Bubuk Titanium Bulat

Spherical titanium powder has become a game-changer in the world of metal additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. Imagine crafting intricate, high-performance metal parts layer by layer. That’s the magic of 3D printing, and spherical titanium powder is a key ingredient in this revolutionary process. But what exactly is spherical titanium powder, and why is it so special? Buckle up, because we’re about to delve into the fascinating world of this metallic marvel.

What is Spherical Titanium Powder?

At its core, spherical titanium powder is nothing more than tiny, perfectly round balls of titanium metal. Think of it like a superfine, metallic beach sand, except these spheres are measured in microns, which are millionths of a meter. The “spherical” part is crucial. Unlike irregularly shaped powders, these perfect spheres flow freely, pack together efficiently, and laser melt uniformly during the 3D printing process. This translates to smoother surface finishes, denser parts, and overall superior mechanical properties for the final product.

Here’s a table summarizing the key details of spherical titanium powder:

Key FeatureDeskripsi
BahanTitanium Metal
Bentuk PartikelBola
Ukuran partikelTypically between 10 and 150 microns
APLIKASI3D Printing, Thermal Spraying, Metal Injection Molding
KelebihanExcellent flowability, High packing density, Uniform laser melting, Strong final parts
Bubuk Titanium Bulat

Jenis, Komposisi, dan Sifat Bubuk Titanium Bulat

The world of spherical titanium powder isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Just like grains of sand come in various compositions, so too does spherical titanium powder. Here’s a breakdown of the different types, their compositions, and the properties that make them unique:

Type of Spherical Titanium PowderKomposisiProperti UtamaAPLIKASI
Commercially Pure Titanium (CP Ti)≥ 99.5% TitaniumDaktilitas tinggi, ketahanan korosi yang sangat baikAerospace components, Biomedical implants, Chemical processing equipment
Titanium Grade 2≥ 98.5% Titanium, ≤ 0.8% Fe, ≤ 0.3% O, ≤ 0.4% NKeseimbangan yang baik antara kekuatan dan keuletanGeneral-purpose 3D printing applications, Aerospace components
Titanium Grade 3≥ 90% Titanium, ≤ 0.5% Fe, ≤ 0.3% O, ≤ 0.4% NHigher strength than Grade 2, but slightly less ductileIndustrial components, Sporting goods
Ti-6Al-4VTitanium 90%, Aluminium 6%, Vanadium 4%Rasio kekuatan-terhadap-berat yang tinggi, ketahanan lelah yang sangat baikAerospace components, Biomedical implants, Automotive parts
Ti-6Al-4V ELI (Extra Low Interstitials)Similar to Ti-6Al-4V, but with lower oxygen and nitrogen contentImproved ductility and weldability for critical applicationsBiomedical implants, Aerospace components requiring high fatigue life

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • The presence of alloying elements like aluminum and vanadium in some powders can enhance properties like strength and wear resistance, but may come at the expense of ductility or corrosion resistance.
  • The specific properties of a spherical titanium powder can also be influenced by the manufacturing process used to create it. Different techniques can result in variations in surface morphology, flowability, and packing density.

Applications of Spherical Titanium Powder

Spherical titanium powder isn’t just sitting on a shelf, waiting to be admired. It’s a workhorse material with a diverse range of applications. Here are some of the shining examples of where you’ll find this wonder powder in action:

AplikasiAdvantages of Spherical Titanium Powder
Pencetakan 3DEnables creation of complex, lightweight, high-strength titanium parts
Komponens DirgantaraReduced weight for improved fuel efficiency, High strength for critical applications
Implan BiomedisExcellent biocompatibility for long-lasting implants, Tailored porosity for bone ingrowth
Peralatan Pengolahan KimiaSuperior corrosion resistance for handling harsh chemicals
Barang OlahragaLightweight, high-performance components for bicycles, golf clubs, prosthetics
Pelapisan TermalCreates wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant coatings
Pencetakan Injeksi LogamEnables high-volume production of complex near-net-shape titanium parts

Properties, Specifications, and Considerations

While the previous section highlighted the applications of spherical titanium powder, here’s a deeper dive into its properties, specifications, and some key considerations when working with this material.


