Алюминий Никель Бронза

Aluminium nickel bronze is a fascinating and versatile alloy. But what exactly makes it so special? Let’s dive deep into this topic, exploring its composition, properties, and many applications. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of this remarkable material.


Aluminium nickel bronze is a copper-based alloy that combines aluminium, nickel, and iron. This blend results in a material known for its strength, corrosion resistance, and durability. It’s commonly used in marine applications, aerospace, and heavy-duty industrial equipment.

Composition of Aluminium Nickel Bronze

The composition of aluminium nickel bronze varies depending on the specific grade, but here’s a general idea:

ЭлементТиповой состав (%)
Другие элементыTrace amounts

This specific mix of elements gives aluminium nickel bronze its unique properties, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.

алюминий никель бронза

Свойства и характеристики Алюминий Никель Бронза

Высокая прочностьComparable to low alloy steels, making it suitable for heavy-duty applications.
Коррозионная стойкостьExcellent resistance to seawater corrosion, especially in marine environments.
ИзносостойкостьHigh resistance to wear and galling, even in abrasive conditions.
ТеплопроводностьGood thermal conductivity, important for heat exchangers and cooling systems.
ЭлектропроводностьModerate electrical conductivity, useful in specific electrical applications.
ПластичностьGood ductility allows for complex shapes and designs to be formed.

These properties are why aluminium nickel bronze is often the material of choice in many critical industries.

Applications of Aluminium Nickel Bronze

Морская пехотаPropeller shafts, seawater valves, pump components, and fittings.
Аэрокосмическая отрасльLanding gear bushings, engine components, and structural parts.
ПромышленныйWear plates, bearing cages, and heavy machinery parts.
Нефть и газValve seats, bushings, and pipeline components.
АвтомобильныйEngine parts, transmission components, and braking systems.
ЗащитаAmmunition handling systems, naval applications, and weaponry parts.

The versatility of aluminium nickel bronze makes it invaluable across these diverse fields.

Технические характеристики, размеры, марки и стандарты

Размерный рядRods, bars, sheets, and custom sizes
КлассыUNS C63000, C63020, C63200, etc.
СтандартыASTM B150, ASTM B171, SAE J461, etc.

Choosing the right grade and size depends on the specific application requirements.

Поставщики и ценовая политика

ПоставщикПродуктЦеновой диапазон
Поставщик AC63000 Aluminium Nickel Bronze Rods$20 – $30 per kg
Поставщик BC63200 Aluminium Nickel Bronze Sheets$25 – $35 per kg
Поставщик CCustom Aluminium Nickel Bronze PartsVaries by design

Prices can vary based on market conditions and specific supplier offerings.

Плюсы и минусы Алюминий Никель Бронза

СилаHigh strength makes it suitable for heavy-duty applications.Can be more difficult to machine.
Коррозионная стойкостьExcellent for marine and industrial environments.More expensive than some alternatives.
ИзносостойкостьOutperforms many other materials in abrasive conditions.Requires precise alloy composition.
ТеплопроводностьGood for heat exchange applications.Not as high as some other metals.
ПластичностьAllows for complex shapes and custom designs.May require specialized fabrication.

Understanding these pros and cons helps in making an informed decision about using aluminium nickel bronze in various applications.

Specific Aluminium Nickel Bronze Models

Let’s look at specific metal powder models of aluminium nickel bronze and their unique features:

  1. C63000
  • Состав: 78-81% Copper, 9-11% Aluminium, 4-5.5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: High strength, good wear resistance, excellent corrosion resistance.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Bushings, bearings, valve seats.
  1. C63020
  • Состав: 79-83% Copper, 8-10% Aluminium, 4-5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: Enhanced toughness, good machinability.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Marine hardware, pump shafts.
  1. C63200
  • Состав: 77-81% Copper, 9-11% Aluminium, 5-6% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: Superior corrosion resistance, high strength.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Aerospace components, high-strength fittings.
  1. C95500
  • Состав: 76-80% Copper, 9-12% Aluminium, 4-5.5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: Excellent impact resistance, good machinability.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Heavy-duty bushings, wear plates.
  1. C95800
  • Состав: 79-82% Copper, 8.5-10% Aluminium, 4-5.5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: Superior corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Propeller hubs, marine fittings.
  1. C95510
  • Состав: 77-81% Copper, 9-11% Aluminium, 4-5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: High wear resistance, good ductility.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Valve components, pump sleeves.
  1. C95520
  • Состав: 78-82% Copper, 8-11% Aluminium, 4-5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: Great corrosion resistance, high strength.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Marine propellers, high-pressure valves.
  1. C63010
  • Состав: 79-83% Copper, 8-10% Aluminium, 4-5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: Good toughness, high impact resistance.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Bearing cages, industrial gears.
  1. C63050
  • Состав: 78-82% Copper, 8-11% Aluminium, 4-5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
  • Свойства: High mechanical strength, good machinability.
  • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Aerospace bushings, marine hardware.
  1. C95900
    • Состав: 77-81% Copper, 9-11% Aluminium, 4-5% Nickel, 2-4% Iron.
    • Свойства: Superior corrosion resistance, excellent wear resistance.
    • ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Oil and gas components, industrial fittings.
алюминий никель бронза

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What is aluminium nickel bronze?It is a copper-based alloy that includes aluminium, nickel, and iron, known for its strength and corrosion resistance.
Where is aluminium nickel bronze commonly used?It’s used in marine, aerospace, industrial, oil and gas, automotive, and defense industries.
What are the benefits of aluminium nickel bronze?High strength, excellent corrosion resistance, good wear resistance, and good thermal conductivity.
Are there different grades of aluminium nickel bronze?Yes, common grades include C63000, C63020, C63200, C95500, C95800, and others.
How does aluminium nickel bronze compare to other metals?It offers better corrosion and wear resistance compared to many other alloys, making it ideal for harsh environments.
Can aluminium nickel bronze be machined?Yes, but it can be more challenging to machine than some other metals due to its high strength.


Aluminium nickel bronze is a powerhouse alloy with a multitude of applications across various industries. Its unique composition grants it exceptional properties that make it invaluable, particularly in harsh environments where strength and corrosion resistance are paramount. Whether you’re in the marine, aerospace, or industrial sector, understanding the nuances of aluminium nickel bronze can help you make informed decisions about its use in your projects.

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