High Density Tungsten Powder

Overview of High Density Tungsten Powder

High Density Tungsten Powder is a unique material known for its exceptional properties, making it highly valuable in various industrial and scientific applications. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the specifics of High Density Tungsten Powder, examining its types, compositions, properties, and applications, along with supplier details, pricing, and much more.

What is High Density Tungsten Powder?

High Density Tungsten Powder, primarily composed of tungsten (W), boasts remarkable density and other desirable properties such as high melting point, strength, and corrosion resistance. It is produced through various processes, including atomization, chemical reduction, and mechanical alloying, to achieve powders with distinct characteristics suitable for specialized applications.

High Density Tungsten Powder

Types and Models of High Density Tungsten Powder

There are numerous types of High Density Tungsten Powder, each tailored for specific uses. Here are some of the prominent models:

1. W-1 Tungsten Powder

W-1 Tungsten Powder is characterized by its high purity and fine particle size, typically used in the electronics industry for high-precision components.

2. W-2 Tungsten Powder

W-2 Tungsten Powder has slightly larger particles and is often utilized in heavy-duty industrial applications due to its excellent wear resistance.

3. WC-Co (Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt) Powder

WC-Co Powder combines tungsten carbide with cobalt, offering a balance of hardness and toughness ideal for cutting tools and wear-resistant parts.

4. W-10Ni (Tungsten-Nickel) Powder

W-10Ni Powder includes 10% nickel, enhancing its ductility and machinability, commonly used in aerospace and defense sectors.

5. W-5Cu (Tungsten-Copper) Powder

W-5Cu Powder, containing 5% copper, is known for its excellent electrical conductivity and is used in electrical contacts and heat sinks.

6. W-3Re (Tungsten-Rhenium) Powder

W-3Re Powder includes 3% rhenium, providing superior high-temperature strength and stability, perfect for high-temperature applications like thermocouples.

7. W-8Mo (Tungsten-Molybdenum) Powder

W-8Mo Powder, with 8% molybdenum, offers enhanced corrosion resistance and is utilized in chemical processing industries.

8. Tungsten Alloy Powders

Tungsten Alloy Powders consist of mixtures of tungsten with other metals like iron, nickel, and copper, used in various high-density applications.

9. Nano Tungsten Powder

Nano Tungsten Powder features extremely fine particles on the nanometer scale, used in advanced research and applications requiring high surface area.

10. Tungsten Heavy Alloy Powder

Tungsten Heavy Alloy Powder is a mix of tungsten and various binders, offering high density and strength for use in counterweights, radiation shielding, and ballistic applications.

Properties of High Density Tungsten Powder

Type of Tungsten PowderSáng tácDensity (g/cm³)Melting Point (°C)Đặc điểmỨNG DỤNG
W-1Pure W19.253422High purity, fine particle sizeElectronics, precision components
W-2Pure W19.253422Wear resistance, larger particlesIndustrial, heavy-duty applications
WC-CoW, Co15.62785Hardness, toughnessCutting tools, wear parts
W-10NiW, Ni18.52700Ductility, machinabilityAerospace, defense
W-5CuW, Cu17.03200Electrical conductivityElectrical contacts, heat sinks
W-3ReW, Re19.03000High-temp strength, stabilityThermocouples, high-temp applications
W-8MoW, Mo18.02623Khả năng chống ăn mònXử lý hóa chất
Tungsten AlloyW, Fe/Ni/Cu16.0-18.02700-3000Varies by compositionHigh-density applications
Nano TungstenPure W19.253422High surface areaAdvanced research
Tungsten Heavy AlloyW, Binders17.0-18.53000High density, strengthCounterweights, radiation shielding

Applications of High Density Tungsten Powder

Ứng dụngMiêu tả
Điện tửUsed in semiconductors, contacts, and high-precision electronic components.
Công nghiệpUtilized in heavy machinery parts, tools, and wear-resistant applications.
Aerospace and DefenseEmployed in high-performance components, projectiles, and armaments.
Y họcUsed in radiation shielding and medical imaging devices.
ĐIỆNApplied in electrical contacts, heat sinks, and conductors.
Xử lý hóa chấtUsed for equipment exposed to corrosive environments.
Research and DevelopmentNano Tungsten Powder is used in advanced material research and nanotechnology.
Xây dựngUtilized in construction equipment and drilling tools.

