufacturing processes.
Which industries use gas atomized metal powders?Industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical devices, and electronics extensively use these powders for their high-performance applications.
Quels sont les avantages de l'utilisation de poudres atomisées au gaz ?They offer superior quality, enhanced mechanical properties, and versatility in various manufacturing processes.
Are there any drawbacks to using gas atomized powders?The main drawbacks include higher production costs, energy-intensive processes, and the need for specialized equipment.
How does the cost of gas atomized powders compare to other types?Gas atomized powders are generally more expensive due to the sophisticated production process, but they offer higher quality and performance.
Can all metals be gas atomized?Not all metals and alloys are suitable for gas atomization, which can limit the range of materials available for this process.

en savoir plus sur les procédés d'impression 3D