インコネル 625 粉末 ニッケル基超合金 in625 粉末

概要 インコネル 625 粉末はニッケル基超合金で、耐腐食性、耐高温性、応力関連割れに対する卓越した耐性で知られています。要求の厳しい工業用途に広く利用されているこの粉末は、優れた機械的特性を備えており、過酷な環境にさらされる重要な部品に最適です。組成 インコネル625粉末の組成は、過酷な条件下での性能を高めるよう調整されています。公称組成は通常以下の通りです:元素 重量 % ニッケル(Ni) ≥58 クロム(Cr) 20-23 モリブデン(Mo) 8-10 鉄(Fe) バランス ニオブ(Nb) + タンタル(Ta) 3.15-4.15 チタン(Ti) ≤0.4 アルミニウム (Al) ≤0.4 マンガン (Mn) ≤0.5 ケイ素 (Si) ≤0.5 炭素 (C) ≤0.1 硫黄 (S) ≤0.015 リン (P) ≤0.015 合金元素の寄与は...








インコネル625粉 is a nickel-based superalloy renowned for its exceptional resistance to corrosion, high temperatures, and stress-related cracking. Widely utilized in demanding industrial applications, this powder offers superior mechanical properties, making it ideal for critical components subjected to extreme environments.


The composition of Inconel 625 powder is tailored to enhance its performance in harsh conditions. The nominal composition typically includes:

エレメント 質量 %
ニッケル (Ni) ≥58
クロム 20-23
モリブデン(Mo) 8-10
鉄 (Fe) バランス
ニオブ(Nb)+タンタル(Ta) 3.15-4.15
チタン(Ti) ≤0.4
アルミニウム (Al) ≤0.4
マンガン (Mn) ≤0.5
ケイ素(Si) ≤0.5
炭素(C) ≤0.1
硫黄 (S) ≤0.015
リン (P) ≤0.015

The alloying elements contribute to the alloy’s exceptional properties, including corrosion resistance, high-temperature strength, and oxidation resistance.


Inconel 625 powder exhibits outstanding properties, ensuring its suitability for challenging applications:

プロパティ 価値
密度 ≥8.4 g/cm³
最終引張強度 ≥760 MPa
降伏強度 ≥345 MPa
伸長 ≥30%
硬度 ≤30 HRC
ヤング率 ≥200 GPa
融点 (Yūten) ≈1290°C
熱伝導率 ≈10.8 W/m-K
電気抵抗率 ≈129 µΩ·cm

These properties make Inconel 625 powder indispensable for components requiring strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion and high temperatures.


The versatility of Inconel 625 powder renders it indispensable across various industries:

  • Gas turbine engine components
  • Aerospace components: turbine blades, engine ducting
  • Chemical processing equipment: reactor vessels, piping, heat exchangers
  • Oil and gas industry: downhole equipment, wellhead components
  • Marine applications: propeller blades, shafts, valves
  • Nuclear reactors: control rod components, reactor vessel internals
  • Medical implants: orthopedic implants, surgical instruments


Inconel 625 powder is commonly produced through gas atomization or plasma atomization processes. Gas atomization involves the disintegration of molten metal using a high-pressure inert gas stream, producing spherical powders suitable for additive manufacturing. Plasma atomization ensures high purity and flowability of the powder.


Inconel 625 powder is available in various specifications to meet diverse application requirements:

属性 詳細
粒子径 10~45μm、20~100μm
形態 球状、不規則
見掛け比重 3.5-4.5 g/cm³
打タップ密度 ≥4 g/cm³
ホール流動率 <30秒/50g
純粋さ ≥99%
酸素含量 ≤200 ppm
含水率 ≤0.2%

These specifications ensure the quality and consistency of Inconel 625 powder, facilitating its successful use in additive manufacturing processes.


Inconel 625 powder complies with relevant industry standards, including ASTM B443. Equivalent grades include UNS N06625 and Werkstoff No. 2.4856.


Quality control measures for Inconel 625 powder include:

  • 化学分析:合金元素の正しい組成の確保。
  • 粒度分析:所望の粒度分布を確認する。
  • 粉末の形態評価:球状または不規則な粒子形状のチェック。
  • 密度試験:見かけ密度およびタップ密度を測定し、粉末の充填効率を評価する。
  • 純度評価:所望の特性を確保するための純度レベルの検証。
  • 酸素と水分の分析汚染防止のためのモニタリング


Costs for Inconel 625 powder vary depending on factors such as order volume, particle size range, powder morphology, purity levels, and manufacturer/distributor margins.


Proper storage and handling practices are crucial to maintain the integrity of Inconel 625 powder:

  • Store in sealed containers in a cool, dry environment
  • Use inert gas purging or vacuum to prevent moisture pickup
  • Ground all powder handling and transfer equipment
  • Use PPE – mask, gloves, eye protection when handling powder


Inconel 625 powder poses minimal health risks with proper handling:

  • Wear appropriate PPE when handling powder
  • Use HEPA-filtered vacuum for clean-up of dust and powder
  • Avoid breathing any welding or melting fumes
  • Dispose according to local environmental regulations


  1. Is Inconel 625 powder suitable for high-temperature applications? Yes, Inconel 625 powder exhibits exceptional resistance to high temperatures, making it suitable for use in gas turbine engine components, aerospace applications, and more.
  2. What are the typical particle sizes available for Inconel 625 powder? Particle sizes for Inconel 625 powder typically range from 10-45 µm and 20-100 µm.
  3. Does Inconel 625 powder require controlled atmosphere storage? While not necessarily required, storing Inconel 625 powder in sealed containers with inert gas can help prevent oxidation and maintain powder integrity.
  4. What are the main industries that use Inconel 625 powder? Inconel 625 powder finds applications in industries such as aerospace, oil and gas, chemical processing, marine, nuclear, and medical.
  5. Can Inconel 625 powder be used in additive manufacturing processes? Yes, Inconel 625 powder is commonly used in additive manufacturing for producing complex components with high strength and corrosion resistance.
  6. What are the key considerations for handling Inconel 625 powder safely? Proper storage in sealed containers, use of personal protective equipment, and adherence to handling guidelines are essential for safe handling of Inconel 625 powder.
  7. Is Inconel 625 powder recyclable? Yes, Inconel 625 powder can be recycled and reused in additive manufacturing processes, provided it meets quality standards and is free from contamination.
  8. What are the typical costs associated with Inconel 625 powder? Costs for Inconel 625 powder vary based on factors such as volume, particle size range, purity levels, and market conditions.

