Al 3104 powder


Overview of Al 3104 Powder Al 3104 is a 3000 series wrought aluminum alloy known for its good corrosion resistance, excellent formability and weldability. Manganese additions provide strength through solid solution strengthening while maintaining ductility and toughness. Key characteristics of Al 3104 powder include: Moderate strength with excellent ductility Very good weldability and formability Excellent corrosion resistance High thermal and electrical conductivity Low density Available in various particle size distributions Al 3104 powder is suitable for chemical tanks, utensils, heat exchangers and applications needing moderate strength combined with good corrosion resistance. Chemical Composition of Al 3104 Powder The typical chemical composition of Al 3104 powder is: Element Weight % Aluminum…







Overview of Al 3104 Powder

Al 3104 is a 3000 series wrought aluminum alloy known for its good corrosion resistance, excellent formability and weldability. Manganese additions provide strength through solid solution strengthening while maintaining ductility and toughness.

Key characteristics of Al 3104 powder include:

  • Moderate strength with excellent ductility
  • Very good weldability and formability
  • 耐腐食性に優れています
  • 高い熱伝導率と電気伝導率
  • 低密度
  • さまざまな粒子サイズ分布で利用可能

Al 3104 powder is suitable for chemical tanks, utensils, heat exchangers and applications needing moderate strength combined with good corrosion resistance.

Chemical Composition of Al 3104 Powder

The typical chemical composition of Al 3104 powder is:

エレメント 質量 %
アルミニウム (Al) バランス
マンガン (Mn) 1.0-1.5%
ケイ素(Si) 最大0.3%
鉄 (Fe) 最大0.7%
銅(Cu) 0.25%以下
マグネシウム(Mg) 0.25%以下
亜鉛(Zn) 0.20% max
クロム 0.05-0.20%

Al 3104 powder

Manganese is the key alloying element in 3104 aluminum. Impurity levels of silicon, iron, copper, and zinc are strictly controlled.

Properties of Al 3104 Powder

Key properties of Al 3104 powder include:

プロパティ 価値
密度 2.73 g/cm3
融点 (Yūten) 634-643¡«C
熱伝導率 134 W/mK
電気伝導性 38-42% IACS
ヤング係数 70 GPa
ポアソン比 0.33
引張強度 150-195 MPa
降伏強度 95-120 MPa
伸長 20-30%
硬度 45-65 Brinell


The alloy offers moderate strength with high ductility and excellent formability. It has very good resistance to atmospheric corrosion and marine environments.

Production Method for Al 3104 Powder

Common production methods for Al 3104 powder include:

  • ガスアトマイゼーション?- Molten alloy stream disintegrated with high pressure inert gas jets into fine spherical powder. Controlled particle size distribution.
  • 水の原子化?- High velocity water jet used to produce fine irregular Al 3104 particles. More economical but higher oxygen pickup.
  • 機械合金化?- Ball milling of aluminum and manganese powder blends followed by cold compaction and sintering.


Applications of Al 3104 Powder

Typical applications of Al 3104 powder include:

  • 金属インジェクションモールディング?- To manufacture small intricate components needing moderate strength and good corrosion resistance.
  • 増材製造?- 複雑なアルミ部品を生成するのに適したバインダージェット法と選択的レーザー溶融法。
  • 粉末冶金?- プレスと焼結工程は、良好な機械的特性と機械加工性を持つ部品を作成するために使用される。
  • 熱処理スプレー?- Wire arc spray deposition to produce protective coatings offering moderate wear and corrosion resistance.
  • 溶接フィラー?- 基本金属に似た溶接強度を提供するためにフィラーワイヤーとして使用されます。
  • 顔料?- Added to paints and plastics to provide shine and corrosion protection.

Specifications of Al 3104 Powder

Al 3104 powder is available under different size ranges, shapes, purity levels and grades:

  • 粒径:AM手法:10~150ミクロン、サーマルスプレー処理:最大300ミクロン
  • 形態学:?Spherical, granular, dendritic and irregular powder shapes. Smooth powder has better flowability.
  • 純粋性:?商業グレードから、用途に合わせて調整された最高純度(99.8%)グレードまで。
  • 成績:?Conforming to ASTM B209, EN 573, ISO 209 specifications. Custom grades offered.
  • 流動性:?Powder can be customized for excellent flow rates above 25 s/50g.

Global Suppliers of Al 3104 Powder


  • Valimet Inc.(米国)
  • メイキン メタル パウダーズ (英国)
  • 上海超威纳米技术(中国)
  • ミクロンメタルズ(米国)
  • 山東亜美納米科技(中国)
  • CNPC火薬グループ(中国)
  • Agni Metal (USA)

These companies produce Al 3104 powder suitable for AM, MIM, thermal spray, welding, automotive, and other applications using various methods.

Al 3104 Powder Pricing

Pricing of Al 3104 powder depends on several factors:

  • 純度レベル
  • 粉末特性
  • 制作方法
  • 注文量
  • サプライヤと所在地
グレード 価格の範囲
コマーシャル 1kgあたり$5-15
高純度 1 kgあたり15~25ドル
超微粒子 25~45米ドル/キログラム
特別等級 1 kg あたり $45~90


High purity, spherical and controlled particle size powders command much higher pricing over regular commercial grades of Al 3104 powder.

Storage and Handling of Al 3104 Powder

Al 3104 powder should be properly handled and stored to prevent:

  • 酸化と水分との反応
  • 微粉末からの粉じん爆発の危険
  • 吸入関連の健康問題
  • サプライヤーのSDSの安全上の注意に従うべきです

この粉末を扱うときは、不活性ガスによる窒素封入、適切な接地、換気、PPE の使用が推奨されます。


Key test methods used for Al 3104 powder include:

  • 組成用のOESまたはXRFを使用した化学分析
  • ASTM B822規格に準拠した粒子サイズ分布
  • SEMによる形態学的分析
  • ホールのフローファネルで測定した粉末の流動速度
  • ヘリウムピクノメトリーによる密度の決定
  • ICP-MSによる不純物試験
  • X線回折法による微細構造調べる


Comparison Between Al 3104 and Al 3003 Powders

Al 3104 and Al 3003 are two aluminum alloy powders compared:

パラメータ Al 3104 アルミニウム3003
合金の種類 非熱処理可能 非熱処理可能
Mn含有量 1.0-1.5% 1.0-1.5%
強さ 少し小さい やや高め
耐蝕性 素晴らしい 素晴らしい
溶接性 素晴らしい 素晴らしい
利用料 下げる


Al 3104 offers slightly better formability whereas Al 3003 provides marginally higher strength. Both offer excellent corrosion resistance.

Al 3104 Powder FAQs

Q: How is Al 3104 powder produced?

A: Al 3104 powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization, and mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization provides the best control of particle characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications of Al 3104 powder?

A: The major applications of Al 3104 powder include metal injection molding, additive manufacturing, thermal spray coatings, powder metallurgy parts, pigments, and welding filler wire.

Q: What is the recommended Al 3104 powder size for binder jet 3D printing?

A: For binder jetting process, the typical Al 3104 powder size range is 20-45 microns with near-spherical morphology to enable good powder bed density.

Q: Does Al 3104 powder require any special handling precautions?

A: Yes, it is recommended to handle aluminum powders carefully in inert atmosphere using proper grounding, ventilation and PPE to prevent fire or explosion hazards.

Q: Where can I purchase Al 3104 powder suitable for marine applications?

A: Al 3104 powder with high corrosion resistance tailored for marine environments can be purchased from leading manufacturers like Valimet, Makin Metal Powders, and Micron Metals.

