Stainless Steel OP431 Powder


Overview of Stainless Steel OP431 Powder OP431 stainless steel belongs to the ferritic grade steels which contain chromium as the principal alloying element. The addition of aluminum enhances oxidation and corrosion resistance at high temperatures. Key characteristics of OP431 powder include: Excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance up to 1150¡«C Good creep resistance and thermal fatigue…

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Overview of Stainless Steel OP431 Powder

OP431 stainless steel belongs to the ferritic grade steels which contain chromium as the principal alloying element. The addition of aluminum enhances oxidation and corrosion resistance at high temperatures.

Key characteristics of OP431 powder include:

  • Excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance up to 1150¡«C
  • Good creep resistance and thermal fatigue strength
  • Excellent thermo-mechanical stability
  • High thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion
  • Cost-effective compared to austenitic stainless steels
  • Có sẵn ở nhiều phân bố kích thước hạt khác nhau

OP431 powder is ideal for applications requiring oxidation resistance, thermal stability and moderate strength at elevated temperatures.

Chemical Composition of OP431 Powder

OP431 powder has the following nominal composition:

Nguyên tố Tỉ trọng
Iron (Fe) Sự cân bằng
Crom (Cr) 16-18%
Nhôm (Al) 3-5%
Yttrium (Y) 0.2-0.5%
Carbon (C) Tối đa 0,03%
Silic (Si) Tối đa 1%
Mangan (Mn) Tối đa 1%

Stainless Steel OP431 Powder

Chromium provides corrosion resistance while aluminum enables excellent oxidation resistance through formation of a protective alumina layer at high temperatures. Yttrium refines the grain size for additional strength.

Properties of OP431 Powder

Key properties of OP431 powder include:

Bất động sản Giá trị
Mật độ 7.3 g/cm3
Điểm Nóng Chảy 1400-1450«C
Độ dẫn nhiệt 29 W/mK
Độ điện trở 0.6 Ã×´Î.cm
Mô-đun Young 200 GPa
Hệ số Poisson 0.27-0.30
Độ bền kéo 450-650 MPa
Cường độ chảy 280-480 MPa
Kéo dài 15-20%
Khả năng chống ôxi hóa Hoạt động cực tốt lên tới 1150 độ C


The properties like high temperature strength, oxidation resistance, and thermal stability make OP431 suitable for demanding applications.

Production Method for OP431 Powder

OP431 powder can be produced via:

  • Gas atomization translated to Vietnamese would be "Phân tử hoá khí."?- High pressure inert gas used to atomize the molten alloy resulting in fine spherical powder ideal for AM.
  • Nguyên tử hóa nước?- High velocity water jet breaks up the molten stream producing irregular powder particles. Lower cost but higher oxygen pickup.
  • Hợp kim cơ học- Nghiền viên bi hỗn hợp bột nguyên tố sau đó thiêu kết và nguyên tử hóa thứ cấp.

Gas atomization allows excellent control over particle size distribution, morphology, oxygen pickup and microstructure.

Applications of OP431 Powder

Typical applications of OP431 powder include:

  • sản xuất bồi đắp?- Selective laser melting to produce complex parts needing high temperature oxidation resistance.
  • Lớp phủ phun nhiệt?- Applied via arc spraying to provide protective coatings on components operating at over 1000¡«C.
  • Chất độn hàn?- For joining ferritic stainless steel parts in high temperature applications.
  • Bộ đánh lửa nhiên liệu rắn?- Powder metallurgy igniter plugs used in industrial furnaces and turbines.
  • Gia công kim loại nóng chảy?- Powder metallurgy conveyor rolls, tundishes and ladles used in molten metal handling.

Specifications of OP431 Powder

OP431 powder is available under various size ranges, shapes and grades:

  • Kích thước hạt:Từ 15-45 µm cho các phương pháp AM, lên đến 150 µm cho quy trình phun nhiệt.
  • Hình thái học:?Spherical, irregular and blended shapes. Spherical powder has excellent flowability.
  • Độ tinh khiết:?From commercial to high purity grades based on application requirements.
  • Hàm lượng oxy:?Levels maintained below 2000 ppm for most applications.
  • Flow Rate:?Powder can be customized for flow rates above 25 s/50 g.