  • Kemampuan Alir: Spherical titanium powder boasts exceptional flowability due to its smooth, round shape. This allows for even distribution in the 3D printing process, leading to consistent layer formation and high-quality final parts. Imagine pouring sand – irregular grains snag and create uneven layers, whereas spherical particles flow freely and pack together more uniformly.
  • Kepadatan Pengepakan: The high packing density of spherical titanium powder is another crucial property. Think of it like packing marbles versus pebbles. Spheres pack together more tightly, minimizing voids and creating a denser final product. This translates to stronger parts with improved mechanical properties.
  • Laser Meltability: Spherical titanium powder absorbs laser energy efficiently during the 3D printing process. This uniform melting ensures a strong metallurgical bond between layers, resulting in a robust and homogenous final structure.


  • Besaran partikel: Spherical titanium powder typically comes in a range of particle sizes, from around 10 microns to 150 microns. The choice of particle size depends on the specific application and desired properties. For instance, finer powders can generate smoother surface finishes but may be less flowable compared to coarser particles.
  • Kelas: As mentioned earlier, spherical titanium powder comes in various grades, each with its own chemical composition and mechanical properties. Commercially Pure (CP) Titanium offers excellent corrosion resistance and ductility, while alloyed powders like Ti-6Al-4V provide superior strength-to-weight ratio.

Here’s a table outlining some key specifications of spherical titanium powder:

Ukuran partikelTypically between 10 and 150 microns
KebulatanMeasured as a percentage, ideally close to 100% for perfect spheres
AliranMeasured by standardized tests, higher values indicate better flow characteristics
Kepadatan SemuBulk density of the powder
Kepadatan KetukDensity of the powder after tapping to reduce voids
Komposisi KimiaVaries depending on the grade of titanium powder

Pertimbangan Tambahan:

  • Moisture Content: Spherical titanium powder is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture from the environment. Excessive moisture can lead to inconsistencies during 3D printing and potentially compromise the final part quality. Therefore, proper storage and handling are crucial to maintain low moisture content.
  • Surface Chemistry: The surface chemistry of the powder can influence its flowability and laser melting behavior. Manufacturers may employ surface treatments to optimize these properties for specific applications.
  • Powder Re-use: Spherical titanium powder can be partially re-used in some 3D printing processes. However, there may be limitations due to potential contamination and changes in powder characteristics over multiple cycles.

the Advantages and Limitations of Bubuk Titanium Bulat

Spherical titanium powder isn’t without its limitations. While it offers significant advantages, it’s essential to understand the trade-offs involved.


  • Superior 3D Printing Performance: The combination of excellent flowability, high packing density, and uniform laser melting allows for the creation of high-quality, near-net-shape titanium parts with superior mechanical properties.
  • Aplikasi yang beragam: Spherical titanium powder finds use in various industries due to its unique properties and compatibility with various additive manufacturing and other techniques.
  • Potensi Meringankan Beban: The ability to create complex, lightweight titanium parts using 3D printing opens doors for applications where weight reduction is critical, such as aerospace and automotive components.


  • Biaya: Spherical titanium powder can be more expensive compared to some other metal powders due to the production process and stringent quality control requirements.
  • Pertimbangan Keamanan: Titanium powder, like other fine metal powders, can be flammable and pose health risks if inhaled. Proper handling procedures and safety equipment are essential when working with this material.
  • Optimalisasi Proses: 3D printing parameters like laser power, scan speed, and layer thickness may need to be carefully optimized for each specific powder type and application to achieve optimal results.

