Best inconel 718 powder for 3D printing


Overview of Inconel 718 Powder Inconel 718 is a precipitation hardenable nickel-based superalloy powder widely used for additive manufacturing across aerospace, oil & gas, power generation and automotive industries. This article provides a detailed guide to Inconel 718 powder. Key aspects covered include composition, properties, AM print parameters, applications, specifications, suppliers, handling, inspection methods, comparisons to alternatives, pros and cons, and FAQs. Tables are used to present information in an easy-to-reference format. Composition of Inconel 718 Powder The composition of Inconel 718 is: Element Weight % Purpose Nickel 50 – 55 Principal matrix element Chromium 17 – 21 Oxidation resistance Iron Balance Solid solution strengthener Niobium 4.75 – 5.5 Precipitation…







Overview of Inconel 718 Powder

Inconel 718 is a precipitation hardenable nickel-based superalloy powder widely used for additive manufacturing across aerospace, oil & gas, power generation and automotive industries. This article provides a detailed guide to Inconel 718 powder.

Key aspects covered include composition, properties, AM print parameters, applications, specifications, suppliers, handling, inspection methods, comparisons to alternatives, pros and cons, and FAQs. Tables are used to present information in an easy-to-reference format.

Composition of Inconel 718 Powder

The composition of Inconel 718 is:

エレメント 質量 % 目的
ニッケル 50 – 55 主行列要素
クロム 17 – 21 抗酸化性
バランス 固溶体強化剤
ニオブ 4.75 – 5.5 析出硬化
モリブデン 2.8 – 3.3 Solid solution strengthening
チタン 0.65 – 1.15 カーバイドフォーマー
アルミニウム 0.2 – 0.8 析出硬化
炭素 最大0.08 カーバイドフォーマー

Trace amounts of cobalt, boron, copper and magnesium are also added to enhance properties.

Properties of Inconel 718 Powder

Key properties of Inconel 718 include:

プロパティ 説明
強力 Tensile strength 1050 – 1350 MPa
Phase stability Retains strength after prolonged use up to 700¡«C
耐蝕性 Resistant to aqueous corrosion and oxidation
溶接性 Readily weldable with matching filler
Fabricability Easy to form and machine
Creep resistance High stress rupture strength at high temperatures

The properties make Inconel 718 suitable for the most demanding applications.

AM Print Parameters for Inconel 718 Powder

Typical parameters for printing Inconel 718 powder include:

パラメータ 代表値 目的
レイヤーの高さ 20 – 50 Ã×m Balance speed and resolution
レーザー出力 195 – 350 W 蒸発することなく十分に溶ける
スキャン速度 700 – 1300 mm/s Density versus build rate
ハッチの間隔 80 – 160 Ã×m 機械的特性
Support structure 最小限 Easy removal
熱間静水圧プレス 1120¡«C, 100 MPa, 3h 内部の空洞をなくす

The parameters depend on factors like build geometry, temperature management and post-processing needs.

Applications of 3D Printed Inconel 718 Parts

Inconel 718 parts made by AM are used in:

産業 コンポーネント
航空宇宙 Turbine blades, disks, hot section parts
Oil & gas Downhole tools, valves, pumps
発電 Combustion cans, transition ducts
自動車の Turbocharger wheels, exhaust valves
医療 整形外科用インプラント、手術器具

Benefits over wrought parts include complex geometries and reduced buy-to-fly ratios.

Specifications of Inconel 718 Powder for AM

Inconel 718 powder must meet the following specifications for 3D printing:

パラメータ 仕様
粒度範囲 10 – 45 Ã×m
パーティクル形状 球状の形態
見掛け比重 > 4 g/cc
打タップ密度 > 6 g/cc
ホール流動率 > 23 sec for 50 g
純粋さ >99.9%
酸素含量 <100 ppm

Custom size distributions and controlled composition available.