Global Suppliers of OP431 Powder

Some of the major global suppliers of OP431 powder include:

  • Sandvik Osprey (Anh)
  • Hoganas (Thụy Điển)
  • Carpenter Powder Products (USA)
  • Praxair Surface Technologies (USA)
  • CNPC Powder Group (Trung Quốc)

These companies produce various grades of OP431 powder tailored for additive manufacturing, thermal spray, powder metallurgy and other high temperature applications.

Pricing of OP431 Powder

OP431 powder is priced higher than austenitic grades but lower than exotic alloys:

  • Số lượng?- $50-100 per kg for bulk orders above 500 kg. Smaller quantities are priced significantly higher.
  • Quality?- High purity, spherical powder with controlled characteristics demands premium pricing.
  • Nhà cung cấp?- Large global suppliers offer competitive pricing owing to higher volumes.
  • Geography?- Prices vary between regions with Europe and North America being higher priced markets.

For critical applications, buyers should focus on quality rather than lowest cost while procuring OP431 powder.

Storage and Handling of OP431 Powder

OP431 powder requires the following storage and handling:

  • Nên được lưu trữ trong các container kín dưới khí trơ để ngăn chặn quá trình oxy hóa.
  • Avoid accumulation of fine powder to minimize dust explosion risks
  • Use proper PPE, ventilation, grounding and safety practices during handling
  • Ngăn ngừa bột tiếp xúc với các vật liệu không tương hợp
  • Follow safety guidelines provided by supplier SDS

Proper protective measures must be taken when handling this reactive alloy powder.

Inspection and Testing of OP431 Powder

Key quality control tests performed on OP431 powder include:

  • Phân tích hóa học sử dụng OES hoặc XRF để đảm bảo hợp chất đạt trong giới hạn chỉ định
  • Phân bố kích thước hạt theo tiêu chuẩn ASTM B822
  • Phân tích hình thái qua SEM
  • Powder flow rate measured as per ASTM B213 standard
  • Oxygen and nitrogen content testing by inert gas fusion
  • Density determined by helium pycnometry
  • Microstructure characterization by XRD

Thorough testing ensures the powder meets the required chemical, physical and microstructural characteristics for the intended application.

Comparison Between OP431 and 316L Stainless Steel Powders

OP431 and 316L stainless steel powders are compared:

Tham số OP431 316L
Type Ferritic Austenitic
Hàm lượng Cr 16-18% 16-18%
Ni content 10-14%
Độ bền ở nhiệt độ cao Cao hơn Thấp hơn
Khả năng chống ăn mòn Vừa đủ Xuất sắc
Chi phí Thấp hơn Cao hơn
ỨNG DỤNG Thermal spray, igniters Ô tô, xây dựng
Khả năng hàn Yếu Xuất sắc


OP431 offers much better high temperature strength whereas 316L provides excellent fabrication characteristics and corrosion resistance.

OP431 Powder FAQs

Q: How is OP431 powder produced?

A: OP431 powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization, and mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization provides the best control of powder characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications of OP431 powder?

A: Key applications include thermal spray coatings, additive manufacturing, brazing filler, powder metallurgy igniter plugs, and high temperature molten metal handling components where oxidation resistance is needed.

Q: What is the typical OP431 powder size range used in metal AM?

A: For most metal AM processes, the ideal OP431 powder size range is 15-45 microns with spherical morphology and good powder flow characteristics.

Q: Does OP431 powder require any special handling precautions?

A: Yes, it is recommended to handle this reactive powder carefully under inert atmosphere using proper ventilation, grounding, and PPE.

Q: Where can I purchase OP431 powder suitable for thermal spray coatings?

A: For thermal spray applications requiring high temperature oxidation resistance, OP431 powder can be purchased from leading manufacturers including Sandvik Osprey, Hoganas, Praxair Surface Technologies, and CNPC Powder Group.

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