Поставщики танталового порошка


If you’re in the market for tantalum powder, you’re likely aware of its significance in various high-tech industries. Tantalum powder is indispensable for manufacturing capacitors, high-temperature alloys, medical devices, and more. But finding the right supplier can be a daunting task. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about поставщики танталового порошка, including key types, applications, and how to choose the best one for your needs.

Key Types of Tantalum Powder

Tantalum powder comes in various grades and compositions, each suitable for specific applications. Below is a detailed table summarizing different types of tantalum powder.

Типы, состав, свойства и характеристики

Та-199.95% TaHigh purity, excellent ductilityUsed in capacitors, electronic components
Та-299.9% TaХорошая стойкость к коррозииИдеально подходит для оборудования химической обработки
Tantalum Carbide (TaC)Ta+CHigh hardness, high melting pointSuitable for cutting tools, wear parts
Tantalum Niobium AlloyTa+NbУлучшенные механические свойстваАэрокосмические и оборонные приложения
Tantalum HydrideTa+HUnique electrical propertiesUsed in hydrogen storage
Tantalum Nitride (TaN)Ta+NВысокая теплопроводность и проводимость электричестваThin-film resistors, coatings
Tantalum Oxide (Ta2O5)Ta+OHigh refractive index, dielectric strengthOptical coatings, capacitors
High Purity Tantalum99.99% TaExceptional purity, minimal contaminantsSemiconductor manufacturing
Tantalum Tungsten AlloyTa+WImproved high-temperature strengthJet engines, rocket nozzles
Tantalum Silicon AlloyTa+SiEnhanced oxidation resistanceHigh-temperature structural applications
Поставщики танталового порошка

Области применения танталового порошка

Tantalum powder is incredibly versatile. Here are some common applications:

Uses and Applications

ЭлектроникаUsed in capacitors, resistors, and microchips
Аэрокосмическая отрасльComponents in jet engines, rocket parts
Медицинские приборыИмплантаты, хирургические инструменты
Химическая обработкаEquipment resistant to corrosion and high temperatures
Хранение энергииBatteries, hydrogen storage
Режущие инструментыHigh-performance tools and wear-resistant parts
Optical CoatingsHigh-refractive index coatings for lenses and displays
Semiconductor ManufacturingUltra-pure tantalum for semiconductor devices

Технические характеристики, размеры, марки, стандарты

Choosing the right tantalum powder requires understanding its specifications. Here are common specs, sizes, grades, and standards:

Технические характеристики, размеры, марки, стандарты

Чистота99.95%+Та-1, Та-2ASTM B365
Размер частиц1-5 µmВысокая чистотаMIL-T-3629
Плотность16.6 g/cm³TaC, TaNISO 9001
Температура плавления2996°CTa, Ta+NbASTM F560
Твердость1100 VHNTa+W, Ta+SiAMS 7847

поставщики танталового порошка и подробности ценообразования

Pricing and supplier selection are crucial. Below is a list of notable tantalum powder suppliers and their pricing.

Поставщики и ценообразование

ПоставщикМестоположениеАссортимент продукцииценообразование
H.C. StarckГерманияВысокочистые танталовые порошки$500-$700/kg
Глобальные передовые металлыСШАTantalum alloys, TaC, TaN$450-$650/kg
Ningxia Orient TantalumКитайTantalum powder, Ta+Nb, Ta+W$400-$600/kg
Ulba Metallurgical PlantKazakhstanTantalum and tantalum alloy powders$420-$620/kg
Advanced Materials CorporationСШАHigh-purity tantalum, tantalum carbide$470-$680/kg

Comparing Tantalum Powder: Pros and Cons

Let’s compare the pros and cons of tantalum powder to understand its advantages and limitations better.

Преимущества и ограничения

High Corrosion ResistanceExcellent for use in harsh chemical environments
Высокая температура плавленияПодходит для высокотемпературных применений
Отличная проводимостьIdeal for electronic components
БиосовместимостьPerfect for medical implants
Высокая стоимостьTantalum is more expensive compared to other metals
Сложно обрабатыватьRequires specialized equipment and techniques
Ограниченная доступностьTantalum resources are relatively scarce

Choosing the Right Tantalum Powder Supplier

Selecting the best supplier involves considering several factors such as quality, reliability, and cost. Here are some tips to help you choose:

Key Considerations

  1. Обеспечение качества: Look for suppliers with stringent quality control measures. Certifications like ISO 9001 are a good indicator.
  2. Репутация: Check reviews and ratings. Reliable suppliers often have a solid reputation in the industry.
  3. ценообразование: Compare prices but beware of deals that seem too good to be true. Quality often comes at a price.
  4. Support and Service: A good supplier offers excellent customer support and after-sales service.
  5. Время выполнения: Ensure the supplier can meet your delivery schedules.
Поставщики танталового порошка

In-Depth Look at Specific Tantalum Powder Models

Here’s a detailed description of ten tantalum powder models, each suited for different applications.

Specific Tantalum Powder Models

1. Ta-1 (99.95% Pure Tantalum)

Perfect for electronic components, this model offers high ductility and corrosion resistance. Ideal for capacitors and thin-film resistors.

2. Ta-2 (99.9% Pure Tantalum)

Slightly lower purity than Ta-1 but still excellent for chemical processing equipment due to its superior resistance to harsh environments.

3. Tantalum Carbide (TaC)

This model is known for its high hardness and melting point, making it suitable for cutting tools and wear-resistant parts.

4. Tantalum Niobium Alloy (Ta+Nb)

Combining tantalum with niobium enhances its mechanical properties, making it ideal for aerospace and defense applications.

5. Tantalum Hydride (Ta+H)

With unique electrical properties, tantalum hydride is used in hydrogen storage and specialized electronic applications.

6. Tantalum Nitride (TaN)

TaN boasts high thermal and electrical conductivity, perfect for thin-film resistors and protective coatings.

7. Tantalum Oxide (Ta2O5)

High refractive index and dielectric strength make this model suitable for optical coatings and capacitors.

8. High Purity Tantalum (99.99%)

Ultra-pure tantalum is crucial for semiconductor manufacturing, where minimal contaminants are essential.

9. Tantalum Tungsten Alloy (Ta+W)

Enhanced high-temperature strength makes this alloy perfect for jet engines and rocket nozzles.

10. Tantalum Silicon Alloy (Ta+Si)

This model offers improved oxidation resistance, making it ideal for high-temperature structural applications.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Вот несколько часто задаваемых вопросов о поставщики танталового порошка, along with detailed answers.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What is the primary use of tantalum powder?Tantalum powder is primarily used in electronic components, aerospace parts, and medical devices.
How do I choose the right supplier?Consider factors such as quality assurance, reputation, pricing, support, and lead time.
Why is tantalum expensive?Tantalum is rare and its extraction process is complex, contributing to its high cost.
Can tantalum powder be recycled?Yes, tantalum powder can be recycled, and recycling is an important part of its supply chain.
What are the main advantages of using tantalum?High corrosion resistance, high melting point, excellent conductivity, and biocompatibility.
What are the limitations of tantalum?High cost, difficulty in machining, and limited availability.

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