Al 3004 powder


Overview of Al 3004 Powder Al 3004 is a wrought aluminum alloy known for its moderate strength, excellent corrosion resistance, good formability and weldability. Manganese enhances strength through solid solution strengthening while magnesium improves strength through precipitation hardening. Key characteristics of Al 3004 powder include: Moderate tensile strength with excellent ductility Very good formability and…

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Overview of Al 3004 Powder

Al 3004 is a wrought aluminum alloy known for its moderate strength, excellent corrosion resistance, good formability and weldability. Manganese enhances strength through solid solution strengthening while magnesium improves strength through precipitation hardening.

Key characteristics of Al 3004 powder include:

  • Moderate tensile strength with excellent ductility
  • Very good formability and weldability
  • Ketahanan korosi yang sangat baik
  • Konduktivitas termal dan listrik yang tinggi
  • Kepadatan Rendah
  • Tersedia dalam berbagai distribusi ukuran partikel

Al 3004 powder is suitable for applications requiring moderate strength combined with good weldability, machinability and corrosion resistance.

Chemical Composition of Al 3004 Powder

The typical composition of Al 3004 powder is:

unsur Berat %
Aluminium (Al) Keseimbangan
Manggan (Mn) 1.0-1.5%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.2-0.8%
Silikon (Si) 0-0.6%
Besi (Fe) 0-0.7%
Tembaga (Cu) 0-0.25%
Chromium (Cr) 0-0.10%
Zinc (Zn) 0-0.10%

Al 3004 powder

Manganese and magnesium are intentionally added alloying elements while silicon, iron, copper, and zinc are present as impurities.

Properties of Al 3004 Powder

Key properties of Al 3004 powder include:

Property Nilai
Kepadatan 2,73 g/cm3
Titik Leleh 630-655¡«C
Kekonduksian termal 180 W/mK
Konduktivitas Listrik 41-43 %IACS
Modulus Young 68-72 GPa
Rasio Poisson 0.33
Kekuatan Tarik 190-240 MPa
Kekuatan mulur 110-170 MPa
Pemanjangan 10-20%
Kekerasan 50-65 Brinell


The alloy offers moderate strength with excellent ductility and formability. It has good resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Thermal and electrical conductivity is high.

Production Method for Al 3004 Powder

Common production methods for Al 3004 powder include:

  • Atomize Gas?- Molten alloy stream disintegrated by inert gas jets into fine spherical powder with controlled particle distribution.
  • Atomisasi Air?- High velocity water jet used to produce fine irregular Al 3004 particles. Lower cost but higher oxygen content.
  • Mechanical Alloying?- Ball milling a blend of aluminum and alloying powders followed by cold compaction and sintering.

Gas atomization provides superior control over powder characteristics critical for advanced applications.

Applications of Al 3004 Powder

Typical applications of Al 3004 powder include:

  • pembuatan aditif?- Used in binder jetting, laser melting, electron beam melting processes to produce complex aluminum parts.
  • Pencetakan Injeksi Logam?- To manufacture small intricate components that need good strength and corrosion resistance.
  • Metalurgi Serbuk?- Press and sinter process to produce moderately high-performance automotive and machinery parts.
  • Pelapisan TermalDeposisi semprotan busur kawat untuk menghasilkan lapisan pelindung yang menawarkan ketahanan aus dan korosi yang moderat.
  • Pengisi Las- Digunakan sebagai kawat pengisi untuk memberikan kekuatan las yang mirip dengan logam dasar.
  • Pigmen?- Ditambahkan kedalam cat dan pelapis untuk memberikan kilau dan perlindungan dari korosi.

Specifications of Al 3004 Powder

Al 3004 powder is available under different size ranges, shapes, purity levels, and grades:

  • Besaran partikel:? Dari 10-150 mikron untuk metode AM, hingga 300 mikron untuk proses penyemprotan termal.
  • Morfologi:?Spherical, granular, irregular and flake powder shapes are available.
  • Kemurnian:?From commercial grades up to high purity levels based on impurity limits.
  • Nilai:?Conforming to ASTM B209, EN 573, and ISO 209 specifications. Custom grades offered.
  • Kemampuan Alir:?Powder can be customized for specific flow rates as per application requirements.

