La meilleure poudre IN738 pour l'impression 3D en 2023


Présentation de la poudre IN738 pour l'impression 3D L'IN738 est une poudre de superalliage à base de nickel largement utilisée pour la fabrication additive de pièces métalliques de haute performance. Il combine d'excellentes propriétés mécaniques à haute température avec une facilité de traitement, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour l'impression 3D de composants aérospatiaux et industriels. Cet article fournit un guide complet sur la poudre d'alliage IN738...

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Overview of IN738 Powder for 3D Printing

IN738 is a nickel-based superalloy powder that is widely used for additive manufacturing of high-performance metal parts. It combines excellent mechanical properties at high temperatures with processability, making it an ideal choice for 3D printingaerospace and industrial components.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to IN738 alloy powder for 3D printing applications. It covers composition, properties, print parameters, applications, specifications, suppliers, handling, inspection, comparisons, pros and cons, and frequently asked questions about IN738 powder. Key information is presented in easy-to-reference tables.

Composition of IN738 Powder

IN738 has a precipitation hardening alloy composition containing various solute elements:

élément % en poids Objectif
Nickel Équilibre Matrix element provides corrosion resistance
Chromium 15 – 17 Résistance à l'oxydation
Aluminium 3.4 – 4.4 Durcissement structural
Titane 3.2 – 4.2 Durcissement structural
Fer 12.5 max Renforcement de la solution solide
Cobalt 8.5 – 10 Renforcement de la solution solide
Molybdène, molybdène 1.5 – 2.5 Creep strengthening
Tantale 1 – 2 Durcissement structural
Carbone 0.11 max Forme en carbure

Trace amounts of boron, zirconium and magnesium are also added for grain structure control.

Properties of IN738 Powder

IN738 exhibits the following key properties:

Propriété immobilière Description
haute résistance Excellent tensile and creep rupture strength up to 750¡«C
Stabilité thermique Strength and hardness maintained up to 700¡«C
Résistance à l'oxydation Forms protective Cr2O3 oxide scale
Résistance à la fatigue thermique Résiste à la fissuration pendant les cycles thermiques
Résistance à la corrosion High resistance to hot corrosion and oxidation
Transformabilité Readily weldable using matching filler material

The properties make it suitable for hot section aerospace components exposed to extreme stresses.

3D Printing Parameters for IN738 Powder

Optimized print parameters are needed to process IN738 powder:

Paramètre Valeur typique Objectif
Layer thickness 20-50 µm Thinner layers improve resolution
Puissance du laser 180-500 W Melting condition without evaporation
Vitesse de balayage 800-1600 mm/s Balances density and build time
Espacement des trappes 50-200 Ã×m Densité et propriétés mécaniques
Structure de soutien Minime Ease of removal, surface finish
Inert gas Argon Prevent oxidation during printing

Parameter selection depends on factors like build geometry, mechanical requirements, surface finish needs and orientation.

Applications of 3D Printed IN738 Parts

Additively manufactured IN738 components serve critical applications in:

Industrie Composantes
Aérospatial Turbine blades, combustors, exhaust parts
Production d'électricité Hot gas path parts, heat exchangers
Automobile Turbocharger wheels, valves
Traitement chimique Pumps, valves, casings

Benefits over cast/wrought IN738 include complex geometries, reduced lead time and buy-to-fly ratio.

Specifications of IN738 Powder for 3D Printing

IN738 powder is commercially available meeting composition and quality specifications:

Paramètre Spécification
Plage de granulométrie 15-45 Ã×m typique
Forme des particules Morphologie sphérique
Densité apparente > 4 g/cc
Densité de tassement > 6 g/cc
Débit de hall > 23 secondes pour 50 g
Pureté >99,9%
Teneur en oxygène <300 ppm

Other size ranges, purities, and tighter tolerances are possible for specific applications.

Suppliers of IN738 Powder

Reputable IN738 powder vendors include:

Fournisseur Lieu
Praxair États-Unis
Carpenter Powder Products États-Unis
Sandvik Osprey Royaume-Uni
Erasteel La Suède
AMETEK États-Unis
Technologie LPW Royaume-Uni

Pricing ranges from $90/kg to $220/kg based on quality, size distribution and order quantity.

Handling and Storage of IN738 Powder

As a reactive metal, IN738 powder requires controlled handling:

  • Store sealed containers in a cool, dry inert gas environment
  • Avoid contact with moisture, acids and oxidizing agents
  • Use conductive containers and transfer equipment
  • Mettre l'équipement à la terre pour dissiper les charges statiques
  • Minimize dust generation and accumulation
  • Une ventilation locale par aspiration est recommandée
  • Respecter les précautions de la fiche de données de sécurité

Proper storage and handling prevents property changes or hazards.

