H13 tool steel powder

H13 Tool Steel Powder: Overview H13 tool steel powder is a high-performance steel powder known for its exceptional hot hardness, wear resistance, and toughness. It is widely utilized in tooling and die applications where high-temperature strength and resistance to thermal fatigue are essential. Composition The composition of H13 tool steel powder is meticulously designed to optimize its mechanical properties and performance: Element Weight % Carbon (C) 0.32-0.45 Chromium (Cr) 4.75-5.50 Molybdenum (Mo) 1.10-1.75 Vanadium (V) 0.80-1.20 Silicon (Si) 0.80-1.20 Manganese (Mn) ≤0.50 Phosphorus (P) ≤0.03 Sulfur (S) ≤0.03 Iron (Fe) Balance These alloying elements impart excellent hardenability, strength, and heat resistance to H13 tool steel powder. Properties H13 tool steel…







H13 Tool Steel Powder: Overview

H13 tool steel powder is a high-performance steel powder known for its exceptional hot hardness, wear resistance, and toughness. It is widely utilized in tooling and die applications where high-temperature strength and resistance to thermal fatigue are essential.


The composition of H13 tool steel powder is meticulously designed to optimize its mechanical properties and performance:

エレメント 質量 %
炭素(C) 0.32-0.45
クロム 4.75-5.50
モリブデン(Mo) 1.10-1.75
バナジウム(V) 0.80-1.20
ケイ素(Si) 0.80-1.20
マンガン (Mn) ≤0.50
リン (P) ≤0.03
硫黄 (S) ≤0.03
鉄 (Fe) バランス

These alloying elements impart excellent hardenability, strength, and heat resistance to H13 tool steel powder.


H13 tool steel powder boasts impressive mechanical properties, ensuring its suitability for various industrial applications:

プロパティ 価値
密度 7.8-8.0 g/cm³
硬度 45-50 HRC
引張強度 1000-1100 MPa
降伏強度 850-900 MPa
伸長 10-15%
熱伝導率 23.8 W/m-K
熱膨張係数 11.5 µm/m-K
融点 (Yūten) 1427-1475°C

These properties make H13 tool steel powder an ideal choice for components requiring high strength, lightweight design, and resistance to harsh environments.


Typical applications for H13 tool steel powder include:

  • Die casting dies
  • Extrusion dies
  • Forging dies
  • Plastic molds
  • Hot work tooling
  • Injection molds
  • Metal forming tools

Its combination of high hardness, toughness, and heat resistance makes it indispensable for tooling applications in manufacturing processes.


H13 tool steel powder is typically produced through gas atomization or water atomization processes. Gas atomization involves the rapid solidification of molten metal by high-pressure gas streams, resulting in spherical powder particles suitable for additive manufacturing. Water atomization produces irregular-shaped particles, requiring post-processing for additive manufacturing applications.


H13 tool steel powder is available in various specifications to meet specific application requirements:

属性 詳細
粒子径 15-45 µm, 10-100 µm
形態 球状、不規則
見掛け比重 3.5-4.5 g/cm³
打タップ密度 4-5 g/cm³
純粋さ ≥99.5%以上
酸素含量 <300 ppm
含水率 <0.2 %

These specifications ensure the quality and consistency of H13 tool steel powder for additive manufacturing processes.


H13 tool steel powder complies with relevant industry standards, including ASTM A681 and AISI H13. Equivalent grades include DIN 1.2344 and JIS SKD61.


Quality control measures for H13 tool steel powder include:

  • Chemical analysis: Verifying the correct composition of alloying elements.
  • Particle size analysis: Ensuring the desired particle size distribution.
  • 粉末の形態評価:球状または不規則な粒子形状のチェック。
  • 密度試験:見かけ密度およびタップ密度を測定し、粉末の充填効率を評価する。
  • 純度評価:所望の特性を確保するための純度レベルの検証。
  • 酸素と水分の分析汚染防止のためのモニタリング


Costs for H13 tool steel powder vary depending on factors such as order volume, particle size range, powder morphology, purity levels, and manufacturer/distributor margins.


Proper storage and handling practices are crucial to maintain the integrity of H13 tool steel powder:

  • 密閉容器に入れ、涼しく乾燥した環境で保管する。
  • 水分のピックアップを防ぐため、不活性ガスパージまたは真空を使用する。
  • すべての粉体処理装置と移送装置を接地する。
  • 粉体を取り扱う際には、適切な個人用保護具(PPE)を使用すること。


H13 tool steel powder poses minimal health risks with proper handling:

  • 粉体を取り扱う際は、適切なPPEを着用すること。
  • ホコリや粉の掃除にはHEPAフィルター付きの掃除機を使用する。
  • 溶接や溶融のヒュームを吸入しないこと。
  • 地域の環境規制に従って廃棄する。


  1. Is H13 tool steel powder suitable for aerospace applications? Yes, H13 tool steel powder is commonly used in aerospace for structural parts, aircraft frames, and rocket motor casings due to its high strength and toughness.
  2. What are the main advantages of H13 tool steel powder for defense applications? H13 tool steel powder offers excellent strength and toughness, making it ideal for missile components and armor plating in defense applications.
  3. Can H13 tool steel powder be used in additive manufacturing processes? Yes, H13 tool steel powder is suitable for additive manufacturing processes such as selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM) to produce complex components with high strength and corrosion resistance.
  4. What are the typical costs associated with H13 tool steel powder? Costs for H13 tool steel powder vary based on factors such as volume, particle size range, purity levels, and market conditions.
  5. Is H13 tool steel powder recyclable? Yes, H13 tool steel powder can be recycled and reused in additive manufacturing processes, provided it meets quality standards and is free from contamination.

