Металлический порошок из никелевых сплавов

Nickel alloys metal powder might sound like a mouthful, but it’s a fascinating topic with a wealth of applications and properties. If you’re curious about this versatile material, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to dive deep into the world of nickel alloys metal powder, exploring its various models, compositions, and uses. So, buckle up and get ready to learn about this incredible material in a fun and engaging way.

Overview of Nickel Alloys Metal Powder

Nickel alloys metal powder is a finely divided form of nickel-based alloys. These powders are used in various industries due to their unique properties, such as high-temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and excellent mechanical properties. But what exactly are nickel alloys? They are materials that combine nickel with other elements like chromium, iron, molybdenum, and copper to enhance their performance characteristics.

Nickel alloy powders are manufactured using different processes like atomization, reduction, and electrolysis, each giving the powder distinct properties suitable for various applications.

Металлический порошок из никелевых сплавов

Types of Nickel Alloys Metal Powder

There are numerous types of nickel alloy powders, each designed for specific applications. Here’s a table summarizing some of the most common types, their compositions, and key properties.

Nickel Alloy TypeСоставСвойства
Инконель 625Ni (58%), Cr (20-23%), Mo (8-10%), Nb (3-4%)High strength, corrosion resistance, excellent weldability
Инконель 718Ni (50-55%), Cr (17-21%), Fe (balance), Nb (5%)High yield strength, creep resistance, good fatigue resistance
Хастеллой C276Ni (57%), Mo (15-17%), Cr (14.5-16.5%)Excellent corrosion resistance, good high-temperature stability
Monel 400Ni (63%), Cu (28-34%), Fe (2.5%), Mn (2%)High strength, resistance to corrosion in seawater and acids
NiCr 80/20Ni (80%), Cr (20%)Высокая стойкость к окислению, хорошая пластичность
Invar 36Ni (36%), Fe (64%)Низкий коэффициент температурного расширения
ВаспалойNi (58-61%), Cr (18-21%), Co (12-15%)Высокотемпературная прочность, устойчивость к окислению
René 41Ni (balance), Cr (19%), Co (11%), Mo (10%)High tensile strength, excellent oxidation resistance
Alloy X-750Ni (70%), Cr (15-17%), Fe (5-9%)High creep-rupture strength, excellent oxidation resistance
Haynes 230Ni (balance), Cr (22%), W (14%), Mo (2%)Superior oxidation resistance, good high-temperature strength

Применение Металлический порошок из никелевых сплавов

Nickel alloys metal powder finds applications across a wide range of industries. Here’s a comprehensive look at some of the key applications.

Аэрокосмическая отрасльTurbine blades, engine components, heat exchangers
АвтомобильныйExhaust systems, turbochargers, fuel injectors
Химическая обработкаValves, pumps, heat exchangers, reactor vessels
Морская пехотаPropeller shafts, pumps, seawater valves
Нефть и газDownhole tools, valves, pipelines
Выработка электроэнергииGas turbines, nuclear reactors, heat exchangers
МедицинскийSurgical instruments, dental implants, prosthetics
ЭлектроникаBattery components, connectors, sensors
аддитивное производство3D printing of complex parts and prototypes
Промышленное оборудованиеBearings, fasteners, springs

Технические характеристики, размеры, марки и стандарты

When selecting nickel alloy powders, it’s essential to understand their specifications, sizes, grades, and standards. This ensures you get the right material for your application. Here’s a table detailing these aspects for various nickel alloy powders.

Nickel Alloy TypeТехнические характеристикиРазмерыКлассыСтандарты
Инконель 625ASTM B443, AMS 5666-100 mesh to -325 meshInconel 625 UNS N06625ASTM, AMS
Инконель 718ASTM B637, AMS 5662-140 mesh to -400 meshInconel 718 UNS N07718ASTM, AMS
Хастеллой C276ASTM B575, ASME SB-575-200 mesh to -400 meshHastelloy C276 UNS N10276ASTM, ASME
Monel 400ASTM B127, ASME SB-127-100 mesh to -325 meshMonel 400 UNS N04400ASTM, ASME
NiCr 80/20ASTM B344, AMS 5596-200 mesh to -325 meshNiCr 80/20 UNS N06003ASTM, AMS
Invar 36ASTM F1684, AMS I-230-140 mesh to -325 meshInvar 36 UNS K93600ASTM, AMS
ВаспалойASTM B637, AMS 5708-200 mesh to -325 meshWaspaloy UNS N07001ASTM, AMS
René 41ASTM B166, AMS 5545-140 mesh to -325 meshRené 41 UNS N07041ASTM, AMS
Alloy X-750ASTM B637, AMS 5667-200 mesh to -325 meshAlloy X-750 UNS N07750ASTM, AMS
Haynes 230ASTM B435, AMS 5878-140 mesh to -325 meshHaynes 230 UNS N06230ASTM, AMS

Поставщики и ценовая политика

Understanding where to source your nickel alloy powders and their pricing can significantly impact your project costs. Here’s a table with information on suppliers and pricing details.

