Ti22Al25Nb Powder


Overview of Ti22Al25Nb Powder Ti22Al25Nb belongs to the class of titanium aluminide alloys that possess attractive properties like high specific strength, good creep resistance, oxidation resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. The near-equiatomic ratio of titanium and aluminum provides a balanced combination of light weight, strength and environmental resistance at elevated temperatures. Key characteristics…

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Overview of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Ti22Al25Nb belongs to the class of titanium aluminide alloys that possess attractive properties like high specific strength, good creep resistance, oxidation resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. The near-equiatomic ratio of titanium and aluminum provides a balanced combination of light weight, strength and environmental resistance at elevated temperatures.

Key characteristics of Ti22Al25Nb powder include:

  • Very high specific strength (strength-to-weight ratio)
  • Excellent high temperature mechanical properties
  • Good creep and fatigue strength
  • Low density compared to nickel and iron-based superalloys
  • Alta resistência à corrosão

Ti22Al25Nb powder has emerged as an excellent choice for reducing weight and improving efficiency in aerospace, automotive, and other high-performance applications at elevated temperatures.

Composition of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Ti22Al25Nb powder has the following nominal composition:

Elemento % do Peso
Titânio (Ti) 22%
Alumínio (Al) 25%
Nióbio (Nb) 5-10%
Vanádio (V) 0-5%
Cromo (Cr) 0-2%
Carbono (C) 0-0.2%
Oxigênio (O) 0-0.2%

Ti22Al25Nb Powder

The amounts of strengthening elements like niobium and vanadium can be varied to optimize the mechanical properties. Impurity levels of carbon and oxygen are minimized.

Properties of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Key properties of Ti22Al25Nb powder include:

Propriedade Valor
Densidade 3.7-3.9 g/cm3
Ponto de Fusão 1350-1450¡«C
Condutividade térmica 16-22 W/mK
Resistividade elétrica 1,7 ×'Î.cm
Módulo de Young 160–180 GPa
Razão de Poisson 0.32-0.34
Resistência à Tração 500-900 MPa
Limite de escoamento 400-600 MPa
alongamento 1-4%
Creep Strength 150-300 MPa
Resistência à oxidação Excellent up to 800¡«C


The properties like high strength, low density, and temperature capability make it well suited for critical aerospace components needing weight savings.

Production Method for Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Ti22Al25Nb powder can be produced via methods like:

  • Atomização a gás?- High pressure inert gas jet used to atomize molten alloy resulting in fine spherical powder ideal for AM.
  • Processo de eletrodo rotativo de plasma (PREP)?- Centrifugal disintegration of rapidly rotating molten metal into fine droplets yields spherical powder.
  • Ligação Mecânica?- High energy ball milling of elemental/pre-alloyed powders followed by annealing and secondary atomization.

Gas atomization and PREP allow excellent control over powder characteristics like particle size distribution, morphology, and microcleanliness.

Applications of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Ti22Al25Nb powder is used in:

  • Manufatura aditiva?- Selective laser melting to produce complex lightweight components like brackets, airfoils, impellers for aerospace and automotive.
  • Revestimentos por Projeção Térmica?- Applied via plasma or HVOF spraying to provide wear/corrosion resistance for turbocharger blades and aerospace components at high temperatures.
  • Modelagem por Injeção de Metais?- To manufacture small, complex net-shape parts needing high specific strength up to 800¡«C like turbine blades.
  • Metalurgia do pó?- Pressing and sintering to create low-density, high-strength parts like connecting rods.

Specifications of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Ti22Al25Nb powder is available under various size ranges, shapes and purity levels:

  • Tamanho da partícula:De 15-45 ×m para métodos AM, até 100 ×m para processos de spray térmico.
  • Morfologia:?Near-spherical powder morphology provides optimal flow and packing density.
  • Pureza:?From commercial to high purity levels based on impurity limits and process requirements.
  • Oxigênio:Níveis mantidos abaixo de 2000 ppm para a maioria das aplicações.
  • Fluidez:Pó personalizado para excelentes taxas de fluxo acima de 25 s/50 g.