Inspection and Testing of IN738 Powder

Quality testing methods for IN738 powder include:

Méthode Paramètres testés
Analyse granulométrique Distribution de la taille des particules
Diffraction laser Distribution de la taille des particules
Imagerie MEB Particle morphology and microstructure
EDX/XRF Chimie et composition
XRD Phases présentes
Pycnométrie Densité
Débit de hall Coulance des poudres

Testing as per applicable ASTM standards ensures batch-to-batch consistency.

Comparing IN738 to Alternative Alloy Powders

IN738 compares to other Ni-based superalloys as:

Alliage Résistance à l'oxydation Coût Imprimabilité Soudabilité
IN738 Excellent Moyen Excellent Bien
IN718 Moyen Bas Foire Excellent
Haynes 282 Excellent Très haut Bien Limitée
Inconel 625 Bien Moyen Excellent Excellent

For printability and performance, IN738 provides the best balance compared to alternatives like IN718 or Haynes 282.

Pros and Cons of IN738 Powder

* Nécessaire pour les personnes qui ont des problèmes de mobilité * Peut être utilisé pour le transport de marchandises * Peut être utilisé pour les loisirs, comme le camping * Peut être utilisé pour explorer des zones reculées * Peut être utilisé pour les livraisons de nourriture * Peut être utilisé pour les services de messagerie * Peut être utilisé pour les services de sécurité * Peut être utilisé pour les services d'urgence * Peut être utilisé pour les opérations militaires Cons * Peut être cher à l'achat * Peut être cher à entretenir * Peut être difficile à conduire dans des espaces confinés * Peut être difficile à garer * Peut être bruyant * Peut être polluant Inconvénients
Excellent strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures More expensive than IN718 alloy powder
Readily weldable using matching filler Lower room temperature tensile ductility
Widely validated for AM processes Requires hot isostatic pressing to relieve stresses
Performance comparable/superior to cast IN738 Controlled atmosphere storage and handling needed
Géométries complexes possibles Limited high temperature creep strength

IN738 enables outstanding performance for critical hot section parts but is costlier than other Ni-superalloy options.

Frequently Asked Questions about IN738 Powder for 3D Printing

Here are some common FAQs about IN738 powder:

Q: What particle size is recommended for printing IN738?

A: 15-45 microns is the typical size range used, providing good flowability along with high resolution and density. Finer particles below 10 microns can improve density and surface finish.

Q: What makes IN738 suitable for 3D printing?

A: Key factors are its printability, mechanical properties, weldability, and prior usage in conventional processes that aid validation. IN738 was designed for wrought processing, making it readily adaptable to additive manufacturing.

Q: What post processing is required for IN738 printed parts?

A: Post processes like hot isostatic pressing, heat treatment, and machining are usually needed to relieve stresses and achieve the required dimensions, surface finish, and final properties.

Q: Are support structures necessary for printing IN738?

A: Minimal support structures are recommended to avoid difficult removal from complex surfaces and channels. The spherical IN738 powder flows well and does not require extensive supports.

Q: What are the alternatives to IN738 powder for 3D printing?

A: Key alternatives are IN718, IN625, Hastelloy X, Haynes 282, Mar-M247, and C263. However, IN738 provides the best all-round properties for performance and manufacturability.

Q: What density is achievable with 3D printed IN738 components?

A: Densities over 99% are readily achieved for IN738 with optimized 3D printing parameters. This matches the properties of traditionally processed wrought or cast IN738 products.

Q: Can IN738 parts be machined after 3D printing?

A: Yes, machining processes like turning, drilling and milling can be used for better surface finish and accuracy. Suitable tooling parameters are required for machining precipitation hardened IN738 material.

Q: What is the typical surface roughness of as-printed IN738 parts?

A: Surface roughness (Ra) values of around 8-16 microns are typical but can be further improved using machining and other finishing processes.

Q: Does IN738 require hot isostatic pressing (HIP) after 3D printing?

A: HIP helps relieve internal stresses and achieve 100% density but is not mandatory. For non-critical applications, post-process heat treatment may suffice.

Q: What are common 3D printing defects observed with IN738?

A: Defects like porosity, cracking, distortion, incomplete fusion and surface roughness can occur but are mitigated by optimized parameters and procedures.
