몰리브덴 분말


몰리브덴 분말 is a versatile material that plays a critical role in various industrial applications. Its unique properties make it indispensable in metallurgy, electronics, and chemical industries. This guide delves into the specifics of molybdenum powder, exploring its types, properties, applications, and more, to provide a thorough understanding of this important material.

What is Molybdenum Powder?

Molybdenum powder is a finely divided form of molybdenum metal, known for its high melting point, strength, and resistance to corrosion. It is often used in the production of alloys, as a lubricant, and in various chemical applications. The powder can be produced through several methods, including hydrogen reduction and mechanical milling.

Types of Molybdenum Powder

Molybdenum powder comes in various types, each suited for different applications. Here are some of the most common ones:

Atomized MolybdenumSpherical particles with high purity and consistent size.Metallurgy, thermal spray coatings
Hydrogen-ReducedProduced by reducing molybdenum oxide with hydrogen.Alloy production, catalysts
Mechanical MilledProduced by milling molybdenum into fine particles.Lubricants, additives
나노 파우더Extremely fine particles with a high surface area.Electronics, medical devices
고순도 파우더Contains minimal impurities, ideal for high-performance applications.항공우주, 전자
몰리브덴 분말

속성 몰리브덴 분말

Molybdenum powder boasts several notable properties that make it a valuable material in many fields.

용융점2,623°C (4,753°F)
밀도10.28 g/cm³
열 전도성138 W/m·K
전기전도도1.9 × 10^7 S/m
내식성Excellent in most environments

Characteristics of Molybdenum Powder

  • 높은 강도: Molybdenum maintains its strength at high temperatures.
  • 내식성: It is resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for harsh environments.
  • 전기전도도: Excellent conductor of electricity, useful in electronic applications.
  • 열적 안정성: Maintains stability under extreme heat, useful in high-temperature applications.

몰리브덴 분말의 응용 분야

Molybdenum powder is used in a wide range of applications due to its unique properties. Below is a table summarizing its primary uses.

Alloy ProductionEnhances strength, hardness, and resistance in steel and superalloys.
열 스프레이 코팅Provides wear and corrosion resistance to surfaces.
촉매제Used in petroleum refining and chemical processing.
전자제품Integral in semiconductors, capacitors, and other electronic components.
윤활유Reduces friction and wear in machinery and engines.
의료 기기Used in imaging equipment and other advanced medical technologies.
항공 우주Vital in the construction of aircraft and spacecraft components.
화학 가공Used in reactors and other equipment due to its resistance to corrosion.

특정 금속 분말 모델

  1. Atomized Molybdenum Powder
  • 설명: Spherical particles, high purity, consistent size distribution.
  • 신청: Thermal spray coatings, powder metallurgy.
  1. Hydrogen-Reduced Molybdenum Powder
  • 설명: Produced by reducing molybdenum trioxide with hydrogen, high purity.
  • 신청: Alloying, catalysts in chemical reactions.
  1. Mechanical Milled Molybdenum Powder
  • 설명: Finely milled particles, lower purity compared to atomized powders.
  • 신청: Lubricants, friction materials.
  1. Nanopowder Molybdenum
  • 설명: Ultra-fine particles with high surface area, high reactivity.
  • 신청: Electronics, advanced coatings.
  1. 고순도 몰리브덴 분말
  • 설명: Minimal impurities, suited for high-performance applications.
  • 신청: Electronics, aerospace components.
  1. Spherical Molybdenum Powder
  • 설명: Spherical particles, excellent flow properties.
  • 신청: 3D printing, powder bed fusion.
  1. Amorphous Molybdenum Powder
  • 설명: Non-crystalline form, highly reactive.
  • 신청: Catalysts, chemical applications.
  1. Coated Molybdenum Powder
  • 설명: Surface treated to enhance properties.
  • 신청: Specialty coatings, electronics.
  1. Doped Molybdenum Powder
  • 설명: Alloyed with other elements to enhance specific properties.
  • 신청: Specialized alloys, electronic applications.
  1. Spray-Dried Molybdenum Powder
    • 설명: Produced through spray drying, uniform particle size.
    • 신청: Plasma spraying, powder metallurgy.

Specifications of 몰리브덴 분말

Different grades and sizes of molybdenum powder are available to meet the specific needs of various applications.

사양상세 정보
순결≥ 99.95%
입자 크기1 – 100 µm
밀도10.2 g/cm³
표면적0.1 – 10 m²/g
표준 성적ASTM B387, ASTM F2891
크기 분포Spherical, irregular, custom sizes

공급업체 및 가격

Molybdenum powder is supplied by various manufacturers worldwide. Pricing can vary based on purity, particle size, and quantity.