Specifications, Sizes, Grades, and Standards

Đặc điểm kỹ thuậtSize Range (µm)LớpTiêu chuẩn
W-10.5-10High PurityASTM B777
W-21-15Tiêu chuẩnISO 9001
WC-Co0.5-12PremiumASTM B777, ISO
W-10Ni1-20High GradeASTM B777
W-5Cu0.5-25Công nghiệpISO 9001
W-3Re0.5-5High TempASTM B777
W-8Mo0.5-15CorrosionISO 9001
Tungsten Alloy1-30VariousASTM B777, ISO
Nano Tungsten<0.1ResearchCustom Standards
Tungsten Heavy Alloy0.5-20MilitaryMIL-STD-810

Suppliers and Pricing Details

Nhà cung cấpLoại sản phẩmPrice (per kg)Contact Info
Tungsten CorpW-1, W-2$200 – $250www.tungstencorp.com
Metal Powders Inc.WC-Co, W-10Ni, W-5Cu$150 – $300www.metalpowdersinc.com
Advanced MaterialsNano Tungsten$500 – $1000www.advancedmaterials.com
Industrial MetalsTungsten Heavy Alloy$180 – $350www.industrialmetals.com
Specialty AlloysW-3Re, W-8Mo$250 – $400www.specialtyalloys.com

Comparing Pros and Cons of High Density Tungsten Powder

TypeLợi íchNhược điểm
W-1High purity, precision applicationsExpensive
W-2Wear resistance, durabilityLimited to industrial use
WC-CoHardness, toughnessHigher cost due to cobalt
W-10NiDuctility, machinabilityLower density compared to pure tungsten
W-5CuElectrical conductivityLess suitable for high-temp applications
W-3ReHigh-temp stabilityExpensive due to rhenium
W-8MoKhả năng chống ăn mònSpecialized use
Tungsten AlloyVersatile, high-density applicationsComposition varies, performance may differ
Nano TungstenHigh surface area, advanced researchVery high cost
Tungsten Heavy AlloyStrength, radiation shieldingHeavier, may require special handling

Advantages of High Density Tungsten Powder

High Density Tungsten Powder offers several advantages:

1. Superior Density and Strength

Tungsten’s density is nearly twice that of lead, making it ideal for applications requiring high mass in a small volume. Its high strength ensures durability and resistance to wear and tear.

2. Excellent Temperature Resistance

With a melting point of 3422°C, tungsten can withstand extremely high temperatures, making it suitable for applications like aerospace components and high-temperature furnaces.

3. Corrosion Resistance

Tungsten’s resistance to corrosion by most acids and alkalis enhances its longevity in harsh environments, particularly in chemical processing industries.

4. Electrical Conductivity

Tungsten-copper alloys combine the high thermal and electrical conductivity of copper with tungsten’s robustness, perfect for electrical contacts and heat sinks.

Disadvantages of High Density Tung

sten Powder

Despite its numerous benefits, High Density Tungsten Powder has some drawbacks:

1. High Cost

The production and refinement of tungsten are costly, making it more expensive compared to other metals like steel or aluminum.

2. Brittleness

Pure tungsten can be brittle, which may limit its use in applications requiring high ductility or impact resistance. Alloying it with other metals can mitigate this issue to some extent.

3. Difficulty in Machining

Due to its hardness, tungsten can be challenging to machine, requiring specialized equipment and techniques, which can increase manufacturing costs.

High Density Tungsten Powder

Câu hỏi thường gặp

What is High Density Tungsten Powder?High Density Tungsten Powder is a material known for its high density, strength, and heat resistance, used in various industrial and scientific applications.
What are the common applications of High Density Tungsten Powder?Common applications include electronics, aerospace, defense, medical devices, and industrial machinery.
How is High Density Tungsten Powder produced?It is produced through processes like atomization, chemical reduction, and mechanical alloying.
Why is tungsten used in high-temperature applications?Tungsten’s high melting point (3422°C) and stability at elevated temperatures make it ideal for such applications.
What are the main advantages of tungsten-copper alloys?Tungsten-copper alloys offer a combination of high thermal and electrical conductivity with the strength of tungsten.
Are there any health risks associated with tungsten powder?Tungsten powder is generally considered safe, but inhalation of fine dust should be avoided as it can cause respiratory issues.
How does the cost of tungsten compare to other metals?Tungsten is more expensive than common metals like steel and aluminum due to its complex production process and high raw material costs.
Can tungsten powder be used in 3D printing?Yes, tungsten powder can be used in additive manufacturing, particularly for creating high-density, high-strength components.
What is the difference between tungsten and tungsten carbide?Tungsten carbide is a compound of tungsten and carbon, known for its extreme hardness and used in cutting tools and wear-resistant parts.
What industries benefit the most from tungsten powder?Industries such as aerospace, defense, electronics, and medical sectors benefit significantly from the unique properties of tungsten powder.

Kết luận

High Density Tungsten Powder is an exceptional material with a wide range of applications due to its high density, strength, and resistance to extreme conditions. Whether in industrial machinery, aerospace components, or cutting-edge electronics, tungsten powder’s versatility and performance are unparalleled. Understanding the various types, properties, and uses can help industries and researchers harness its full potential, driving innovation and efficiency in their respective fields.

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