Al 7075 poeder


Overzicht van Al 7075 poeder Al 7075 is een van de aluminiumlegeringen uit de 7000-serie met de hoogste sterkte en is sterker dan veel staalsoorten. Zink is de belangrijkste legeringstoevoeging terwijl magnesium sterkte verleent door precipitatieharding. De belangrijkste eigenschappen van Al 7075 poeder zijn Uitzonderlijk hoge trek- en vloeigrens Hoge hardheid en goede vermoeiingssterkte...

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Overview of Al 7075 Powder

Al 7075 is one of the highest strength 7000 series aluminum alloys, offering strength superior to many steels. Zinc is the main alloying addition while magnesium imparts strength through precipitation hardening.

Key properties of Al 7075 powder include:

  • Exceptionally high tensile and yield strength
  • High hardness and good fatigue strength
  • Good toughness and moderate ductility
  • Excellent finishing characteristics
  • Hoge corrosiebestendigheid
  • Beschikbaar in verschillende poedergrootten en -vormen

Al 7075 powder is ideal for high-performance aerospace and defense components needing the optimal combination of strength, hardness, fatigue resistance, and moderate weldability.

Chemical Composition of Al 7075 Powder

The typical chemical composition of Al 7075 powder is:

Element Gewichts %
Aluminium (Al) 87.1-91.4%
Zink (Zn) 5.1-6.1%
Magnesium (Mg) 2.1-2.9%
Koper (Cu) 1.2-2.0%
IJzer (Fe) 0-0.5%
Silicium (Si) 0-0.4%
Mangaan (Mn) 0-0.3%
Chroom (Cr) 0.18-0.28%
Titanium (Ti) 0-0.2%

Al 7075 poeder

Zinc is the primary alloying element while magnesium and copper enhance strength through precipitation hardening. Trace elements like iron, manganese, chromium have minor effects.

Properties of Al 7075 Powder

Key properties of Al 7075 powder include:

Onroerend goed Waarde
Dichtheid 2.81 g/cm3
Smeltpunt 477ÿ635¡«C
Thermische geleidbaarheid 130ÿ210 W/mK
Elektrische geleidbaarheid 22-30% IACS
Elasticiteitsmodulus 71ÿ72 GPa
Poissonconstante 0.33
Treksterkte 570ÿ635 MPa
Rekgrens 505ÿ570 MPa
Verlenging 7ÿ10%
Hardheid 150ÿ190 Brinell


The zinc additions result in extremely high strength and hardness while maintaining reasonable ductility and toughness. The alloy has excellent finishing characteristics.

Production Method for Al 7075 Powder

Commercial production methods for Al 7075 powder include:

  • Gasverstuiving?- Molten alloy stream disintegrated by inert gas jets into fine spherical powder particles with controlled size distribution.
  • Verstuiven van water?- High pressure water jet used to produce fine Al 7075 powders with irregular shape. Lower cost but higher oxygen pickup.
  • Mechanische legering?- Ball milling a blend of aluminum and alloying element powders followed by cold compaction and sintering.

Gas atomization offers superior control over powder characteristics like particle size, shape and microstructure.

Applications of Al 7075 Powder

Common applications of Al 7075 powder include:

  • additive manufacturing?- Used in selective laser melting, direct metal laser sintering to produce complex, lightweight aerospace and defense parts.
  • Metaalspuitgieten?- To manufacture small intricate components with high strength and moderate corrosion resistance.
  • Poedermetallurgie?- Press and sinter process to create high-performance automotive parts and machinery components.
  • Thermisch spuiten?- Wire arc spraying to deposit very hard and wear resistant Al 7075 coatings.
  • Pyrotechniek?- Added as fuel constituent in pyrotechnic compositions due to its high reactivity.
  • Weldtoevoegmateriaal?- Used as filler wire providing weld strength but limited weldability.

Specifications of Al 7075 Powder

Al 7075 powder is available in various size ranges, shapes, grades and purity levels:

  • Grootte deeltjes:?Van 10-45 micron voor AM-methodes, tot 120 micron voor thermische spuitprocessen.
  • Morfologie:?Spherical, irregular and mixed particle shapes. Smooth spherical powder has better flowability.
  • Zuiverheid:?From commercial to high purity grades tailored for the specific application.
  • Cijfers:?Conforming to ASTM B951, AMS 4045, AMS 4282, EN 573-3 and other equivalent standards.
  • Zuurstofgehalte:?Varies between 500-1500 ppm based on production method. Lower is better.