Global Suppliers of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Some of the major global suppliers of Ti22Al25Nb powder are:

  • AP&C (Canadá)
  • TLS Technik (Alemanha)
  • Sandvik Osprey (Reino Unido)
  • Tekna (Canadá)
  • ECKA Granules (Germany)
  • Pó de titânio (Rússia)

These companies produce various grades of Ti22Al25Nb powder tailored for additive manufacturing, thermal spray, powder metallurgy and other applications.

Pricing of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Ti22Al25Nb powder is priced higher than steels and nickel alloys:

  • Quantidade?- $100-150 por kg para pedidos em massa acima de 500 kg. Quantidades menores têm preços significativamente mais altos.
  • QualidadePó esférico de alta pureza, fabricado sob condições rigorosamente controladas, usando processos avançados, exige um preço premium.
  • Fornecedor?- Os principais fornecedores globais oferecem vantagens de custo em comparação com os fabricantes menores devido aos maiores volumes de produção.
  • Geografia?- Os preços variam entre as regiões, sendo que a Europa e a América do Norte são mercados com preços mais altos em comparação com a Ásia.

For critical applications, buyers should focus on quality rather than lowest cost while sourcing Ti22Al25Nb powder.

Storage and Handling of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Ti22Al25Nb powder requires careful storage and handling:

  • Should be stored in sealed containers under inert gas like argon to prevent oxidation
  • Evite o acúmulo de pó fino para minimizar o risco de explosões de poeira
  • Use proper PPE, ventilation, grounding and safety practices during powder handling
  • Prevent contact between powder and ignition sources due to flammability hazard
  • Siga as orientações de segurança aplicáveis do SDS do fornecedor

Care should be taken when handling this highly reactive alloy powder.

Inspection and Testing of Ti22Al25Nb Powder

Key quality control tests performed on Ti22Al25Nb powder:

  • Chemical analysis using ICP-OES or XRF to ensure composition meets specifications
  • Distribuição do tamanho de partículas por difração a laser de acordo com o padrão ASTM B822
  • Análise morfológica por meio de imagens MEV
  • Powder flow rate measurement using Hall flowmeter as per ASTM B213 standard
  • Medição de densidade por picnometria de hélio
  • Impurity analysis through inert gas fusion or ICP-MS
  • Caracterização da microestrutura por difração de raios X

Testes minuciosos garantem a consistência do lote e a qualidade do pó para a aplicação pretendida.

Comparison Between Ti22Al25Nb and Inconel 718 Powders

Ti22Al25Nb and Inconel 718 powders compared:

Parâmetro Ti22Al25Nb Inconel 718
Densidade 3.7-3.9 g/cm3 8.2 g/cm3
Resistência a altas temperaturas Comparável Comparável
Resistência à oxidação Melhor Bom
Custo Maior Mais baixo
Trabalhabilidade Pobre Excelente
APLICATIVOS Componentes Aeroespaciais Aeroespacial, automotivo
Disponibilidade Moderado Disponível prontamente


Ti22Al25Nb offers weight savings over Inconel 718. But workability is poor and cost is higher for titanium aluminide powder.

Ti22Al25Nb Powder FAQs

Q: How is Ti22Al25Nb powder produced?

A: Ti22Al25Nb powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, plasma rotating electrode process, and mechanical alloying followed by annealing and secondary atomization.

Q: What are the main applications of Ti22Al25Nb powder?

A: The major applications include additive manufacturing, thermal spray coatings, metal injection molding, and powder metallurgy to make lightweight structural parts needing high temperature capability.

Q: What is the typical particle size used in AM?

A: For most metal AM processes, the ideal Ti22Al25Nb powder size range is 15-45 microns with high purity, spherical morphology and good powder flow.

Q: Does Ti22Al25Nb powder require special handling precautions?

A: Yes, it is highly reactive and requires careful handling under inert atmosphere using ventilation, grounding, PPE to prevent fire or explosion hazards.

Q: Where can I buy Ti22Al25Nb powder for aerospace applications?

A: For aerospace parts needing lightweight and high strength, Ti22Al25Nb powder can be sourced from leading manufacturers including AP&C, TLS Technik, Sandvik Osprey, and Tekna.

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