Bubuk Spheroidising

Spheroidising powder plays a crucial role in various industries, particularly in the production of high-quality metal components. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of spheroidising powder, including its types, composition, properties, characteristics, applications, specifications, suppliers, pricing details, pros and cons, and much more.

Overview of Spheroidising Powder

Spheroidising powder is primarily used in metallurgy and manufacturing to enhance the properties of metal powders. The process of spheroidisation involves transforming irregularly shaped particles into spherical ones, which improves the flowability, packing density, and mechanical properties of the metal powder. This makes it ideal for applications in additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, and surface coating.

bubuk spheroidising

Jenis Bubuk Spheroidising

Different types of spheroidising powders are available, each with unique compositions and characteristics suited to specific applications. Below is a detailed table presenting various metal powder models, their compositions, properties, and characteristics.

Model Serbuk LogamKomposisiPropertiCiri
Bubuk Paduan TitaniumTi-6Al-4VHigh strength, lightweight, corrosion resistantIdeal for aerospace applications
Bubuk Baja Tahan Karat316LKetahanan korosi yang tinggi, sifat mekanik yang baikSuitable for medical and food processing industries
Bubuk Paduan AluminiumAlSi10MgRingan, konduktivitas termal yang tinggiDigunakan dalam industri otomotif dan kedirgantaraan
Bubuk TembagaCuExcellent electrical conductivity, high ductilityPreferred for electrical components
Bubuk Paduan NikelInconel 625High strength, oxidation resistantCommon in high-temperature applications
Bubuk Kobalt-KromCoCrMoKetahanan aus yang tinggi, biokompatibelUtilized in medical implants and dental applications
Bubuk BesiFeGood mechanical properties, cost-effectiveWidely used in automotive parts manufacturing
Bubuk Tungsten CarbideWCSangat keras, tahan ausIdeal for cutting tools and abrasives
Magnesium Alloy PowderAZ91DRingan, kemampuan mesin yang baikSuitable for lightweight structural components
Bubuk SengZnGood corrosion resistance, galvanizing propertiesUsed for galvanizing and battery applications

Composition of Spheroidising Powder

The composition of spheroidising powder varies depending on the type of metal and the desired properties. Here’s a breakdown of the composition for some common metal powders:

Bubuk LogamMain ElementsSecondary Elements
Bubuk Paduan TitaniumTitanium (90%), Aluminium (6%), Vanadium (4%)
Bubuk Baja Tahan KaratIron (60-70%), Chromium (16-18%), Nickel (10-14%)Molybdenum (2-3%)
Bubuk Paduan AluminiumAluminum (85-90%), Silicon (9-11%), Magnesium (0.5-1%)
Bubuk TembagaCopper (99-99.9%)Oxygen (0.1-0.5%)
Bubuk Paduan NikelNickel (58%), Chromium (20-23%), Molybdenum (8-10%)Iron (5%)
Bubuk Kobalt-KromCobalt (60-65%), Chromium (25-30%), Molybdenum (5-7%)
Bubuk BesiIron (98-99%)Carbon (0.5-1%)
Bubuk Tungsten CarbideTungsten (94-96%), Carbon (4-6%)
Magnesium Alloy PowderMagnesium (90-92%), Aluminum (8-10%)
Bubuk SengZinc (99.9%)

Properti dan Karakteristik Bubuk Spheroidising

Understanding the properties and characteristics of spheroidising powder is essential for selecting the right type for specific applications. Below are the key properties and characteristics of some common spheroidising powders:

Bubuk LogamKepadatan (g/cm³)Titik Leleh (°C)Karakteristik Utama
Bubuk Paduan Titanium4.431,660Rasio kekuatan-terhadap-berat yang tinggi, biokompatibel
Bubuk Baja Tahan Karat7.91,400-1,450Corrosion resistance, good mechanical strength
Bubuk Paduan Aluminium2.7660Lightweight, excellent thermal conductivity
Bubuk Tembaga8.961,083High electrical conductivity, ductile
Bubuk Paduan Nikel8.441,350-1,460Suhu tinggi dan ketahanan terhadap korosi
Bubuk Kobalt-Krom8.31,335-1,420Ketahanan aus, biokompatibilitas
Bubuk Besi7.871,538Hemat biaya, sifat mekanik yang baik
Bubuk Tungsten Carbide15.632,870Sangat keras, tahan aus
Magnesium Alloy Powder1.74650-670Ringan, kemampuan mesin yang baik
Bubuk Seng7.14419.5Tahan korosi yang baik

Aplikasi dari Bubuk Spheroidising

Spheroidising powders find applications in a wide range of industries due to their enhanced properties. Here are some common applications:

IndustriAplikasiPreferred Metal Powder
AeroangkasaAircraft components, engine partsBubuk Paduan Titanium
PerubatanImplan, instrumen bedahBubuk Kobalt-Krom
OtomotifEngine parts, lightweight structuresBubuk Paduan Aluminium
ElektronikaKomponen konduktif, konektorBubuk Tembaga
PabrikanAdditive manufacturing, 3D printingBubuk Baja Tahan Karat
PeralatanCutting tools, wear-resistant surfacesBubuk Tungsten Carbide
TenagaBattery components, galvanizingBubuk Seng

