Best Hastelloy X Powderˆ÷High temperature alloy Powder for 3D Printing


Overview of Hastelloy X Powder Hastelloy X is a nickel-based superalloy powder known for its excellent high temperature strength, oxidation resistance, and fabricability. It has applications in the aerospace, industrial, and energy industries where parts are exposed to extreme environments. This article provides a comprehensive guide to Hastelloy X powder. It covers the composition, properties,…

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Overview of Hastelloy X Powder

Hastelloy X is a nickel-based superalloy powder known for its excellent high temperature strength, oxidation resistance, and fabricability. It has applications in the aerospace, industrial, and energy industries where parts are exposed to extreme environments.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to Hastelloy X powder. It covers the composition, properties, applications, specifications, suppliers, handling, inspection, comparisons, pros and cons, and frequently asked questions about this versatile alloy powder. Quantitative data is presented in easy-to-read tables for quick reference.

Composition of Hastelloy X Powder

Hastelloy X has a complex composition optimized for high temperature performance. The main alloying elements are nickel, chromium, iron, and molybdenum.

Элемент Весовые % Роль
Никель Баланс Matrix element, provides corrosion resistance
Хром 21.5 – 23.5 Oxidation resistance, formation of protective Cr2O3
Железо 17 – 20 Solid solution strengthening
Молибден 8 – 10 Solid solution strengthening, creep resistance
Кобальт 1 max Enhances hot workability
Марганец 1 max Deoxidizer
Кремний 0.5 max Deoxidizer
Углерода 0.15 max Carbide former

Trace additions of boron, zirconium, and carbon are also made to optimize properties like creep resistance. The balance nickel content provides corrosion resistance.

Properties of Hastelloy X Powder

Hastelloy X exhibits an excellent combination of properties for high temperature applications:

Имущество Описание
Высокотемпературная прочность Excellent creep rupture strength up to 1150¡«C
Коррозийная устойчивость Resists oxidation in air up to 1200¡«C
Thermal fatigue resistance Resists cracking during thermal cycling
Fabricability Easy to form and weld compared to other superalloys
Коррозионная стойкость Resists many oxidizing and reducing environments

Grain size control and thermomechanical processing modifies properties like tensile strength and ductility.

Области применения порошка хастеллоя X

The unique properties of Hastelloy X enable critical applications including:

Промышленность ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ
Аэрокосмическая отрасль Jet engine combustion liners, afterburners, exhaust parts
Промышленный Reformer tubes, heat treatment equipment
Энергия Nuclear & fossil fuel power generation, chemical processing
Автомобильный Exhaust system components, turbocharger parts

The oxidation resistance allows thin section capabilities needed for jet engine combustion liners. It also suits the extremes of chemical processing vessels and tubing.

Specifications of Hastelloy X Powder

Hastelloy X powder is commercially available with specifications per alloy grade:

Параметр Спецификация
Alloy grades Hastelloy X, B3, BC3, BN
Размер частиц 15-45 микрон, 45-105 микрон
Форма частиц Spherical, irregular morphology
Кажущаяся плотность 2.5-4.5 g/cc
Плотность при утрамбовке 4-6 g/cc
Чистота >99.9%
Содержание кислорода <1000 ppm
Moisture content <0,2%

Other custom size distributions, purity levels, particle shapes and alloy modifications are possible for special applications.

Suppliers of Hastelloy X Powder

Hastelloy X powder is available from the following specialty alloy powder manufacturers:

Поставщик Местоположение
Технология столярных работ США
Sandvik Швеция
Эрасталь Франция
Aperam Бразилия
Металлы VDM Германия
Nippon Yakin Япония

Pricing ranges from $50/kg to $120/kg based on factors like particle size, shape, alloy grade and purchase volume.

Handling and Storage of Hastelloy X Powder

As a reactive metal powder, Hastelloy X requires controlled handling and storage:

  • Store in sealed containers in a cool, dry environment
  • Avoid contact with moisture, acids, halogen compounds
  • Ground containers and transfer equipment to prevent static buildup
  • Используйте искробезопасный инструмент и сведите к минимуму образование пыли
  • Prevent accumulation of dusts to reduce explosion risk
  • Wear appropriate PPE and avoid inhalation of powders

Proper precautions during handling, storage and processing are critical for safety and quality.