Suppliers of Inconel 718 Powder

Prominent Inconel 718 powder suppliers include:

サプライヤー 場所
プラクスエアー アメリカ
カーペンター粉末工業 アメリカ
サンドビック オスプレイ 英国
LPW テクノロジー 英国
エラスチール フランス
AP&C カナダ

Prices range from $50/kg to $150/kg, influenced by quality and order quantity.

Handling and Storage of Inconel 718 Powder

As a reactive material, Inconel 718 powder requires controlled handling:

  • Store sealed containers in a cool, dry inert atmosphere
  • Prevent exposure to moisture, air, temperature extremes
  • Use properly grounded equipment during transfer
  • Avoid dust accumulation and ignition sources
  • 局所排気装置を推奨
  • Follow applicable safety guidelines

Correct storage/handling prevents composition changes or hazards.

Inspection and Testing of Inconel 718 Powder

Inconel 718 powder batches are validated using:

方法 テストされたパラメーター
ふるい分け分析 粒度分布
SEMイメージング 粒子形態
イーディーエックス Chemistry and composition
XRD 現在のフェーズ
ピクノメトリー 密度
ホール流動率 粉体の流動性

Testing per ASTM standards ensures batch-to-batch quality consistency.

Comparing Inconel 718 to Alternative Superalloy Powders

Inconel 718 compares with other alloys as:

合金 利用料 印刷適性 溶接性 強さ
インコネル718 低い 調子が良い 素晴らしい ミディアム
インコネル 625 ミディアム 素晴らしい 素晴らしい 低い
Inconel 939 非常に高い 公正 限定 素晴らしい
ヘインズ 282 ハイ 調子が良い 限定 素晴らしい

For balanced properties at lower cost, Inconel 718 supersedes other Ni superalloys for many applications.

Pros and Cons of Inconel 718 Powder for AM

長所 欠点
Proven material credentials in AM Lower high temperature strength than some alloys
Excellent weldability and machinability Susceptible to solidification cracking during printing
Readily printed into complex shapes Requires controlled atmosphere handling
Cost advantage over exotic superalloys Significant post-processing often required
Available from range of suppliers Relatively low hardness after printing

Inconel 718 enables high performance AM at a reasonable cost.

Frequently Asked Questions about Inconel 718 Powder

Q: What particle size range works best for printing Inconel 718 alloy?

A: A range of 15-45 microns provides the optimum combination of flowability, high resolution, and high density parts.

Q: What post processing is typically required for Inconel 718 AM parts?

A: Hot isostatic pressing, heat treatment, and machining are commonly needed to eliminate voids, optimize properties, and achieve tolerances.

Q: Is Inconel 718 easier to 3D print than other Ni superalloys?

A: Yes, its excellent weldability and lower cracking susceptibility make Inconel 718 one of the easier Ni-based superalloys to process by AM.

Q: What industries use Inconel 718 alloy for metal 3D printing?

A: Aerospace, oil & gas, power generation, automotive, and medical sectors are major applications benefiting from additively manufactured Inconel 718.

Q: Does Inconel 718 require supports when 3D printing?

A: Minimal supports are recommended on overhangs and bridged sections to prevent deformation and allow easy removal after printing.

Q: What defects can occur when printing Inconel 718 powder?

A: Potential defects are cracking, porosity, distortion, incomplete fusion, and surface roughness. Most can be prevented with optimized parameters.

Q: What hardness can be expected with Inconel 718 AM components?

A: Hardness after printing is typically 30-35 HRC. Post-processes like aging can increase it to 40-50 HRC for higher wear resistance.

Q: What accuracy can be obtained with Inconel 718 printed parts?

A: Comparable dimensional tolerances and surface finishes to CNC machined components can be achieved after post-processing.

Q: Is hot isostatic pressing mandatory for Inconel 718 3D printed parts?

A: HIP eliminates internal voids and improves fatigue life. It may not be required for non-critical applications.

Q: What alloy powder has properties closest to Inconel 718 for AM?

A: Inconel 625 has comparable corrosion resistance and weldability to 718 but lower strength. Inconel 939 trades weldability for higher strength.