Spesifikasi, Ukuran, Kelas, dan Standar

Spheroidising powders come in various specifications, sizes, grades, and standards to meet the specific requirements of different industries. Here is a detailed table showcasing these parameters:

Bubuk LogamRentang Ukuran (µm)NilaiStandar
Bubuk Paduan Titanium15-45, 45-106Kelas 5, Kelas 23ASTM F136, ASTM B348
Bubuk Baja Tahan Karat10-50, 50-150316L, 304LASTM A240, ASTM F138
Bubuk Paduan Aluminium20-63, 63-125AlSi10Mg, 6061ASTM B209, ASTM F3318
Bubuk Tembaga5-50, 50-100C11000, C10100ASTM B170, ASTM B187
Bubuk Paduan Nikel10-45, 45-150Inconel 625, 718ASTM B443, ASTM B637
Bubuk Kobalt-Krom15-45, 45-106CoCrMo, CoCrWASTM F75, ASTM F799
Bubuk Besi10-100Fe-C, Fe-PASTM B213, ASTM B783
Bubuk Tungsten Carbide1-10, 10-50WC-Co, WC-NiASTM B777, ISO 4499
Magnesium Alloy Powder20-100AZ91D, WE43ASTM B403, ASTM B557
Bubuk Seng5-45, 45-150Zn 99.9, Zn 99.95ASTM B6, ASTM B669

Pemasok dan Rincian Harga

Knowing where to source high-quality spheroidising powders and understanding the pricing can help in budgeting and procurement. Here is a table listing some of the top suppliers and pricing details:

PemasokTersedia Model Serbuk LogamAverage Price (per kg)
Bubuk Tingkat LanjutTitanium Alloy, Stainless Steel, Aluminum Alloy$80 – $150
Metal Powders USACopper, Nickel Alloy, Iron$40 – $120
Global Metal SupplyCobalt-Chrome, Tungsten Carbide, Zinc$60 – $200
Solusi PowderTechMagnesium Alloy, Stainless Steel, Copper$50 – $130
3D Materials Inc.Aluminum Alloy, Nickel Alloy, Titanium Alloy$70 – $160

Pro dan Kontra dari Bubuk Spheroidising

Understanding the advantages and limitations of spheroidising powders is crucial for making informed decisions. Here’s a comparative table:

Bubuk LogamKelebihanBatasan
Bubuk Paduan TitaniumKekuatan tinggi, ringan, tahan korosiMahal, sulit untuk dikerjakan dengan mesin
Bubuk Baja Tahan KaratCorrosion-resistant, good mechanical propertiesHeavier compared to aluminum and titanium
Bubuk Paduan AluminiumRingan, konduktivitas termal yang tinggiLower strength compared to titanium and steel
Bubuk TembagaExcellent electrical conductivity, high ductilityProne to oxidation, relatively expensive
Bubuk Paduan NikelHigh strength, oxidation-resistantBiaya tinggi, sulit untuk dikerjakan dengan mesin
Bubuk Kobalt-KromKetahanan aus yang tinggi, biokompatibelMahal dan menantang untuk diproses
Bubuk BesiHemat biaya, sifat mekanik yang baikProne to corrosion, lower performance in harsh environments
Bubuk Tungsten CarbideSangat keras, tahan ausVery dense, difficult to process
Magnesium Alloy PowderRingan, kemampuan mesin yang baikFlammable, prone to corrosion
Bubuk SengGood corrosion resistance, galvanizing propertiesKekuatan yang lebih rendah, aplikasi suhu tinggi yang terbatas
bubuk spheroidising


Below are some common questions about spheroidising powder and their answers:

What is spheroidising powder?Spheroidising powder consists of metal powders that have been transformed into spherical particles to improve their properties.
What are the benefits of using spheroidising powder?Improved flowability, packing density, mechanical properties, and surface finish of metal components.
Which industries use spheroidising powder?Aerospace, medical, automotive, electronics, manufacturing, tooling, and energy industries.
How is spheroidising powder made?Through processes such as atomization, plasma rotating electrode process, or gas phase synthesis.
What are the common types of spheroidising powders?Titanium alloy, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, copper, nickel alloy, cobalt-chrome, iron, tungsten carbide, magnesium alloy, and zinc powders.
How do I choose the right spheroidising powder?Consider the specific requirements of your application, including properties, composition, and cost.
Where can I buy spheroidising powder?From suppliers such as Advanced Powders, Metal Powders USA, Global Metal Supply, PowderTech Solutions, and 3D Materials Inc.


Spheroidising powder is a vital material in modern manufacturing and metallurgy, offering enhanced properties that make it suitable for a wide range of applications. By understanding the different types, compositions, properties, and uses of these powders, manufacturers can make informed decisions to optimize their production processes and product quality.

Whether you are involved in aerospace, medical, automotive, electronics, or any other industry that relies on high-quality metal components, spheroidising powder can significantly contribute to the efficiency and performance of your products.

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