Pó de liga de aço A100


Visão geral do pó de liga de aço A100 O aço inoxidável A100 contém altos níveis de níquel e manganês, além de cromo, nitrogênio e carbono, para obter excelente tenacidade e ductilidade em baixas temperaturas. Ele mantém excelente resistência ao impacto e resistência à fragilização criogênica até a temperatura do hélio líquido. As principais características do pó A100 incluem: Excelente resistência a baixas...

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Overview of A100 Steel Alloy Powder

A100 stainless steel contains high levels of nickel and manganese along with chromium, nitrogen and carbon to achieve outstanding low temperature toughness and ductility. It retains excellent impact strength and resistance to cryogenic embrittlement down to the temperature of liquid helium.

Key characteristics of A100 powder include:

  • Excellent low temperature toughness and ductility
  • High impact strength at cryogenic temperatures
  • Good strength and hardness at room temperature
  • Very good weldability and fabricability
  • Resistant to cryogenic embrittlement
  • Disponíveis em várias distribuições de tamanho de partículas

A100 powder is designed for applications requiring thermal stability and toughness at extremely low temperatures such as liquid natural gas storage and transportation. This article provides a detailed overview of this alloy powder.

Chemical Composition of A100 Powder

The typical composition of A100 powder is:

Elemento % do Peso
Niquel (Ni) 9-11%
Manganês (Mn) 12-14%
Cromo (Cr) 14-16%
Nitrogênio (N) 0.15-0.30%
Carbono (C) Máximo de 0,08%
Silício (Si) 1% máximo
Ferro (Fe) Equilíbrio

The key alloying elements like nickel, manganese, chromium along with nitrogen enable exceptional cryogenic temperature toughness and ductility in A100 steel.

Pó de liga de aço A100

Properties of A100 Powder

A100 powder possesses the following properties:

Propriedade Valor
Densidade 7,9-8,1 g/cm3
Ponto de Fusão 1400-1450¡«C
Condutividade térmica 12 W/mK
Resistividade elétrica 0.80 Ã×´Î.cm
Módulo de Young 190-210 GPa
Razão de Poisson 0.29-0.30
Resistência à Tração 620 MPa
Limite de escoamento 275 MPa
alongamento 35-40%
Impact Strength 50-120 J at -196¡«C

A100 maintains excellent ductility and impact strength even at the temperature of liquid helium making it suitable for the most demanding cryogenic applications.

Production Method for A100 Powder

A100 powder can be produced via:

  • Atomização a gás?- High pressure inert gas used to atomize the molten alloy resulting in fine spherical powder ideal for AM.
  • Atomização da Água?- High velocity water jet breaks up the molten stream into irregular powder particles. Lower cost but higher oxygen pickup.
  • Ligação Mecânica?- Moagem com esferas de pós elementares misturados seguida de sinterização e atomização secundária.

Gas atomization allows excellent control over particle size distribution, shape, oxygen pickup and microcleanliness.

Applications of A100 Powder

Typical applications for A100 powder include:

  • Manufatura aditiva?- Used in laser powder bed fusion and binder jetting for cryogenic parts like valve bodies, pump components, storage tanks etc.
  • Modelagem por Injeção de Metais?- To manufacture small, complex cryogenic parts needing high ductility and impact strength.
  • Revestimentos por Projeção Térmica?- Wire arc spray deposition to produce coatings providing cryogenic resistance.
  • Cryogenic Vessels?- Liners, fittings, fasteners, forged and cast parts for storage, transportation of liquefied natural gas.
  • Cryocoolers?- Powder forged compressor parts, regenerator housings requiring high cryogenic toughness.

Specifications of A100 Powder

A100 powder is available under various size ranges, shapes and grades:

  • Tamanho da partícula:De 10-45 ×m para métodos AM, até 150 ×m para processos de spray térmico.
  • Morfologia:?Spherical, irregular and blended shapes. Smooth spherical powder provides optimal flow and packing density.
  • Pureza:?From commercial to high purity grades based on application requirements.
  • Oxigênio:Níveis mantidos abaixo de 2000 ppm para a maioria das aplicações.
  • Taxa de fluxo:Pó personalizado para taxas de fluxo acima de 25 s/50 g.

