Bubuk Inconel 625 Serbuk Superalloy berbasis nikel bubuk in625Overview Inconel 625 powder is a nickel-based superalloy renowned for its exceptional resistance to corrosion, high temperatures, and stress-related cracking. Widely utilized in demanding industrial applications, this powder offers superior mechanical properties, making it ideal for critical components subjected to extreme environments. Composition The composition of Inconel 625 powder is tailored to enhance its performance…
Bubuk GH3230GH3230 Powder adalah paduan suhu tinggi berbasis nikel yang diperkuat W-Mo, yang biasanya digunakan di lingkungan 700-1000 ¡ "C. Paduan GH3230 memiliki kekuatan suhu tinggi yang tinggi dan sifat kelelahan yang baik. Dan karena stabilitas organisasinya yang sangat baik, ia memiliki sifat anti-oksidasi dan anti-korosi panas yang baik, dan banyak digunakan di ruang bakar mesin luar angkasa, turbin gas darat ...
GH4169(Inconel 718)GH4169 is a Nb-Mo reinforced nickel-based high-temperature alloy. Its normal working environment is 253-650C. It has good mechanical properties below 650C. Under special circumstances, GH4169 can be used at 800¡«C for a short period of time. GH4169 is suitable for many high temperature applications, such as gas turbine components. Physical properties Size range Size distribution…
GH3625 bubuk (Bubuk Inconel 625)Overview GH3625 powder is an alloy powder used for metal additive manufacturing processes like selective laser sintering (SLS) and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). It is a nickel-based superalloy that offers high strength, corrosion resistance, and excellent high-temperature properties. GH3625 is designed specifically for additive manufacturing to produce complex, dense parts with exceptional mechanical properties…
Bubuk GH5188GH5188 is a W-strengthened diamond-based high-temperature alloy. GH5188 has good mechanical properties and excellent high temperature oxidation resistance. It is suitable for aviation parts that require tensile strength below 980¡«C and oxidation resistance below 1100¡«C. Physical Properties Size range Size distribution Hall flow rate Bulk density Tap density D10(Ã×m) D50(Ã×m) D90(Ã×m) 15-53Ã×m 17-22 32-38 52-58…
Serbuk Paduan K465K465 Alloy Powder: Composition, Properties, Applications, and Specifications K465 has become a popular choice for aerospace, power generation, and chemical processing industries where components are subjected to high temperatures or aggressive environments. It allows complex geometries to be 3D printed for optimal performance. This article provides detailed information on the composition, properties, applications, specifications, availability,…
Bubuk Paduan GH3536GH3536 alloy powder was designed specifically for additive manufacturing, using composition optimization and powder atomization techniques to achieve superior properties compared to conventional nickel superalloys. The key features of GH3536 alloy powder include: High strength at temperatures up to 760¡«C (1400¡«F) Oxidation and corrosion resistance in harsh environments Excellent thermal fatigue life and crack growth…
Bedak GH4169Serbuk GH4169 adalah bubuk baja tahan karat pengerasan presipitasi yang dirancang untuk memberikan kekuatan, kekerasan, dan ketahanan korosi yang tinggi setelah perlakuan panas. Ini mengandung kromium 17% bersama dengan penambahan nikel, aluminium, titanium, dan niobium untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik dan korosi. Kisaran Ukuran 15-45um / 15-53um / 20-63 um 45-105um Bentuk Bola Bulat Kemampuan Aliran Bola Bulat ¨ P25s Kepadatan Nyata ¡Ô4.0 g / cÄØ Oksigen ...
Seri logam temperatur tinggiProduct Specification Apparent Density Flow Ability Oxygen Content Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation GH3625 15-53Ã×m 45-105Ã×m 75-150Ã×m ¡Ô4.40g/cm3 ¨P20s/50g ¨P300ppm 1000©I50Mpa 600©I50Mpa 35©I5% GH4169 ¡Ô4.20g/cm3 ¨P20s/50g ¨P300ppm 1250©I30Mpa 1000©I30Mpa 18©I3% GH3230 ¡Ô4.40g/cm3 ¨P20s/50g ¨P300ppm 930©I30Mpa 930©I30Mpa 25©I5% GH3536 ¡Ô4.40g/cm3 ¨P20s/50g ¨P300ppm 850©I30Mpa 550©I20Mpa 42©I5% Process: Vacuum air atomization method Advantages: high sphericity, small satellite powder,…
Bubuk GH 3625Overview of GH3625 Powder GH 3625 powder is an age-hardenable nickel-iron base alloy containing 25% chromium along with additions of molybdenum and aluminum. It provides an exceptional combination of high strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures. Key properties and advantages of GH3625 powder include: GH3625 Powder Properties and Characteristics Properties Details…
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