ПоставщикNickel Alloy Types AvailableЦена (за кг)МестоположениеСвязаться с
H.C. StarckInconel 625, Inconel 718, Monel 400$60 – $150USA, Germanywww.hcstarck.com
Praxair Surface TechnologiesInconel 718, Hastelloy C276, Alloy X-750$70 – $160USA, Globalwww.praxairsurfacetech.com
Oerlikon MetcoWaspaloy, René 41, Haynes 230$65 – $155USA, Switzerlandwww.oerlikon.com/metco
ХёганясNiCr 80/20, Invar 36, Monel 400$55 – $140Sweden, Globalwww.hoganas.com
Технология столярных работInconel 625, Hastelloy C276, Waspaloy$75 – $170USA, Globalwww.carpentertechnology.com
Технология производства материалов SandvikInconel 625, Alloy X-750, Haynes 230$80 – $175Sweden, Globalwww.materials.sandvik
Современные покрытия и порошковые материалыInconel 718, NiCr 80/20, Monel 400$65 – $160Canada, Globalwww.advancedpowders.com
Kennametal StelliteInconel 625, Hastelloy C276, Alloy X-750$70 – $165USA, Globalwww.stellite.com
Metco (a division of Oerlikon)Inconel 718, René 41, Haynes 230$75 – $180USA, Globalwww.oerlikon.com/metco
Хёганяс АБInconel 625, Monel 400, Invar 36$60 – $150Sweden, Globalwww.hoganas.com

Преимущества и недостатки Металлический порошок из никелевых сплавов

Every material comes with its pros and cons. Understanding these can help you make informed decisions for your specific applications. Here’s a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of nickel alloys metal powder.

High temperature resistance: Suitable for high-heat environmentsHigh cost: Nickel alloys are generally more expensive than other materials
Excellent corrosion resistance: Ideal for harsh, corrosive environmentsDifficult to machine: Can be challenging to work with compared to other metals
High strength and durability: Provides long-lasting performanceLimited availability: Some alloys may be harder to source
Versatile applications: Used in a wide range of industriesRequires special handling: Proper safety measures needed during processing
Good weldability: Can be easily welded for various applicationsPotential health hazards: Nickel exposure can cause allergic reactions
Металлический порошок из никелевых сплавов

In-Depth Look at Specific Nickel Alloy Models

Инконель 625

Inconel 625 is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy known for its high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. This alloy is widely used in aerospace, marine, and chemical processing industries. Its unique composition allows it to withstand extreme temperatures and harsh environments.


  • High tensile strength
  • Отлично сваривается
  • Superior fatigue resistance
  • Outstanding oxidation resistance


  • Turbine blades
  • Heat exchangers
  • Выхлопные системы
  • Chemical processing equipment

Инконель 718

Inconel 718 is another popular nickel-chromium alloy with the addition of niobium, which enhances its strength and creep resistance. This makes it ideal for high-stress applications, especially in the aerospace industry.


  • High yield strength
  • Отличная ползучестойкость
  • Good fatigue resistance
  • Weldable


  • Jet engine components
  • Gas turbine parts
  • High-stress machinery

Хастеллой C276

Hastelloy C276 is a nickel-molybdenum-chromium alloy with tungsten, known for its exceptional corrosion resistance in aggressive environments. It is widely used in chemical processing, pollution control, and waste treatment industries.


  • Отличная коррозионная стойкость
  • Good high-temperature stability
  • Resistant to pitting and stress corrosion cracking


  • Chemical processing equipment
  • Pollution control systems
  • Waste treatment facilities

Monel 400

Monel 400 is a nickel-copper alloy with excellent resistance to sea water and steam at high temperatures, as well as to salt and caustic solutions. This makes it a favorite in marine and chemical processing applications.


  • высокая прочность
  • Excellent corrosion resistance in sea water and acidic environments
  • Хорошая свариваемость


  • Marine engineering
  • Chemical and hydrocarbon processing equipment
  • Heat exchangers

NiCr 80/20

NiCr 80/20, a nickel-chromium alloy, is primarily used for its high oxidation resistance and good ductility. It is commonly found in heating elements, resistance wires, and other high-temperature applications.