Inspection and Testing of Hastelloy X Powder

Hastelloy X powder batches are tested to ensure they meet specifications:

Метод испытаний Parameters Checked
Гранулометрический анализ Распределение размера частиц
Кажущаяся плотность Текучесть порошка
Плотность при утрамбовке Packed density
Скани́рующая электро́нная микроскопи́я Particle morphology
Energy dispersive X-ray Chemistry, alloy composition
Рентгеновская дифракция Phases present
Inductively coupled plasma Trace element analysis

Sampling and testing as per ASTM standards ensures batch-to-batch consistency and quality.

Comparing Hastelloy X to Alternatives

Hastelloy X has advantages and limitations compared to other superalloys:

Сплав Коррозийная устойчивость Fabricability Цена
Хастеллой® X Отличный Хорошо Высок
Инконель 625 Хорошо Отличный Средний
Haynes 230 Отличный Бедный Очень высокий
Инконель 718 Средний Справедливо Средний

Hastelloy X provides the best combination of oxidation resistance, fabricability, and cost for many high temperature applications.

Pros and Cons of Hastelloy X Powder

Преимущества Минусы
Excellent high temperature strength Expensive compared to stainless steels
Outstanding oxidation resistance Lower fabricability than Inconel 625
Thermal fatigue resistance Susceptible to embrittlement at lower temperatures
Ease of welding and machining Requires controlled handling and processing
Resists many corrosive environments Limited data available compared to popular alloys

Hastelloy X enables exceptional performance but requires care in processing and has high material cost.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hastelloy X Powder

Here are answers to some common questions about Hastelloy X powder:

Q: What is Hastelloy X used for?

A: Hastelloy X is used in aircraft engines, industrial furnaces, chemical processing, and power generation applications where strength and oxidation resistance at extreme temperatures are required.

Q: What is the difference between Hastelloy X and Hastelloy C?

A: Hastelloy X has addition of iron and higher molybdenum content. This gives better fabricability and high temperature strength compared to Hastelloy C which relies only on chromium for oxidation resistance.

Q: Is Hastelloy X weldable?

A: Yes, Hastelloy X has good weldability compared to other nickel superalloys, making it suitable for fabrication of complex components. Proper welding process and parameters must be used to avoid cracking.

Q: What is the temperature range of Hastelloy X?

A: It maintains good strength and oxidation resistance up to 1100¡«C for prolonged service. Shorter exposures up to 1200¡«C are possible. Lower temperatures can cause embrittlement.

Q: Is Hastelloy X magnetic?

A: No, Hastelloy X is non-magnetic, with magnetic permeability close to 1. This makes it useful for certain electronic and high temperature applications.

Q: What corrosion environments can Hastelloy X withstand?

A: It exhibits excellent corrosion resistance to oxidizing acids, halogens, sulfidation, and stress corrosion cracking environments found in chemical processing.

Q: Does Hastelloy X contain cobalt?

A: Most grades of Hastelloy X contain 1% or less cobalt. Cobalt-free variants are also available for biomedical applications where cobalt can cause negative health effects.

Q: What are the contents of a Hastelloy X powder MSDS?

A: It provides composition data, health and reactivity hazards, handling guidance, storage requirements, spill and firefighting procedures, transport information and disposal guidelines that are essential to review before use.

Q: Can Hastelloy X powder be 3D printed?

A: Yes, Hastelloy X alloy powders can be used in laser and electron beam powder bed fusion additive manufacturing processes. Parameters are optimized to provide dense, crack-free parts.

Q: How is Hastelloy X powder made?

A: Gas atomization is the common production method where the alloy melt is broken into fine droplets and rapidly solidified into powder. Water atomization is also used either by itself or with gas atomization.

Q: What are the alternatives to Hastelloy X?

A: Alternatives include Inconel 617, Haynes 230, Inconel 625, and stainless steels like 310 and 330. They offer lower cost but cannot match the oxidation resistance of Hastelloy X in extreme environments.

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