Here’s a table summarizing the pros and cons of spherical titanium powder:

Excellent flowability and packing densityHigher cost compared to some other metal powders
Enables creation of high-quality titanium partsFlammable and requires proper handling
Diverse range of applicationsRequires process optimization for each application
Lightweighting potentialPotential health risks if inhaled

Bubuk Titanium Bulat Pemasok

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of spherical titanium powder’s properties, applications, and considerations, it’s time to find the right supplier for your needs. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Reputasi dan Pengalaman: Look for established suppliers with a proven track record in providing high-quality spherical titanium powder. Experience translates to expertise in material selection, handling, and technical support.
  • Pemilihan Bahan: Ensure the supplier offers a variety of spherical titanium powder grades and particle sizes to cater to your specific application requirements.
  • Kontrol Kualitas: Inquire about the supplier’s quality control procedures. Reputable suppliers will have stringent measures in place to ensure consistent powder characteristics, chemical composition, and minimal contamination.
  • Harga dan Ketersediaan: Spherical titanium powder prices can vary depending on the grade, quantity, and market conditions. Obtain quotes from multiple suppliers to compare pricing and ensure they can meet your required delivery timelines.
  • Dukungan Teknis: Having access to knowledgeable technical support from the supplier is invaluable. Look for a supplier that can answer your questions about material properties, recommend suitable powders for your application, and offer troubleshooting assistance if needed.

Here are some examples of reputable suppliers of spherical titanium powder, but this is not an exhaustive list and is not an endorsement of any particular supplier:

  • APEX Materials: A global supplier of metal powders, including various grades of spherical titanium powder.
  • AMETEK Inc: Offers a range of spherical titanium powders for additive manufacturing and other applications.
  • Höganäs AB: A leading producer of metal powders, including spherical titanium for 3D printing and thermal spraying.
  • LPW Technology Ltd.: Provides spherical titanium powders specifically optimized for their 3D printing systems.
  • SLM Solutions GmbH: Another major player in the metal additive manufacturing space, offering spherical titanium powders alongside their 3D printing machines.

Ingat: It’s wise to request datasheets and certifications from potential suppliers to verify the powder’s specifications and quality standards.

Bubuk Titanium Bulat


Here are some commonly asked questions regarding spherical titanium powder, presented in a question-and-answer format for easy reference:

Q: What are the advantages of using spherical titanium powder in 3D printing?

A: Spherical titanium powder offers several advantages in 3D printing, including:

  • Kemampuan mengalir yang unggul: Enables even powder distribution for consistent layer formation.
  • High packing density: Creates denser final parts with improved mechanical properties.
  • Uniform laser melting: Ensures strong metallurgical bonds between layers for a robust structure.

Q: What are some typical applications of spherical titanium powder?

A: Spherical titanium powder finds use in various industries, including:

  • Dirgantara: Komponen yang ringan dan berkekuatan tinggi untuk pesawat terbang dan pesawat ruang angkasa.
  • Biomedis: Biocompatible implants with tailored properties for osseointegration (bone ingrowth).
  • Pemrosesan Kimia: Equipment components resistant to harsh chemicals due to excellent corrosion resistance.
  • Barang Olahraga: Lightweight, high-performance components for bicycles, golf clubs, and prosthetics.
  • Cetakan Injeksi Logam (Metal Injection Molding/MIM): Enables high-volume production of complex near-net-shape titanium parts.

Q: Is spherical titanium powder safe to handle?

A: Like other fine metal powders, spherical titanium powder can be flammable and pose health risks if inhaled. It’s crucial to follow proper handling procedures and utilize appropriate safety equipment like gloves, respirators, and eye protection when working with this material.

Q: How much does spherical titanium powder cost?

A: The cost of spherical titanium powder can vary depending on the grade, particle size, quantity, and market conditions. Generally, it can be more expensive compared to some other metal powders due to the production process and stringent quality control requirements.

Q: Where can I buy spherical titanium powder?

A: Several reputable suppliers offer spherical titanium powder. Look for suppliers with a proven track record, a diverse material selection, robust quality control procedures, and knowledgeable technical support.


Spherical titanium powder has revolutionized the world of metal additive manufacturing. Its unique properties enable the creation of complex, lightweight, and high-performance titanium parts for various applications. By understanding the properties, specifications, considerations, and supplier landscape, you can leverage the power of spherical titanium powder to bring your innovative ideas to life.

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