FeCoNiCrMn powder


Overview of FeCoNiCrMn Powder FeCoNiCrMn belongs to a class of multi-principal element alloys known as high entropy alloys. The near-equiatomic composition provides high configurational entropy leading to excellent strength, toughness, and stability at high temperatures. Key properties of FeCoNiCrMn powder include: Exceptional high temperature strength and creep resistance Excellent fatigue strength and fracture toughness Outstanding…

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Overview of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

FeCoNiCrMn belongs to a class of multi-principal element alloys known as high entropy alloys. The near-equiatomic composition provides high configurational entropy leading to excellent strength, toughness, and stability at high temperatures.

Key properties of FeCoNiCrMn powder include:

  • Hoge temperatuur-sterkte en kruipweerstand
  • Uitstekende vermoeiingssterkte en breuktaaiheid
  • Uitstekende oxidatie- en corrosiebestendigheid
  • High microstructural stability at elevated temperatures
  • Available in range of particle size distributions and morphologies

FeCoNiCrMn powder is suitable for high temperature structural parts, protective coatings, thermal spray, welding, additive manufacturing, and other demanding applications at elevated temperatures.

Composition of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

FeCoNiCrMn powder has the nominal composition:

Element Compositie
IJzer (Fe) 20-25%
Kobalt (Co) 20-25%
Nikkel (Ni) 20-25%
Chroom (Cr) 15-20%
Mangaan (Mn) 10-15%
Koolstof (C) <0,5%
Silicium (Si) <1%

FeCoNiCrMn powder

The high entropy composition results in superior thermal stability and mechanical properties compared to conventional alloys. Impurities are minimized.

Properties of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

FeCoNiCrMn powder possesses the following properties:

Onroerend goed Waarde
Dichtheid 8.0-8.3 g/cm3
Smeltpunt 1300-1400 C
Thermische geleidbaarheid 15-25 W/mK
Elektrische resistiviteit 70-90 × 10³ cm²
Elasticiteitsmodulus 200-220 GPa
Poissonconstante 0.28-0.30
Treksterkte 750-1200 MPa
Rekgrens 500-900 MPa
Verlenging 20-35%
Hardheid 35-50 HRC


The properties like strength, ductility, fatigue strength, and hardness are maintained up to temperatures exceeding 1000¡«C.

Production Method for FeCoNiCrMn Powder

Typical production methods for FeCoNiCrMn powder include:

  • Gasverstuiving?- High pressure inert gas used to atomize molten alloy to produce fine spherical powder with good flow and packing density.
  • Verstuiven van water?- High velocity water jet breaks up molten metal stream into fine irregular powder particles. Lower cost but higher oxygen pickup.
  • Mechanische legering?- Kogelmolen van gemengde elementaire poeders gevolgd door sinteren en secundaire atomisering.

Gas atomization provides the best control over powder characteristics like particle size distribution, morphology, purity and microstructure.

Applications of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

FeCoNiCrMn powder is used in high temperature applications including:

  • additive manufacturing?- Selective laser melting to produce complex parts needing exceptional high temperature strength for aerospace, automotive, etc.
  • Thermische spraycoatings?- Wire arc spraying to deposit thick protective coatings providing wear/corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures exceeding 750¡«C.
  • Lasvullermetaal?- For joining high temperature alloys and ceramics due to its oxidation resistance.
  • Lasmaterialen?- Provides excellent weld strength and durability in high temperature or corrosive service conditions.
  • Heat Treatment Fixtures?- Powder metallurgy trays, baskets, fixtures used in heat treatment furnaces.

Specifications of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

FeCoNiCrMn powder is available under various size ranges, shapes, grades and purity levels:

  • Grootte deeltjes:?From 10-45 Ã×m for AM methods, up to 150 Ã×m for thermal spray processes.
  • Morfologie:?Spherical, irregular and blended shapes. Spherical powder provides optimal flow and packing density.
  • Zuiverheid:?From commercial purity to ultra-high purity grades based on stringent chemical analysis and application requirements.
  • Oppervlakte:?Laag oppervlakte geprefereerd om oxidatie te minimaliseren tijdens de handeling en het opbergen
  • Cijfers:?Customized composition and powder characteristics tailored for intended application and processing method.