공급자국가가격 범위(kg당)참고
H.C. 스타크독일$300 – $500High-quality, high-purity powders
Plansee오스트리아$350 – $550Specializes in advanced materials
도시바 머티리얼즈일본$250 – $450Innovative products, global supplier
엘멧 테크놀로지스미국$300 – $480Custom sizes and grades available
Midwest Tungsten미국$280 – $470Reliable supplier, wide product range
MolymetChile$270 – $460Leading producer of molybdenum products
글로벌 텅스텐 및 분말미국$290 – $500High purity, consistent quality

Advantages and Disadvantages of Molybdenum Powder

Understanding the pros and cons of molybdenum powder is essential for making informed decisions about its use.


높은 융점Suitable for high-temperature applications.
내식성Excellent resistance to corrosion in various environments.
Maintains strength at high temperatures.
다용도성Used in numerous industries and applications.
전기전도도Ideal for electronic applications.


비용Can be expensive compared to other metals.
가공성Difficult to machine due to hardness.
가용성Limited suppliers and high demand can lead to supply issues.
밀도High density can be a limitation in some applications.

비교 몰리브덴 분말 모델

Let’s compare some of the specific molybdenum powder models to highlight their differences and optimal uses.

모델최상의 대상장점단점
Atomized MolybdenumThermal spray coatings, powder metallurgyConsistent size, high purity더 높은 비용
Hydrogen-ReducedAlloy production, catalystsHigh purity, good reactivityLimited to specific applications
Mechanical MilledLubricants, friction materials비용 효율적Lower purity
나노 파우더Electronics, advanced coatingsHigh surface area, high reactivityExpensive, handling difficulties
고순도 몰리브덴 분말항공우주 부품, 전자 제품Minimal impurities, high performanceHigher cost, specialized applications
Spherical Molybdenum Powder3D printing, powder bed fusionExcellent flow properties, uniformityLimited to additive manufacturing
Amorphous Molybdenum PowderCatalysts, chemical applicationsHigh reactivity, versatileLimited structural strength
Coated Molybdenum PowderSpecialty coatings, electronicsEnhanced properties, tailored applicationsHigher processing costs
Doped Molybdenum PowderSpecialized alloys, electronic applicationsEnhanced properties, specific needsLimited availability, higher cost
Spray-Dried Molybdenum PowderPlasma spraying, powder metallurgyUniform particle size, good flowabilityLimited to certain processing methods
몰리브덴 분말


몰리브덴 분말의 주요 용도는 무엇인가요?

Molybdenum powder is used extensively in alloy production to enhance the strength and resistance of metals. It is also crucial in thermal spray coatings for wear and corrosion resistance, and as a catalyst in chemical reactions.

What are the advantages of using molybdenum powder in electronics?

Molybdenum powder’s high electrical conductivity makes it ideal for electronic applications such as semiconductors and capacitors. It ensures efficient energy transfer and reliability in electronic components.

How does molybdenum powder contribute to aerospace applications?

In aerospace, molybdenum powder is valued for its high strength and resistance to extreme temperatures. It is used in the construction of aircraft components, ensuring durability and performance under demanding conditions.

What factors should be considered when selecting molybdenum powder for specific applications?

Key considerations include purity levels, particle size distribution, and the intended use (e.g., high-temperature stability, corrosion resistance). Matching these factors to the application requirements ensures optimal performance.

Is molybdenum powder environmentally friendly?

Molybdenum itself is not harmful to the environment, and its powder form is typically handled safely in industrial settings. Manufacturers adhere to environmental regulations to minimize any potential impact during production and usage.

Where can one purchase molybdenum powder?

Molybdenum powder is available from various global suppliers specializing in advanced materials. Companies like H.C. Starck, Plansee, and Toshiba Materials offer high-purity powders tailored to specific industrial needs.

What are the challenges associated with using molybdenum powder?

Challenges include its high cost compared to other metals, difficulties in machining due to hardness, and potential supply chain constraints due to limited availability from specialized suppliers.


Molybdenum powder stands out as a critical material in modern industrial applications due to its exceptional properties and versatility. Whether enhancing alloys in aerospace, providing corrosion resistance in chemical processing, or enabling high-performance electronics, molybdenum powder plays a vital role. Understanding its various types, properties, applications, and considerations for use allows industries to leverage its benefits effectively. For those seeking reliable performance in demanding environments, molybdenum powder remains an indispensable choice.

By providing detailed insights and comparisons, this guide equips professionals and enthusiasts alike with the knowledge needed to navigate the diverse landscape of molybdenum powder applications. As technology advances and new innovations emerge, the role of molybdenum powder is expected to expand, continuing its legacy as a cornerstone of modern industrial materials.

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