Global Suppliers of Al 3004 Powder

Beberapa pemasok global yang besar adalah:

  • Valimet Inc. (USA)
  • Makin Metal Powders (Inggris)
  • Atomization Systems Limited (Canada)
  • SCM Metal Products (AS)
  • Shanghai Chaowei Nanotechnology (Tiongkok)
  • Agni Metal (AS)
  • Serbuk Titanium (Rusia)

These companies produce Al 3004 powder suitable for AM, thermal spray, automotive, aerospace, and general engineering applications.

Al 3004 Powder Pricing

Pricing of Al 3004 powder depends on factors like:

  • Tahap kemurnian
  • Pembagian Ukuran Partikel
  • Powder morphology and shape
  • Jumlah Pesanan
  • Pembekal dan lokasi geografis
Kelas Kisaran Harga
Iklan Niaga $5-15 per kg
Kemurnian tinggi $15-25 per kg
Ultrafine $25-45 per kg
Kelas khsus Rp 45 ribu-90 ribu per kg


Spherical, controlled particle size and high purity grades are costlier than simple commercial Al 3004 powder.

Storage and Handling of Al 3004 Powder

Al 3004 powder should be properly handled and stored to prevent:

  • Oksidasi dan reaksi dengan kelembapan
  • Bahaya ledakan debu dari bubuk halus
  • Masalah kesehatan akibat menghirup
  • Praktik keselamatan dari SDS pemasok harus diikuti

Disarankan untuk menggunakan inert gas blanketing, pentanahan yang semestinya, ventilasi, dan PPE saat menangani bubuk.

Pengujian dan Metode Karakterisasi

Key test methods used for Al 3004 powder include:

  • Analisis komposisi kimia menggunakan OES atau XRF
  • Distribusi ukuran partikel sesuai standar ASTM B822
  • Analisis morfologi lewat SEM
  • Powder flow rate measured by Hall flowmeter
  • Density determined by helium pycnometry
  • Impurity level testing by ICP-MS
  • Pemeriksaan mikrostruktur dengan difraksi sinar X

These tests ensure batch-to-batch consistency and that the powder meets application requirements.

Comparison Between Al 3004 and Al 6061 Powders

Al 3004 and Al 6061 are two aluminum alloy powders compared:

Parameter Al 3004 Al 6061
Jenis paduan Tidak dapat menerima perlakuan panas Dapat diperlakukan panas
Kandungan Mg 0.2-0.8% 0.8-1.2%
Kekuatan Sedang Lebih Tinggi
Tahanan terhadap korosi Luar biasa Luar biasa
Kelasawelan Luar biasa Baik
Mudah dikerjakan Baik Luar biasa
Biaya Lebih rendah Lebih Tinggi


Al 3004 offers better weldability while Al 6061 has higher strength. Both offer excellent corrosion resistance.

Al 3004 Powder FAQs

Q: How is Al 3004 powder produced?

A: Al 3004 powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization, and mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization provides the best control of particle characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications of Al 3004 powder?

A: The major applications of Al 3004 powder include additive manufacturing, thermal spray coatings, powder metallurgy parts manufacturing, metal injection molding, pigments, and welding filler wire.

Q: What is the recommended particle size for Al 3004 powder for binder jet 3D printing?

A: For binder jetting process, the typical Al 3004 powder size range is 20-45 microns with near-spherical morphology to provide good powder bed density and binder infiltration.

Q: Does Al 3004 powder require any special handling precautions?

A: Ya, disarankan untuk menangani bubuk aluminium dengan hati-hati di bawah atmosfer inert menggunakan pentanahan, ventilasi dan APD yang tepat untuk mencegah bahaya kebakaran atau ledakan.

Q: Where can I buy Al 3004 powder suitable for aerospace welding wire?

A: High purity gas atomized Al 3004 powder meeting aerospace standards can be purchased from leading manufacturers like Valimet, Makin Metal Powders, and ASL.

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