stampa di grande formato

Potenza del metallo per la stampa 3D: Potenza FeNi50

Imagine a world where your magnetic components could be lighter, stronger, and more efficient. That’s the reality offered by FeNi50 powder, a revolutionary material poised to transform the landscape of electromagnetism. But what exactly is FeNi50 Power, and how can it empower your magnetic designs? Buckle up, because we’re about to delve into the fascinating world of metal powders and explore how FeNi50 can become the secret weapon in your engineering arsenal. Unveiling the Power of FeNi50 FeNi50 powder is…

Polvere di stagno sferica

M2 Stampo in acciaio Potenza

In the realm of mold making, where precision and durability reign supreme, M2 Mold Steel Power stands as a champion. Renowned for its exceptional balance of toughness, wear resistance, and heat tolerance, this workhorse material has become the cornerstone for countless industrial applications. But what exactly imbues M2 mold steel with such power? Let’s delve into the fascinating world of this metal, exploring its composition, properties, and the diverse applications it empowers. Composition and Key Properties of M2 Mold Steel…

stampa di grande formato

8620 Polveri di acciaio

The world of metal additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is revolutionizing how we design and produce mechanical parts. Gone are the days of clunky, time-consuming subtractive manufacturing techniques. With 3D printing, complex geometries and intricate designs are just a button press away. But choosing the right metal powder for the job is crucial. Enter 8620 Steel Powders – a versatile workhorse powering the creation of a vast array of mechanical components. Understanding 8620 Steel Powders 8620 steel belongs…

ingegneria delle turbine a gas in polvere

acciaio maraging

Imagine a metal so strong it can rival titanium’s fortitude, yet so workable it can be shaped like soft clay. That’s the magic of maraging steel, a marvel of modern metallurgy that pushes the boundaries of what steel can achieve. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of maraging steel, unraveling its secrets and exploring its exceptional properties. We’ll dissect its composition, uncover its remarkable applications, and weigh the advantages and limitations of this extraordinary material. An Overview…

polvere di bassa lega

polvere di metallo direttamente da barra

Imagine taking a solid bar of metal and, with a flick of a switch, turning it into a cloud of fine, versatile powder. That’s the magic behind metal powder production directly from bar stock. This innovative approach is revolutionizing the way we manufacture complex components, offering a treasure trove of benefits for engineers and designers alike. But before we delve deeper, let’s address the elephant in the room: how exactly does this process work? Buckle up, because we’re about to…


Produzione additiva laser (LAM)

Imagine a world where complex objects are built layer by layer, with unparalleled design freedom and minimal waste. This is the reality of Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM), a transformative technology rapidly reshaping various industries. LAM, also known as 3D printing metals, utilizes a focused laser beam to melt and fuse together metal powder particles, meticulously building a 3D object from a digital blueprint. This revolutionary process offers a plethora of advantages over traditional subtractive manufacturing methods like machining, making it…

ingegneria delle turbine a gas in polvere

Sistema di produzione adattativo divergente (DAPS)

Imagine a world where car manufacturing transcends the limitations of traditional assembly lines. A world where vehicles are not just built, but intelligently designed and constructed based on specific needs. This transformative vision is precisely what the Divergent Adaptive Production System (DAPS) promises. DAPS is a revolutionary concept spearheaded by Divergent Technologies, a company determined to reshape the future of manufacturing. It’s not just a new machine; it’s an entire ecosystem – a software-hardware marriage that reimagines the design, engineering,…

Polvere di cobalto ultrafine

Produzione additiva di metalli (MAM)

Imagine a world where complex metal parts, once relegated to the realm of science fiction, spring to life layer by layer. This isn’t a utopian dream; it’s the reality of Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM), also known as metal 3D printing. MAM is transforming how we design, prototype, and produce metal components, ushering in a new era of innovation and efficiency. This article delves deep into the fascinating world of MAM, exploring its operational principles, the advantages it offers over traditional…

Polvere di stampa 3D in metallo

Deposizione di metallo fuso (MMD)

Imagine building complex metal parts layer by layer, like stacking molten Legos. That’s the magic of Molten Metal Deposition (MMD), a cutting-edge metal additive manufacturing (AM) process that’s transforming how we create functional and intricate metal components. But MMD is more than just a cool trick; it offers a powerful set of advantages that are shaking up the world of metal fabrication. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the fascinating world of MMD. We’ll explore its operational principles, unveil its…

Stampaggio a iniezione di metallo

Produzione additiva a fascio di elettroni (EBAM)

Imagine building complex metal parts layer by layer, with the precision of a digital file and the strength of forged steel. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality of Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM), a revolutionary technology that’s transforming the way we design and produce metal components. What is Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM)? EBAM, also known as Electron Beam Melting (EBM), is a metal additive manufacturing process that utilizes a high-powered electron beam to melt metal wire feedstock, building…