Global Suppliers of A100 Powder

Some of the major global suppliers of A100 powder include:

  • Sandvik Osprey (Reino Unido)
  • Hoganas (Suécia)
  • Praxair (EUA)
  • Oerlikon Metco (Suíça)
  • Erasteel (França)
  • CNPC Powder (China)

These companies produce various grades of A100 powder tailored for additive manufacturing, thermal spray, powder metallurgy and other cryogenic applications.

Pricing of A100 Powder

A100 powder is priced higher than austenitic grades due to complex chemistry:

  • Quantidade?- $50-100 per kg for bulk orders above 500 kg. Smaller quantities are priced higher.
  • Qualidade?- High purity, spherical powder with controlled characteristics demands premium pricing.
  • Fornecedor?- Large global suppliers offer competitive pricing owing to higher volumes.
  • Geografia?- Prices vary between regions with Europe and North America being higher priced markets.

For critical cryogenic applications, buyers should focus on quality rather than lowest cost while procuring A100 powder.

Storage and Handling of A100 Powder

A100 powder requires controlled storage and handling:

  • Conservar em recipientes fechados sob gás inerte para evitar a oxidação
  • Avoid accumulation of fine powder to minimize dust explosion risks
  • Use proper grounding, ventilation, PPE when handling powder
  • Prevent contact with moisture, acids, strong oxidizers
  • Follow recommended safety practices from supplier SDS

Inert gas glove box techniques are preferred when handling reactive alloy powders like A100.

Inspection and Testing of A100 Powder

Key quality control tests performed on A100 powder:

  • Análise química usando OES ou XRF para garantir que a composição está dentro dos limites especificados
  • Distribuição do tamanho de partículas conforme a norma ASTM B822
  • Análise morfológica por meio de imagens MEV
  • Taxa de fluxo de pó medida de acordo com a norma ASTM B213
  • Determinação de densidade por picnometria de hélio
  • Teste de impureza por ICP-MS
  • Caracterização da microestrutura por difração de raios X

Thorough testing ensures the powder meets the required chemical, physical and microstructural characteristics for cryogenic applications.

Comparison Between A100 and 304L Stainless Steel Powders

A100 and 304L stainless steel powders compared:

Parâmetro A100 304L
Tipo Austenitic Austenitic
Ni content 9-11% 8-12%
Low temperature toughness Excelente Pobre
Resistência à corrosão Moderado Excelente
Custo Maior Mais baixo
Soldabilidade Muito bom Excelente
APLICATIVOS Cryogenic parts Automotivo, eletrodomésticos

A100 offers exceptional low temperature toughness whereas 304L provides better overall corrosion resistance at lower cost.

A100 Powder FAQs

Q: How is A100 steel alloy powder produced?

A: A100 powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization and mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization provides the best control of characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications of A100 powder?

A: The major applications include additive manufacturing, thermal spray coatings, metal injection molding, and powder metallurgy of cryogenic parts needing high ductility and impact strength at extremely low temperatures.

Q: What is the typical A100 powder size used for binder jetting AM?

A: For binder jetting process, the common A100 powder size range is 20-45 microns with spherical morphology to enable good powder packing and binder infiltration.

Q: Does A100 powder require any special handling precautions?

A: Yes, it is recommended to handle A100 powder carefully under controlled humidity and inert atmosphere using proper grounding, ventilation and PPE.

Q: Where can I purchase A100 powder suitable for cryogenic storage vessels?

A: For cryogenic applications needing high toughness, A100 powder can be purchased from leading manufacturers including Sandvik Osprey, Hoganas, Praxair, Oerlikon Metco, and Erasteel.

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