Global Suppliers of Al 7075 Powder

Enkele van de belangrijkste leveranciers wereldwijd zijn:

  • Sandvik Osprey (Verenigd Koninkrijk)
  • TLS Technik (Duitsland)
  • Valimet Inc. (VS)
  • CNPC Powder (China)
  • Makin Metal Powders (Verenigd Koninkrijk)
  • PyroGenesis Canada
  • Metal Powder Company (USA)

These companies produce Al 7075 powder suitable for various applications using different manufacturing processes.

Al 7075 Powder Pricing

Pricing of Al 7075 powder depends on factors like:

  • Zuiverheidsniveaus
  • Kenmerk van deeltjes
  • Productiemethode van poeder
  • Bestelhoeveelheid
  • Leverancier en geografische locatie
Rang Prijsbereik
Commercieel $10-20 per kg
Hoge zuiverheid $20-40 per kg
Ultrafijn $40-80 per kg
Bijzondere klasse $80-150 per kg


Gas atomized, controlled particle size, high purity powders command much higher pricing than simple commercial grade Al 7075 powder.

Storage and Handling of Al 7075 Powder

Al 7075 reactive alloy powder must be handled with care to prevent:

  • Oxidatie en reactie met vocht
  • Explosiegevaar van stof fijn poeder
  • Gezondheidsproblemen als gevolg van het inademen
  • Volg aanbevolen veiligheidspraktijken van de leverancier

Inert gas blanketing, proper grounding, ventilation, and PPE should be utilized for safe handling.

Test- en karakteriseringsmethoden

Key test methods used for Al 7075 powder include:

  • Chemical composition analysis using OES or XRF
  • Deeltjesgrootteverdeling volgens ASTM B822-standaard
  • Morfologie analyse door middel van SEM
  • Powder flow rate using Hall flowmeter
  • Dichtheidsmeting door middel van helium pycnometrie
  • Onzuiverheidtesten door ICP-MS
  • Microstructural onderzoek door röntgendiffractie

These tests ensure the powder meets the required chemical, physical, and microstructural characteristics for the specific application.

Comparison Between Al 7075 and Al 6061 Powder

Al 7075 and Al 6061 are two aluminum alloy powders compared:

Parameter 7075 Al Al 6061
Type legering warmtebehandelbaar warmtebehandelbaar
Zinkgehalte 5.1-6.1% 0%
Mg-gehalte 2.1-2.9% 0.8-1.2%
Kracht Much higher Gewoonlijk
Bewerkbaarheid Slecht Uitmuntend
Lasbaarheid Slecht Heel goed
Weerstand tegen corrosie Gewoonlijk Uitmuntend
Kosten Hoger Lager


Al 7075 offers very high strength whereas Al 6061 provides better corrosion resistance, weldability and machinability at lower cost.

Al 7075 Powder FAQs

Q: How is Al 7075 powder produced?

A: Al 7075 powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization, mechanical alloying and electrolysis techniques. Gas atomization offers the best control of particle characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications for Al 7075 powder?

A: The major applications for Al 7075 are additive manufacturing, thermal spray coatings, powder metallurgy parts manufacturing, metal injection molding, and pyrotechnic compositions requiring exceptionally high strength.

Q: What is the recommended particle size for Al 7075 powder in AM?

A: For most metal 3D printing processes, the ideal particle size range for Al 7075 is 15-45 microns with spherical morphology and good powder flowability.

Q: Does Al 7075 powder require any special handling precautions?

A: Yes, it is recommended to handle reactive aluminum alloy powders carefully under inert atmosphere using proper grounding, ventilation and PPE.

Q: Where can I purchase ultrafine Al 7075 powder suitable for aerospace components?

A: High purity, gas atomized ultrafine Al 7075 powders meeting aerospace requirements can be sourced from leading suppliers such as Sandvik Osprey, TLS Technik, and Valimet Inc.

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