  • Высокая стойкость к окислению
  • Good ductility
  • Высокая температура плавления


  • Нагревательные элементы
  • Resistance wires
  • Электрические компоненты

Invar 36

Invar 36 is a nickel-iron alloy notable for its low coefficient of thermal expansion. This makes it particularly useful in applications where dimensional stability is critical.


  • Low thermal expansion
  • высокая прочность
  • Хорошая прочность


  • Precision instruments
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Cryogenic components


Waspaloy is a nickel-based superalloy known for its high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. It is widely used in aerospace and power generation applications.


  • Высокотемпературная прочность
  • Отличная устойчивость к окислению
  • Хорошее сопротивление ползучести


  • Turbine blades
  • Compressor discs
  • Engine components

René 41

René 41 is a nickel-chromium alloy known for its high tensile strength and excellent oxidation resistance, making it ideal for aerospace applications that demand performance at high temperatures.


  • High tensile strength
  • Отличная устойчивость к окислению
  • Good high-temperature performance


  • Aerospace engine components
  • High-temperature fasteners

Alloy X-750

Alloy X-750 is a nickel-chromium alloy made with the addition of aluminum and titanium, which enhances its strength and resistance to corrosion. It’s commonly used in gas turbines and other high-stress applications.


  • High creep-rupture strength
  • Отличная устойчивость к окислению
  • Хорошая стойкость к коррозии


  • Газовые турбины
  • Nuclear reactors
  • Heat exchangers

Haynes 230

Haynes 230 is a nickel-chromium-tungsten-molybdenum alloy known for its superior oxidation resistance and good high-temperature strength. It is used in applications requiring long-term thermal stability.


  • Superior oxidation resistance
  • Good high-temperature strength
  • Long-term thermal stability


  • Industrial furnace components
  • Газовые турбины
  • Химическая обработка

Comparing Nickel Alloys

When choosing a nickel alloy, it’s crucial to consider specific performance characteristics and applications. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you make an informed decision.

Nickel Alloy TypeHigh Temperature PerformanceКоррозионная стойкостьСвариваемостьСопротивление усталостиЦена
Инконель 625ОтличныйОтличныйОтличныйХорошоВысок
Инконель 718ОтличныйХорошоХорошоОтличныйВысок
Хастеллой C276ХорошоОтличныйХорошоХорошоВысок
Monel 400ХорошоОтличныйОтличныйСправедливоСредний
NiCr 80/20ОтличныйХорошоСправедливоХорошоСредний
Invar 36СправедливоХорошоХорошоХорошоВысок
René 41ОтличныйХорошоСправедливоОтличныйВысок
Alloy X-750ОтличныйХорошоХорошоОтличныйВысок
Haynes 230ОтличныйОтличныйСправедливоХорошоВысок
Металлический порошок из никелевых сплавов

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What are the main benefits of using nickel alloys metal powder?Nickel alloys metal powder offers high temperature resistance, excellent corrosion resistance, and high strength, making it suitable for various demanding applications.
Can nickel alloy powders be used in additive manufacturing?Yes, nickel alloy powders are commonly used in additive manufacturing due to their high performance and ability to create complex, high-strength parts.
What industries primarily use nickel alloys metal powder?Aerospace, automotive, chemical processing, marine, oil & gas, power generation, medical, electronics, and industrial equipment are key industries using these powders.
How is nickel alloy powder manufactured?Nickel alloy powder is manufactured using processes like atomization, reduction, and electrolysis, which give the powder distinct properties for various applications.
Are there any health risks associated with handling nickel alloys?Yes, handling nickel alloys can pose health risks such as allergic reactions and respiratory issues. Proper safety measures and protective equipment are recommended.
What factors should be considered when selecting a nickel alloy powder?Consider the specific application requirements, including temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, mechanical properties, and cost.
How do nickel alloys compare to other metals in terms of cost?Nickel alloys are generally more expensive than other metals like stainless steel or aluminum due to their superior properties and complex manufacturing processes.
Can nickel alloy powders be recycled?Yes, nickel alloy powders can be recycled, which is beneficial for reducing costs and environmental impact.
What is the shelf life of nickel alloy powders?The shelf life can vary, but when stored properly in a dry, cool environment, nickel alloy powders can last several years without significant degradation.
Where can I buy nickel alloy powders?You can purchase nickel alloy powders from various suppliers such as H.C. Starck, Praxair Surface Technologies, Oerlikon Metco, and Höganäs, among others.


Nickel alloys metal powder is an extraordinary material that plays a crucial role in numerous industries. Its unique properties, including high temperature resistance, excellent corrosion resistance, and impressive mechanical strength, make it indispensable in demanding applications. By understanding the different types of nickel alloy powders, their compositions, properties, and applications, you can make informed decisions for your specific needs.

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