Proszek ze stali nierdzewnej 316L dla MIM

Formowanie wtryskowe metali to nowy rodzaj technologii formowania metalurgii proszków. W porównaniu z tradycyjnymi procesami, MIM charakteryzuje się wysoką precyzją, jednolitą strukturą, doskonałą wydajnością i niskimi kosztami produkcji i jest szeroko stosowany. Używany w elektronicznej inżynierii informacyjnej, sprzęcie biomedycznym, sprzęcie biurowym, samochodach, maszynach, przemyśle lotniczym itp. Proszek ze stali nierdzewnej jest jednym...

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Metal injection molding is a new type of powder metallurgy molding technology formed. Compared with traditional processes, MIM has the characteristics of high precision, uniform structure, excellent performance and low production cost, and it is widely used. Used in electronic information engineering, biomedical equipment, office equipment, automobiles, machinery, aerospace, etc.

Stainless steel powder is one of the most used material for MIM. At the same time, it has good high temperature strength performance and excellent work hardening (weak magnetic properties after processing). It can be widely used in electronic information engineering, biomedical equipment, office equipment, automobiles, machinery, aerospace, etc.

Product Specification

Składnik Cr Nie Mo Tak Mn Sure, the text "C" translates to Polish as "Tak."
Standard % 16-18 10-14 2-3 ¨P1 ¨P2 ¨P0.03
Test% 16.43 10.48 2.61 0.36 0.67 0.013
Składnik I'm sorry, but it seems like you only provided a single letter "P." Could you please provide the complete text you'd like me to translate into Polish? The text "S" doesn't provide any context for translation. Could you please provide more information or context so I can assist you better? Ó Fe
Standard % / / / Bal.
Test% 0.006 0.004 0.068 Bal.


Właściwości produktu

  1. Appearance: Grey spherical or nearly spherical powder
  2. Tapping Density: 4.91g/m3
  3. Apparent density: 3.64g/m3
  4. Size: -500mesh
  5. PSD¨éD10=4.605Ã×m, D50=12.16Ã×m, D90=24.45Ã×m

Proszek ze stali nierdzewnej 316L dla MIM


  1. High Sphericity & high flowability;
  2. Low oxygen content. The Oxygen content is 300-800PPM;
  3. Narrow Particle Size Distribution.
Size (um)
Tapping Density (g/cm3)
PSD (um)
D10 D50 D90
D50:13um >4.8 4-5 12.5-13.5 24-27
D50:12um >4.8 3.5-4.5 11.5-12.5 22-26
D50:11um >4.8 3-4.5 10.5-11.5 20-22


Note: Other MIM powders are available upon any customer’s requirements

Proszek ze stali nierdzewnej

Norminal Composition
Sure, the text "C" translates to Polish as "Tak." Tak Cr Nie Mn Mo Cu W V Fe
316L ¨P0.03 ¨P1.00 16.0~18.0 10.0~14.0 ¨P2.00 2.0~3.0 ÿ ÿ Bal.
304L ¨P0.03 ¨P1.00 18.0~20.0 8.0~12.0 ¨P2.00 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Bal.
17-4PH ¨P0,07 ¨P1.00 15.0-17.5 3.0~5.0 ¨P1.00 ÿ 3.00-5.00 ÿ ÿ Bal. NB:0.15~0.45
HK30 0.25~0.35 ¨P1.50 24.0~26.0 19.0~22.0 ¨P2.00 ¨P0.5 ÿ ÿ ÿ Bal.
4340 0.38~0.43 0.15~0.35 0.7~0.9 1.65~2.00 0.6~0.8 0.2~0.3 ÿ ÿ ÿ Bal.
430 ¨P0.12 ¨P0.75 16.0~18.0 ÿ ¨P1.00 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Bal.
440C 0.95~1.25 ¨P1.00 16.0~18.0 ÿ ¨P1.00 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Bal.
440CN 0.95~1.25 ¨P1.00 16.0~18.0 ÿ ¨P1.00 ÿ ¨P0.5 ÿ ÿ Bal.
420J1 0.16~0.25 ¨P1.00 12.0-14.0 ¨P0.6 ¨P1.00 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Bal.
420J2 0.30~0.40 ¨P1.00 12.0-14.0 ¨P0.6 ¨P1.00 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Bal.
S136 0.20~0.45 0.8~1.0 12.0-14.0 ÿ ¨P1.00 ÿ ÿ ÿ 0.15~0.40 Bal.
D2 1.40~1.60 ¨P0.4 11.0~13.0 ÿ ¨P0.6 0.8~1.2 ÿ ÿ 0.2~0.5 Bal.
H11 0.32-0.45 0.6-1 4.7-5.2 ÿ 0.2-0.5 0.8-1.2 ÿ ÿ 0.2-0.6 Bal.
H13 0.32-0.45 0.8-1.2 4.75-5.5 ÿ 0.2-0.5 1.1-1.5 ÿ ÿ 0.8-1.2 Bal.
M2 0.78~0.88 0.2-0.45 3.75-4.5 ÿ 0.15-0.4 4.5-5.5 ÿ 5.5-6.75 1.75-2.2 Bal.
M4 1.25~1.40 0.2-0.45 3.75-4.5 ÿ 0.15-0.4 4.5-5.5 ÿ 5.25~6.5 3.75~4.5 Bal.
T15 1.4-1.6 0.15-0.4 3.75-5 ÿ 0.15-0.4 ÿ ÿ 11.75-13 4.5-5.25 Bal. Co:4.75~5.25



  1. Formowanie wtryskowe (MIM)
  2. Drukowanie 3D
  3. Metalurgia proszków (PM)
  4. Powłoka natryskowa (SP) itp.

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