

チタンアルミナイドパウダー, also known as TiAl powder, is a highly specialized material used in various advanced engineering applications. This alloy powder combines titanium and aluminum to create a material that boasts high strength, low density, excellent oxidation resistance, and good wear resistance. These characteristics make it particularly valuable in the aerospace, automotive, and energy industries, where high-performance materials are essential.

This article delves into the specifics of Titanium Aluminide Powder, exploring its composition, properties, applications, specifications, suppliers, and more. We’ll provide a detailed analysis, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of this versatile material.

What is Titanium Aluminide Powder?

Titanium Aluminide Powder is an intermetallic compound, primarily composed of titanium and aluminum. The unique properties of this material arise from its intermetallic nature, which means that it possesses characteristics distinct from those of its constituent metals. TiAl is renowned for its ability to maintain high strength and stability at elevated temperatures, making it an ideal choice for high-stress environments.


Types of Titanium Aluminide Powder

There are various models of Titanium Aluminide Powder, each with specific compositions and properties tailored for different applications. Below, we list and describe ten notable types:

トランスレータ兼インプルーバとして、次のテキストをJAに翻訳します。 Model作曲プロパティ特徴
Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb48% Al, 2% Cr, 2% Nb高強度、耐酸化性Ideal for aerospace components
Ti-47Al-3Nb-1Cr47% Al, 3% Nb, 1% CrExcellent creep resistance, high stabilityUsed in turbine blades
Ti-45Al-5Nb45% Al, 5% NbEnhanced toughness, good ductilitySuitable for structural applications
Ti-48Al-1Cr-1V48% Al, 1% Cr, 1% V高い耐摩耗性、良好な耐食性Ideal for automotive engine components
Ti-46Al-4Nb-2Cr46% Al, 4% Nb, 2% CrSuperior fatigue resistance, good hardness航空宇宙および自動車産業で使用
Ti-50Al-2Mn-2Mo50% Al, 2% Mn, 2% MoExcellent oxidation resistance, lightweight高温用途に適している
Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Mn48% Al, 2% Nb, 2% MnGood thermal stability, low density軽量構造部品に最適
Ti-49Al-1Nb-1Ta49% Al, 1% Nb, 1% Ta高い強度対重量比、良好な加工性Used in advanced engineering applications
Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Mn47% Al, 2% Cr, 2% MnGood corrosion and wear resistanceSuitable for marine applications
Ti-46Al-3Nb-2V46% Al, 3% Nb, 2% V高強度、優れた延性Used in high-performance industrial parts

応用例 チタンアルミナイドパウダー

Titanium Aluminide Powder is utilized across various industries due to its exceptional properties. Here are some of the primary applications:

航空宇宙Used in turbine blades, jet engine components, and structural parts due to its high temperature and oxidation resistance.
自動車のApplied in engine components, turbochargers, and exhaust systems for its strength and lightweight characteristics.
エネルギーUtilized in gas turbines and power plants for its durability and high performance under extreme conditions.
医療機器Employed in surgical instruments and implants owing to its biocompatibility and strength.
船員Used in propeller shafts and other marine hardware for its corrosion resistance and wear properties.
産業機械Integrated into high-performance parts that require high strength and low weight, such as pumps and valves.
スポーツ用品Used in the manufacture of lightweight and durable sports gear.
増材製造Utilized in 3D printing for creating complex, high-strength parts.
ディフェンスApplied in military vehicles and equipment for its robust and lightweight properties.
Space ExplorationUsed in spacecraft components due to its ability to withstand extreme temperatures and conditions.

Advantages of Titanium Aluminide Powder

Titanium Aluminide Powder offers numerous benefits, making it a preferred material in high-performance applications:

  • 高い強度重量比: One of the standout features of TiAl is its exceptional strength relative to its weight. This makes it an excellent choice for applications where reducing weight without compromising strength is crucial, such as in aerospace and automotive industries.
  • Excellent Oxidation Resistance: TiAl’s ability to resist oxidation at high temperatures extends its lifespan and reliability in extreme environments.
  • Good Wear Resistance: Its durability against wear makes it suitable for applications involving high friction and mechanical stress.
  • 熱安定性: The material maintains its properties at elevated temperatures, which is critical for components exposed to high heat.
  • 生体適合性: TiAl is non-toxic and compatible with the human body, making it useful for medical implants and devices.

Disadvantages of Titanium Aluminide Powder

While Titanium Aluminide Powder has many advantages, it also has some limitations:

  • 脆さ: TiAl can be more brittle compared to other metals, which may limit its use in applications requiring high ductility.
  • 製造業の課題: The production and processing of TiAl can be more complex and costly due to its specialized properties.
  • Limited Room-Temperature Ductility: The material may not perform as well in applications requiring high ductility at room temperature.
  • 高コスト: The cost of raw materials and the manufacturing process can be higher compared to other alloys.
  • Specialized Processing Requirements: TiAl requires specific processing techniques, which can limit its widespread use.


Titanium Aluminide Powders come in various specifications, sizes, and grades. Here is a summary of the common standards:

粒子サイズ通常、15 µm~150 µmである。
純粋さUsually above 99.5%
密度Approximately 3.8 g/cm³
融点 (Yūten)Around 1460°C
スタンダードASTM B998, AMS 4829, ISO 5832-3
グレードTi-48Al-2Cr-2Nb, Ti-45Al-5Nb, Ti-50Al-2Mn-2Mo, etc.
フォームPowder, granules, or fine particles


Several suppliers provide high-quality Titanium Aluminide Powders. Pricing can vary based on quantity, purity, and specific requirements.

アドバンスド・パウダー$300 – $500High-purity, custom particle sizes available
Metal Alloys Inc.$350 – $550Bulk discounts, various grades offered
ナノテク材料$400 – $600Specializes in nano-sized powders
Aero Materials$320 – $520Focus on aerospace-grade powders
ProMetal Supplies$310 – $510Comprehensive material certification


の長所と短所を理解する チタンアルミナイドパウダー helps in making informed decisions regarding its use in various applications.

Strength-to-Weight高強度、軽量Brittle, limited ductility
抗酸化性Excellent at high temperaturesより高いコスト
耐摩耗性丈夫で長持ちSpecialized manufacturing required
熱安定性Maintains properties at elevated temperaturesComplex processing techniques
生体適合性Suitable for medical applicationsLimited availability, high price


What is Titanium Aluminide Powder used for?It’s used in aerospace, automotive, medical devices, and energy applications.
Why is TiAl preferred in aerospace?Due to its high strength-to-weight ratio and excellent oxidation resistance.
Can Titanium Aluminide Powder be 3D printed?Yes, it is often used in additive manufacturing for complex parts.
Is TiAl biocompatible?はい、医療用インプラントや機器に使用しても安全です。


Titanium Aluminide Powder is a remarkable material with a wide array of applications across several industries. Its unique combination of high strength, low weight, excellent oxidation resistance, and good wear properties makes it invaluable in high-performance settings. However, its brittleness, high cost, and specialized processing requirements pose some challenges.

As technology advances and manufacturing techniques improve, the use of Titanium Aluminide Powder is likely to expand, offering even more innovative solutions to engineering challenges. Whether you’re in aerospace, automotive, or any other high-tech field, understanding the intricacies of TiAl can help you make informed decisions about its applications and benefits.


3DP mETALについて
