Stal Maraging 350 Powder

Maraging Steel 350 Powder: Przegląd Maraging Steel 350 Powder to wysoko ceniony stop znany ze swojej wyjątkowej wytrzymałości, twardości i odporności na korozję. Powszechnie stosowany w przemyśle lotniczym, obronnym i motoryzacyjnym, proszek ten odgrywa kluczową rolę w produkcji komponentów wymagających wysokiej wytrzymałości i niezawodności. Kompozycja proszku Maraging Steel 350 jest skrupulatnie wykonana z...

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Maraging Steel 350 Powder: Overview

Stal maraging 350 Powder is a highly regarded alloy known for its exceptional strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance. Widely utilized in aerospace, defense, and automotive industries, this powder plays a crucial role in manufacturing components requiring high strength and reliability.


Maraging Steel 350 Powder is meticulously crafted with precise alloying elements to achieve its outstanding properties:

Element Waga %
Żelazo (Fe) 65.0
Nikiel (Ni) 17.0
Kobalt (Co) 8.0
Molybden (Mo) 4.8
Tytan (Ti) 1.4
Aluminium (Al) 0.10
Węgiel (C) ≤0.03
Krzem (Si) ≤0.10
Mangan (Mn) ≤0.10
Fosfor (P) ≤0.01
Siarka (S) ≤0.01

These alloying elements work synergistically to enhance the alloy’s strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance.


Maraging Steel 350 Powder exhibits remarkable properties essential for demanding applications:

Nieruchomość Wartość
Gęstość 8.0 g/cm³
Odporność na rozciąganie 2070 MPa
Wytrzymałość graniczna 1800 MPa
Wydłużenie 12%
Twardość (HRC) 52 HRC
Temperatura topnienia ~1410°C

These outstanding properties make Maraging Steel 350 Powder suitable for a wide range of applications requiring high strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance.


Maraging Steel 350 Powder finds extensive applications across various industries:

  • Aerospace: aircraft structural components, rocket motor cases
  • Defense: missile and satellite components, armor plating
  • Automotive: high-performance engine components, drive shafts
  • Tooling: injection mold cores, extrusion dies
  • Medycyna: narzędzia chirurgiczne, implanty ortopedyczne

Połączenie jego doskonałych właściwości sprawia, że idealnie nadaje się do krytycznych komponentów poddawanych wysokim naprężeniom i wymagającym środowiskom.

Proces wytwarzania przyrostowego

Maraging Steel 350 Powder is typically produced through gas atomization or plasma atomization processes, resulting in spherical particles suitable for additive manufacturing techniques such as selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM).

Specyfikacja proszku

Maraging Steel 350 Powder is available in various size ranges, morphologies, and quality levels, meeting specific application requirements.

Standardy i oceny

Maraging Steel 350 Powder conforms to industry standards such as AMS 6515 and MIL-S-46850, ensuring its quality and suitability for diverse applications.

Kontrola jakości

Stringent quality control measures are implemented for Maraging Steel 350 Powder, including chemical analysis, particle size analysis, powder morphology assessment, density testing, purity assessment, and oxygen content analysis, to ensure consistency and reliability.

Analiza kosztów

The cost of Maraging Steel 350 Powder varies based on several factors, including order volume, particle size range, powder morphology, purity levels, and manufacturer/distributor margins.

Przechowywanie i obsługa proszków

Proper storage and handling practices are imperative to preserve the integrity of Maraging Steel 350 Powder, including storage in sealed containers in a controlled environment and adherence to appropriate handling protocols.

Zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo

Maraging Steel 350 Powder poses minimal health risks with proper handling, necessitating the utilization of personal protective equipment and adherence to safety protocols during handling and processing.


  1. What are the main advantages of Maraging Steel 350 Powder? Maraging Steel 350 Powder offers exceptional strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance, making it suitable for a wide range of demanding applications in aerospace, defense, and automotive industries.
  2. Can Maraging Steel 350 Powder be used in additive manufacturing? Yes, Maraging Steel 350 Powder is commonly used in additive manufacturing techniques such as selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM) to produce complex components with high strength and reliability.
  3. Is Maraging Steel 350 Powder suitable for aerospace applications? Yes, Maraging Steel 350 Powder is suitable for aerospace applications, including aircraft structural components and rocket motor cases, due to its high strength and toughness.
  4. What are the typical costs associated with Maraging Steel 350 Powder? Costs for Maraging Steel 350 Powder vary based on factors such as volume, particle size range, purity levels, and market conditions.

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