Global Suppliers of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

Some of the major global suppliers of FeCoNiCrMn powder include:

  • Sandvik Osprey (Verenigd Koninkrijk)
  • Erasteel (Frankrijk)
  • Tekna (Canada)
  • Edgetech Industries (VSA)
  • CNPC Powder (China)
  • Höganäs (Zweden)

These companies produce various grades of FeCoNiCrMn powder using gas atomization, water atomization and mechanical alloying processes tailored for demanding applications.

Pricing of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

FeCoNiCrMn powder prices depend on factors like:

  • Samenstelling, zuiverheidsgraad
  • Grootteverdeling van deeltjes en de vorm
  • Productiemethode
  • Bestelhoeveelheid
  • Producent en geografische ligging
Rang Prijsbereik
Commercieel 100-150 euro per kg
Hoge zuiverheid $150-300 per kg
Ultrafijn $300-500 per kg
Bijzondere klasse $500-1000 per kg


Door gas verstuiven, de deeltjesgrootte controleren, en zeer zuivere poeders vragen een veel hogere prijs vergeleken met commerciële kwaliteiten.

Storage and Handling of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

FeCoNiCrMn powder requires careful storage and handling:

  • Moet worden opgeslagen in verzegelde containers onder inert gas om oxidatie te voorkomen
  • Need to control dust explosion hazards from fine powder accumulation
  • Use proper PPE, ventilation, safety practices during powder handling
  • Voorkom contact tussen poeder en onverenigbare materialen
  • Volg de toepasselijke veiligheidsrichtlijnen die vermeld staan op de veiligheidsinformatiebladen van de leverancier

Proper protective measures are essential when handling this reactive alloy powder.

Inspection and Testing of FeCoNiCrMn Powder

Key quality control tests performed on FeCoNiCrMn powder:

  • Chemische analyse met OES of XRF om de samenstelling binnen de gespecificeerde limieten te garanderen
  • Deeltjesgrootteverdeling door middel van laserdiffractie volgens ASTM B822-norm
  • Morfologische analyse middels SEM-beelden
  • Meting van het poederdebiet volgens ASTM B213-standaard
  • dichtheidsbepaling d.m.v. pycnometrie met helium
  • Verontreinigingsanalyse met ICP-MS
  • Microstructurele karakterisering door XRD-fase-analyse

Uitgebreide tests verifiëren de poederkwaliteit en consistentie voor de beoogde toepassing bij hoge temperaturen.

Comparison Between FeCoNiCrMn and Inconel 718 Powders

FeCoNiCrMn and Inconel 718 powders compared:

Parameter FeCoNiCrMn Inconel 718
Compositie High entropy alloy Ni-Cr-Nb alloy
Kosten Hoger Lager
Sterkte bij hoge temperatuur Heel veel beter Very good up to 700¡«C
Weerstand tegen corrosie Vergelijkbaar Vergelijkbaar
Bewerkbaarheid Gewoonlijk Uitmuntend
TOEPASSINGEN Thermisch spuiten, AM Luchtvaartcomponenten, veren
Beschikbaarheid Gewoonlijk Direct beschikbaar


FeCoNiCrMn offers superior high temperature strength, whereas Inconel 718 has better workability and availability.

FeCoNiCrMn Powder FAQs

Q: How is FeCoNiCrMn powder produced?

A: FeCoNiCrMn powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization and mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization offers the best powder characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications for FeCoNiCrMn powder?

A: Main applications include additive manufacturing, thermal spray coatings, brazing filler material, high temperature welding, powder metallurgy hot work tooling where exceptional high temperature strength is needed.

Vraag: Wat is de aanbevolen deeltjesgrootte voor thermisch spuiten?

A: For most thermal spray processes, a particle size range of 45-150 microns is preferred for FeCoNiCrMn powder to maximize deposition efficiency and coating properties.

Q: Does FeCoNiCrMn powder require special handling precautions?

A: Ja, geschikte beschermingsmaatregelen zijn essentieel bij de behandeling van dit reactieve fijn metaalpoeder, waaronder een inerte atmosfeer, afvoer, ventilatie, PBM.

Q: Where can I buy FeCoNiCrMn powder suitable for additive manufacturing?

A: For AM applications requiring high temperature strength, fine FeCoNiCrMn powder can be purchased from leading manufacturers including Sandvik, Erasteel, Tekna, and Edgetech Industries.

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